Erich Fromm Quote

“The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots.”

~ Erich Fromm

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Mike, Norwalk

kinda funny, robot slaves would have probably been more accurate.

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Anon    11/25/09

How true, robots only know and do what they're programmed to do and that's what's happening to the average American today. They are blindly doing what their told because they don't have the ability nor the 'other side' of the story to base a decision on and so only know to do what their told to do by those who claim to have all the answers.

J Carlton, Calgary

Would "Consumer Taxpaying Sheep" qualify?

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RBESRQ    11/25/09

They are one of the same

Waffler, Smith

Carlton the other day said that he prefers politics and isms without emotion (that is sentiment). Socialism he says is based on emotion. I suggest that robot like human beings are without emotion, I would prefer the socialist emoting to the fascist robot most days.

warren, olathe

Pretty much the same thing. Fortunately the programing isn't working on everybody.

J Carlton, Calgary

Waffler, you are correct in your reference. The context of my comment was that people envision that socialism works and that it is equally good for "all". I suggest that this particular belief is emotionally based because when stripped of emotional desire, it simply doesn't work. People are generally unwilling to work for things that others are to receive. Socialism, while an emotionally utopian desire, removes motivation and therefore does not function in reality.

J Carlton, Calgary

PS Waffler, I put Fascism and Socialism in the same undesirable category.

Ken, Allyn, WA

Slaves know their condition. Robots have no consciousness or emotion and trudge on until they wear out and break down, most likely to be scavenged for spare parts. Socialism may start out as an emotive response but it quickly devolves into pre-programmed responses with knee-jerk reactions to things that disturbed the program: mindless robots, parroting the party line.

Elisabeth, Astoria, NY



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