Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 52Posts from Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NYDr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY Next 25 Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 7/9/13 re: Raymond Ku quote I wish; unless you can get a legislator to propose such a bill or what ? No mechanism is given for about national public referendum as Iceland has ?...or votes of no confidence as so much of europe has... TPTB greatly fear true democracy/power of the people/"tyranny of the majority"/the true power of LABOR, that's why we have such things as an "electoral college", which does not follow the popular vote on occasion, and unresponsive legislators who seem to be imbued with a totally different calling than their constituencies so often and now runaway corporate and banking crime with no adjudication as the judiciary is "unable" to effect "change". We are overdue for important changes. 1 Reply Dr. Tom Lamar, Keeseville, NY 5/27/13 re: Richard N. Gardner quote we are suffering now, worse and worse 1 Reply Dr. Tom Lamar, Keeseville, NY 5/22/13 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote No kidding ! Governments ROT; that's why they need to be changed more often than diapers ...and for the same reason ! 1Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 7/14/11 re: Edward Ellison quote Only two of the reasons. How about taxing the stuff so these user people contribute to basic maintenance of society and government, as well as a regulatory system to make sure that some of the "stuff" isn't truly dangeous/bogus, regulating imports, etc. Also, if crimes are committed with "injurious" results to others, prosecutions with various sentencing would result, ie. for "driving under the influence...with harm "X" caused ..." Hopeless drug cases would suffer accordingly, and not sap societal strength with most forced to enter some sort of "half-way" house situation IMO, second class citizens that they would be as a result of their own excesses. Certainly nothing analogous to welfare, which I will never voluntarily participate in again, instead choosing my own form of charity as any libertarian would...the minarchist form at least. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 7/13/11 re: Judge James Paine quote I agree with Ron Paul on this one. License and tax all substances of personal abuse with proper warning labels, with SOME counseling if "available", but any problems such personal abuse causes should be born in all cost by those who partake lest they become expensive penal and reparative charges of the state. Their fate and problems are their own until they abrogate the rights of others; it is THEN that the legal system should take over for any crimes against our general population, and leave them to their fates...which they would know well in advance. this holds true for alcohol, tobacco and firearms as well. this is also part of my form of chosen libertarianism is one of minarchism to keep the "huns" out, and little more as possible and practicable Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 7/7/11 re: John Maynard Keynes quote He's always been not just "wrong" about printing "rosebuds while ye may" money, but knew well what he was about bankrupting the world with it's total control as an end in itself for his "chosen" group of UBS, WB, IMF, NWO, Fed, ISAF, etc. They will have totally succeeded when America "defaults" and we are all driven into serfdom, penury and peonage. Congress is so full of contempt and ignorance for even the semi-enlightened American public that they will not obey and prosecute even the Constitution in these monetary matters, ie. Art. 1, sec. 8, par. 6, (counterfeiting), and par. 5, ( "coining" of money, which should be reinterpreted for a GNP based fiat IMO). 1 Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 7/4/11 re: John Adams quote So far, only Jefferson or Jackson should have been President IMO. The rest are some period flavor of NWO, IMF, WB, ISAF, MIC, etc. Switzerland has a republic with a needed twist; a direct public referendum on important issues, but am not sure how they implement it, but of course have no need for the rest of the world's failed attempts at banking, as they have absconded with more than enough for eternal sustenance. I'll bet Phil Gramm is really enjoying his bought and paid for cubicle at UBS these days for getting rid of Glass-Steagal ! Another TARP (2) or QEx anyone? Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 6/27/11 re: Thomas Paine quote We were still of colonial interest to the Brits up through the War of 1812, but on news of the loss of the Battle of Plattsurgh, they immediately sued for peace, beginning our longest such unthreatened period until the Civil war. One might say that this battle ended the entire revolutionary period with the change in British intention, it being the last time the English speaking peoples went to war. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 6/23/11 re: Tom Bethel quote Pretty basic political truth about socialism, but incomplete as there are those human situations that for a short time do need "some" assistance to prevent loss of life, etc., but which must not be allowed to continue in the absence of such "emergancy" or be given to those who receive such will expect it forever and in such amounts as to allow them a "comfortable enough way of life" as welfare at least, which such aid should never be. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 6/23/11 re: Ron Paul quote I am finally hearing him talk REAL sense when it comes to money and it sounds like Dennis Kucinich's idea has really caught his ear; perhaps even to the point of getting rid of the 1/2 of the national debt that is due to the Fed's counterfeiting of the last 100 years, as should be adjudicated on the basis of the Constitution Art. 1, sec. 8, par. 6 (and 5) . I would never have been so bold as to try the 111th's HR6550 as Dennis did...KUDOS and good riddence to the Federal Rerseve private banks, but of course not the regulatory part which will have to be modified a bit when the smoke clears from burning all the Fed's fiat from fractioius, farcical, fiduciary flatulence. