Junius Quote

“The Liberty of the press is the Palladium of all the civil, political and religious rights of an Englishman.”

~ Junius

London Public Advertiser, 1769

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

I'm not sure Troy and GB were on the same page. The opposite is also accurate, the totalitarian dictates to and, parroted by the press are a downfall concerning the civil, political and religious right of all man kind. A greater palladium of and for every person is language. By way of example: the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land is actively changing the definitions of words, terms and concepts to further ANTI-liberty/natural/ truth/law/rights/love/nobility of man/peace/prosperity/individual sovereignty/justice's advancement. The power of the pen is most effective (especially from the press) when words, terms and concepts are understood at natural law.

Robert, Somewhere in the USA

The trouble is, the Press lost that right sometime ago as they are now the propaganda arm of the CIA/MIC - the real masters behind the curtain.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

In the absence of Virtue and its necessary concomitants, moral authority and courage, freedom of the press assumes the licentious forms with which we are so familiar today.


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