Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page [321-332] of 332 Hypocrisy quotesHypocrisy QuotesHypocrisy Previous 20 quotes If a law to donate aid to any farmer or cattleman who has had poor crops or lost his cattle comes within the meaning of the phrase “to provide for the General Welfare of the United States,” why should not similar gifts be made to grocers, shopkeepers, miners, and other businessmen who have made losses through financial depression, or to wage earners out of employment? Why is not their property equally within the purview of the General Welfare?~ Charles Warren There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who do not want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.~ Booker T. Washington For the past 30 years our nation’s spent $5 trillion trying to erase poverty, and the result, as you know, is that we didn’t get rid of it at all. In fact, we spread it. We destroyed the self-esteem of millions of people, grinding them down in a welfare system that penalizes moms for wanting to marry the father of their children, and penalizes moms for wanting to save money. Friends, that’s not right.~ J. C. Watts, Jr. Most of the major ills of the world have been caused by well-meaning people who ignored the principle of individual freedom, except as applied to themselves, and who were obsessed with fanatical zeal to improve the lot of mankind.~ Henry Grady Weaver We create the government that screws you, and then you’re supposed to thank us for protecting you from it.~ Vin Weber There is one, and only one, thing in modern society more hideous than crime – namely, repressive justice.~ Simone Weil Moral indignation: jealousy with a halo.~ H. G. Wells [T]hough of all poses a moral pose is the most offensive, still to have a pose at all is something.~ Oscar Wilde You cannot hope to bribe or twist (thank God!) the British journalist. But, seeing what the man will do unbribed, there's no occasion to.~ Humbert Wolfe It is a mindless philosophy that assumes that one's private beliefs have nothing to do with public office. Does it make sense to entrust those who are immoral in private with the power to determine the nation's moral issues and, indeed, its destiny? .... The duplicitous soul of a leader can only make a nation more sophisticated in evil.~ Dr. Ravi Zacharias Asked random questions about the First Amendment and how they would like to have it applied, if you believe in polls at all, the average American wants no part of it. But if you ask, 'What if we threw the Constitution away tomorrow?' the answer is 'No, that would be bad!' But living under the Constitution is another story altogether.~ Frank Zappa The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.~ Frank Zappa Previous 20 quotes Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print