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 6/23/11 re: James Dale Davidson quote As a saddened at the knowledge of, but wiser for the dropping out from the Dental medicaid provider program as a general condition of failure of our system of government providing only "bought and paid for votes" in this way IMO, I have finally come to the conclusion that if you give it all away, and become part of the problem, the world loses the icon of success and the very means by which it could be minimally helped to pull itself up by it's own bootstraps, becoming self-supporting and acquiring the skills and pride necessary to keep it so. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 6/20/11 re: David Boaz quote Since when do they follow art.1, sec. 8 anyway? par.5 AND 6 (counterfeiting), as the Fed does? I'm surprised Ron Paul doesn't quote this directly as I fee he should ! Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 6/9/11 re: U. S. Constitution quote They forgot to post art. 1, sect. 8, clause 6; "To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States". I never hear anyone quote this; says it all...and no prosecutions of the Fed YET, but I have some small hope for Ron Paul's quest in his new position. Not even one attourney general speaks to this, or ever has, including our present one of course, as they print away all our savings. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 6/8/11 re: Ayn Rand quote It's a wonder that Greenspan was a "friend" at all with such a statement ! They must have just "partied" together I guess. 1 Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 6/6/11 re: Paul Volcker quote Now that the Fed has so totally failed at it's primary mission of "controlling" inflation, you would think that someone like Ron Paul would finally start to end this radical, usurious period in our banking history, but I await results from his inquiries in his new official capacity, and the actions of others. I wish Kucinich would reintroduce his 111th, HR6550 and get rid of the domestic portion of the national debt at least ! His idea was so dangerous, that they are trying to put him "outofbusiness" by gerrymandering... dirty tricks as usual. 3 Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 5/24/11 re: Edward R. Murrow quote It saddens me to reflect on what it means about human nature, esp. when "bastioned" by religious "righteousness" and bigotry and the ability of the many to be corrupted as Franklin feared. The list of our loss is so large now that I only wish I were young so I could do more to try to restore what we once thought we had but were unsure even then. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 5/23/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote While I often don't agree on all points with Dr. Paul, with these I do. The MIC is simply, thankfully obsolete in it's present form with no real traditional adverary, as China, etal. have wisely decided to put most of their resources into civilian production and will dominate the world with sales of items which help mankind celebrate it's prosperity, not destroy and enslave it with monetary serfdom. As the Anonymous Virginian, in the heart of "military land" notes, there are relationships to our production facilities which must be changed to civilian uses, but his clumsy approach is noted as perhaps egotistical at best. Instead of supposed freedom and democracy, which we are the "model" of, America and the world is getting more domination, monetary subjugation, etc., with the MIC, Federal reserve, wallstreet, k-street crowd as usual, growing like a military-political cancer on America ever since the Civil war as noted by Marine General Smedley Butler in 1877 with his "what the traffic will bear" comments about the price gouging by the MIC. These un-American expatriates, like some former potus, who abscond to South America, etal. are certainly not my idols and I would even like to see Ron Paul go after them with proper retroactive taxation, fees, fines, tariffs, extradition, subpoenas, trial for Iraq, regardless of immunities as we now have the ISAF, etc. along with all those who off-shore, outsource jobs and whole industries draining the country of all it's worth, then declaring to be "too big to fail", and "somehow" legislating bailouts which places the American public in total penury, while making it difficult to re-employ the home-coming soldiers who profess to "protect and defend" our way of life, but to whom fewer and fewer shreds of aid are given when it's time to have a civilian job or retirement as VALID "entitlements", ie. Social Security are raided to their destruction. Medicaid should be less than it is IMO, and somewhat the same for Medicaire, as we all must help pay the price of rebuilding our country before it's too late and we join the 3rd world effect happening globally as we speak. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 4/29/11 re: Paul Laxalt quote After the fall of communism, there was no need for not only such high-handedness as to collection policy, which continues today unabated, but the very reason for such an unbelieveably high rate of taxation begs the question as to it's very existance in the first place, as we won the cold war, and I always assumed the money was mainly needed for defense...and a share of overblown "entitlements", but NOT SS, which is EARNED. That is now the problem; all the EARNERS are being marginalized as the fiat machinery of a punitive and condescending government continue to reward such sloth and mass looting of those who made this country what it once was, with little regard for anything for anything but their ability to barely exist while absconding all real prosperity for servile purposes, both here and abroad, eg. with the likes of the ISAF, threatening and pillaging on a world scale as well. The ultimate argument comes down to their saying that it is a lack of tax revenue (due to "their" unchecked/untaxed major capital flight and investment