Joseph E. StiglitzJoseph E. Stiglitz, (1943-) American economist, public policy analyst, professor

Joseph E. Stiglitz Quote

β€œTo put it baldly, there are two ways to become wealthy: to create wealth or to take wealth away from others. The former adds to society. The latter typically subtracts from it, for in the process of taking it away, wealth gets destroyed. A monopolist who overcharges for his product takes money from those whom he is overcharging and at the same time destroys value. To get his monopoly price, he has to restrict production.”

Joseph E. StiglitzJoseph E. Stiglitz
~ Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Price of Inequality (2012)

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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

The Socialist approach is the only creation of wealth, all other notions are criminal because they a mad violent scramble for the available resources.

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 9/15/22

The socialist approach is enslave the masses, criminally take away a diminished wealth under threat of violence β€” or worse (by example, the 2nd plank of the communist manifesto) and then lie about all the illicit exploits.


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