George OrwellGeorge Orwell, [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) British author

George Orwell Quote

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”

George OrwellGeorge Orwell
~ George Orwell

his book, '1984', 1949

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

OK, I like it when colored under the broadest of understandings. The occupying statis theocracy infesting this land no longer grants such freedom (In the de jure home of the brave and land of the free, freedom was an inalienable right)

jim k, austin tx

In our current "public education" institutions, some kids graduate having trouble getting "four" but most are close.

Walter Clark, Fullerton CA

Wait a minute Mike....
Look at this from the point of view of a super Stalin. He would agree with it.
Freedom is the ability to say two and two is five.

Mike, Norwalk

Walter, you are right. My "broadest of understandings" didn't exactly (or accurately) address what I was trying to say. More accurately (maybe, maybe not most), freedom is the freedom to be lawful, right, and precisely correct. The occupying statist theocracy, being in the business of religion (marriage, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, punishing those that sin against their / its anti-laws of nature and of nature's God - unlawful canons, etc.) does not recognize or allow unalienable rights and the prosperity that derives therefrom (2+2=4)

Ron w13, Or

I'm going to put it this way, Two, see the letters, what do they represent ? The number 2. Word to flesh. Or I should say flesh to Spirit. Lawful right, precisely correct, is the conduct of seeking after that which good is. In line with correct behavior. Religion as in " Threskeia religious activity is, superficial and they,do not adhere to what they say or say to do ! Doing the opposite. Four =4 is a very prominent number, the number of creation. Close !

Ron w13, Or

Check your prejudice with observation, entrench me not with your laws, I'll not make fun of you, with my liberty.

E Archer, NYC

Sounds like an excerpt from Orwell's 1984 where dissident free-thinkers were psychologically 'conditioned' until they would admit that 2+2=5 -- they were then considered 'cured.' Essentially the freedom to tell the truth is the true test of a free society.


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