abroad, while "expatriating" with the double-standard of dual-citizenship in many cases to "protect and defend" their ill gotten fiat gains, eg.TARP, QE monies). The something for nothing crowd has won unless we elect the likes of a Ron Paul or equivalent, cause a real fuss on the world monetary stage and stop our losses before we die on the work-place cross while those like Hillary take our rights away one by one, limiting our actions to that of only humble servants to their machievellian visions and the something-for-nothings continue to pollute our world with growing Malthusian wasteage. I fear for us all. 2 Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 4/27/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote My take is that he is stating an ideal, rather like our 19 century America, where there were no real taxes, people often gave "full tithe" to churches and charities if they could, up to 10% in many cases, and a totally different sort of safety net was in place, deficient as it was compared to today's. Of course we'll never see his idea situation, even to the Libertarian freedom he reflects on, but does not totally follow. His call for personal responsibililty instead of entitlement is laudible, but I fear as I see many at the bottom reflect on this as being their modus operandi due to corporate welfare at the top, both trapping the middle/working classes in peonage as we are suffering with more and more. Added to that, the creation of money must be taken out of private hands, as the primary mission statement of the Federal Reserve has been a total failure, "allowing" inflation of over 95% and threatened to become even worse with "QE" disease. Does anyone honestly believe that the most productive country by far in the history of the world is totally broke into the trillions and how many generations hence due to honest debt generation...and a system that earned that ;money to "loan" to the government first? It is all a lie, as this type of fiat money always has been since the middle ages. Money created as debt is a lie plain and simple, let alone that which is then "loaned" to our government. And if the interest, so important to be paid is mostly given back to the treasury as some claim, then why is it so important to be paid in the first place? The pat answer is that "we owe it to ourselves", a misleading and condescending platitude of the super-rich usury class we all suffer under. The 29,000 pages just "released" by the Fed should show at least some culpability in these directions, but I await expert comment to whit; my degree is in the wrong sector to ultimately matter much. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 4/26/11 re: Ayn Rand quote As much as I abhor her selfishness and cult of "objectivity", I have come to think of it as her reaction to finding our country as bad or worse than that which she left, and unable to affect it, lashed out in as creative and penetrating fashion as she was quite capable of, the only difference between her former and latter life being that in this country it is recognized by TPTB that to get the "electorate" to give up almost everything, they must leave people with just enough for them to think they are "prosperous", when the real bulk of wealth has been stolen from them for "undisclosed purposes" which are however becoming more "transparent" today with the likes of TARP, QE, QE2 and now QE3?. I fear for us all. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 4/21/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote What do you expect for an end game that has taken about 30 Reagan-years to play out? This is the final play, until somebody or the rest of the world, maybe both I'm afraid, and it looks like we are starting to in Wisconson and Benton Harbor, Mich. now in "political martial law" ! 1 Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 4/12/11 re: Dr. Jose Delgado quote And I thought Hitler was bad ! Of course HE wouldn't be so controlled "for some other reason"; great somehow "get rid of" for the sake of all mankind. I wonder how he got so much attention here? Maybe they just couldn't resist trying to figure him out, like a lab rat ? Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 4/4/11 re: Kevin Killion quote Education is such a collective endeavor that I have always felt it must be examined by independent assessment to define any problematic outcomes of sufficiency as to student performance. Both kids and teachers get lazy sometimes; that's easy enough, but when other more sinister factors enter into the equation, the fix gets messy as Wisconson is finding out. 4 Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 3/31/11 re: Christopher Bullock quote Even Ben Franklin said that it would be indeed a punitive government that would impose more than a 10% tax on it's a time when there his Continental was just going out of "fashion" due to the British finally counterfeiting it to effect in the Boston area, where it first failed...but it DID get us through the Revolution as baseless fiat currency, with faith in the nation alone backing it and was widely accepted til then. Private banking fiat systems be damned forever ! 6 Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 3/29/11 re: L. A. Powe, Jr. quote The 10th is one of the keys to our would-be salvation if it could be used to nullify much of the Federal gov.'s "grabs" of power from the states. This same principle could be used in my favorite revamping of the monetary system for a new honest fiat dollar based on the GNP, not thin air as now, with the states keeping the basket of goods representative of all parts of the country and economy, which sounds messy, but then, this IS the most important thing in America besides defense...but you'll never see it, as TFTB will always cause "favor" in printing baseless fiat to our collective detriment as they wish, like TARP, QE2 and soon QE3 ?...and no prosecutions in sight for any of it ! Even heroine judges like Preska, Born and Warren are of no help it seems. RP is one of a few hopes. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print