Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 77Posts from cal, Lewisville, Texascal, Lewisville, Texas Next 25 1Reply Cal, Lewisville, Texas 1/30/18 re: John C. Calhoun quote Warren, you are judging the man by today's standards-not the times he lived in. 21Reply Cal, Lewisville, Texas 1/17/18 re: Eric Hoffer quote The most powerful American president ever-LBJ comes to mind. 1 Reply Cal, Lewisville, Texas 12/14/17 re: Rick Gaber quote I never even liked it when my own folks would tell me how they knew what was best for me, much less government. 2 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 11/20/17 re: Justice Robert H. Jackson quote Liberals have broadened our constitution beyond anything it says . Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 11/20/17 re: Harry Browne quote If we must have any government involvement then let it be state and local. Nationalism is dangerous. 3 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 11/17/17 re: Harry Browne quote Perfect quote. Always liked Harry Browne. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 11/17/17 re: Ayn Rand quote The same way I find it. Her quote is accurate. 21Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 11/17/17 re: Adolf Hitler quote He chose the Jews to hate which was justified as far as the Rothschilds were concerned. The mass slaughter of so many others was totally unjustified and most Germans did not know it was happening. 3 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 11/16/17 re: Richard M. Cohen quote First amendment means freedom to inform . He feels it's the freedom to persuade. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 11/2/17 re: Jefferson Davis quote But we do have majority rule . The majority of the supreme court. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 10/25/17 re: John Locke quote I agree with Jim K and will add that each individual must face the consequences of his own choices. 2 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 10/20/17 re: Milton Friedman quote Communist countries are the finest examples of this quote. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 10/20/17 re: Casey Stengel quote It's a true quote as I have ever seen. Wow. I agree with Waffler here. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 10/19/17 re: H. L. Mencken quote Obamacare is a bad mistake. What they will replace it with can only get worse. 2 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 10/18/17 re: Cockrum v. State quote Dick, Ft. Worth, Hitler and Stalin will eagerly take sides with you against this quote. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/25/17 re: Sir Walter Raleigh quote Now we understand why King James had him executed. 3 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/15/17 re: Galileo Galilei quote I'll let you know Mike when I ever figure all this out . Hahaha 4 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/15/17 re: Galileo Galilei quote What's funny Mary is that a Pope in 1972 released him from Purgatory so he can go on to heaven. I'm sure he is glad to know this 330 years after his death. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/15/17 re: William Lloyd Garrison quote Don't need our consent . They will rule over us at gunpoint . 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/15/17 re: Ithiel De Sola Pool quote I remember a bill in the Texas legislature in the 1960's against cussing in a parking lot. Governor Connolly vetoed it. 3 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/15/17 re: Galileo Galilei quote The Pope placed him under house arrest for life because he invented the telescope . He was also forbidden to go to heaven . Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/14/17 re: Robert Y. Hayne quote Josef Stalin and LBJ were lovers of total and complete power . Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/8/17 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote Federal deficit spending is not from lack of revenue, it comes from federal over spending. 3 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 9/1/17 re: Auberon Herbert quote Waffler, it's your brain that is not fully developed and incomplete . 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, Texas 8/22/17 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Now all those on these unconstitutional federal welfare programs feels entitled. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print