Bishop Desmond Tutu, (1931- ) Nobel Prize for Peace 1984 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Bishop Desmond Tutu Quote “Stability and peace in our land will not come from the barrel of a gun, because peace without justice is an impossibility.”Bishop Desmond Tutu ~ Bishop Desmond Tutu (1931- ) Nobel Prize for Peace 1984 Black , Guns , Justice , Non-Violence , Peace , War Ratings and Comments Reply Mike, Norwalk 1/16/08 The cycle of brutality that is intrinsically started and expanded by government upon its people for control and gain denies justice and stability. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 1/16/08 An unarmed population is a population of serf's. Reply Waffler, Smith, Arkansas 1/16/08 A just society now that is peace. Peace does not come from an armed population but from an organized and just population. Taking up guns against ourselves is suicide. Some call pointing a gun at a law enforcement officer or government "suicide by cop". Mike is on to something. All organizations of man do to some extent take away independent action and freedom. On the other hand there must be some benefits to organization and government or else why do we do it. Reply E Archer, NYC 1/16/08 Using brutality to manage 'peace and stability' is impossible. That doesn't mean humankind must disarm itself of weapons for times of danger and self-defense. War is not stability -- therefore we must be prepared for it while using other measures for managing our daily affairs. There is a distinction there. Reply Anonymous 1/16/08 Reply RobertSRQ 1/16/08 Reply anonymous 3/19/09 this quote is aw3som3!!! Reply Anonymous 11/30/09 SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Bishop Desmond Tutu quote is found in these categories: Black quotes Guns quotes Justice quotes Non-Violence quotes Peace quotes War quotes About Bishop Desmond Tutu Bio of Bishop Desmond Tutu Quotations by Bishop Desmond Tutu Books by/about Bishop Desmond Tutu Bishop Desmond Tutu videos Bishop Desmond Tutu on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Bishop Desmond Tutu