Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 28Posts from AbigailAbigail Next 25 1 Reply Abigail 4/29/23 re: Joan Beck quote me again...sadly it is getting worse than it was in 2011...the Chinese are sending people in thru the Panama Canal...and of course all will be allowed to stay...its the new un—american way. Reply Abigail 7/21/11 re: Judge Ron Greenburg quote Gun Control works. Worked for Stalin. Worked for Mao. Worked for Castro. Worked for Kim. Worked for Lenin. Worked for Hitler. Reply Abigail 7/8/11 re: Thomas Sowell quote As always, Thomas Sowell understands the truth of the nation...and of those willing to hold out their hand for what belongs to their neighbors rather than accept the freedom and liberty that comes with self reliability, self responsibility, self sufficiency, and self respect. 3 Reply Abigail 6/28/11 re: John Adams quote Precisely why we were given "...a republic, madam, if you can keep it..." and not a democracy. We are supposed to be a country based upon rule of law...but those from the highest office down ignore that fact.... Reply Abigail 6/27/11 re: Thomas Paine quote So basically, we have a choice let the corportatists win the next election or vote for the candidate who supports the people and the Constitution--Ron Paul. I continue to talk to people who say, 'we love Ron Paul, but he isn't electible'. I say, change your attitude or lose your country! The rest are part of CFR, or heavily supported by the large corps and environmental agencies. RP is supported by the PEOPLE. Reply Abigail 6/23/11 re: W. H. Chamberlin quote Isn't that the goal of the progressive movement: a strong central government and a population completely dependent upon the the State? Of course, it is the CHANGE promised by the current president. And it is completely contradictory to the rule of law in this republic. As this education system has raised and (un)educated for 30 years those who do not know history, they are rolling over like lapdogs and cheering to be petted on the belly, while those who know the falisy of such promises are sickened to see all that our Founders and forefathers fought for go to hell while the free-est, and most generous nation in the history of the world is dragged into the pit of collectivism or whatever ism is currently removing individual liberty today.-- Reply Abigail 5/30/11 re: National Press Club quote Enabling a Future American Dictator These are truly troubling days for liberty in the United States. Last week the 60 day deadline for the president to gain congressional approval for our military engagement in Libya under the War Powers Resolution came and went. The media scarcely noticed. The bombings continued. We had a hearing on Capitol Hill on the subject, but the administration refuses to bother with the legality of its new war. It is unclear if Mr. Obama will ever obtain congressional consent, and astonishingly it is being argued that he doesn't need it. Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution begs to differ. It clearly states that the power to declare war rests within the legislative branch - the branch closest to the people. The founders were a war-weary people, and the requirement that it would take an act of Congress to go to war was intentional. They believed war was not to be entered into lightly, so they resisted granting such decision making authority to one person. They objected to absolute warmaking power granted to Kings. It would be incredibly nave to think a dictator could not or would not wrest power in this country. Our Presidents can now, on their own: order assassinations, including American citizens; operate secret military tribunals; engage in torture; enforce indefinite imprisonment without due process; order searches and seizures without proper warrants, gutting the 4th Amendment; ignore the 60 day rule for reporting to the Congress the nature of any military operations as required by the War Power Resolution; continue the Patriot Act abuses without oversight; wage war at will; and treat all Americans as suspected terrorists at airports with TSA groping and nude x-rays. Americans who are not alarmed by all of this are either not paying close attention, or are too trusting of current government officials to be concerned. Those in power right now might be trustworthy, upstanding people. But what of the leaders of the future? They will inherit all the additional powers we cede to the current position holders. Can we trust that they will not take advantage? Today's best intentions create loopholes and opportunities for tomorrow's tyrants. Perhaps the most troubling power grab of late is the mission creep associated with the 9/11 attacks and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Initiated as targeted strikes against the perpetrators of 9/11, a decade later we are still at war. With whom? Last week Congress passed a Defense Authorization bill with some very disturbing language that explicitly extends the president's war powers to just about anybody. Section 1034 of that bill states that we are at war with the Taliban, al Qaeda, and associated forces. Who are the associated forces? It also includes anyone who has supported hostilities in aid of an organization that substantially supports these associated forces. This authorization is not limited by geography, and it has no sunset provision. It doesn't matter if these associated forces are American citizens. Your constitutional rights no longer apply when the United States is "at war" with you. Would it be so hard for someone in the government to target a political enemy and connect them to al Qaeda, however tenuously, and have them declared an associated force? My colleague Congressman Justin Amash spearheaded an effort to have this troubling language removed, but unfortunately it failed by a vote of 234 to 187. It is unfortunate indeed, that so many in Congress accept unlimited warmaking authority in the hands of the executive branch. Texas Straight Talk Ron Paul....right again Reply Abigail 5/30/11 re: National Press Club quote There is a reason it says to only click once...and we are not being represented anymore at a federal level. Join for it is an attempt to reconnect with our founding principles...lost with the giving up of power in the congress to the executive branch. Tyranny is the absence of balance of power. Reply Abigail 5/30/11 re: National Press Club quote EDUCATE YOURSELF We just lost our freedom!!!! We are no longer being served....we are being ruled!!!! Reply Abigail 5/30/11 re: National Press Club quote From: The End of America--- 10 steps that close an open society . 1. invoke an internal and external threat . People who are afraid are willing to do things that they wouldn’t otherwise do. 2. establish secret (unaccountable) prisons where torture takes place. In a secret system, the government does not have to provide any proof of wrongdoing by those it holds, so it can incarcerate anyone it wants. 3. develop a paramilitary force . A private military force — under the exclusive direction of the “commander in chief” with no accountability to Congress, the courts, or the public — blurs the line between a civilian police force and a militarized police state. 4. surveil ordinary citizens. People who believe they are being watched are less likely to voice opposition. To scare a population into silence, the government need only monitor the activities of a few to make everyone fear that they are being surveilled. Every closed society keeps a “list” of so-called opponents it tracks. 5. infiltrate citizen’s groups. Spies in activist groups put psychological pressure on genuine activists by undermining their trust in one another. They may also disrupt legal activities, undermining the effectiveness of group efforts. 6. detain and release ordinary citizens . Detention intimidates or psychologically damages those arrested and also lets everyone know that anyone could be labeled an “enemy combatant” and “disappeared.” 7. target key individuals . People are less likely to speak out when those who are highly visible, like journalists, scholars, artists, or celebrities, are intimidated or have their livelihoods threatened. Targeting those who are especially visible makes it less likely that people will speak out and robs society of leaders and others who might inspire opposition. 8. restrict the press. The public is less likely to find out about government wrongdoing if the government can threaten to prosecute anyone who publishes or broadcasts reports that are critical of the government. 9. recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason . People who protest can be charged with terrorism or treason when laws criminalize or limit free speech rather than protect it. 10. subvert the rule of law . The disappearance of checks and balances makes it easier to declare martial law, especially if the judiciary branch continues to exercise authority over individuals but has no authority over the Executive branch. 2 Reply Abigail 5/10/11 re: William Havard quote We are working on that daily, and with your help....we may succeed. There are great programs to take your children to if you lack skill. There is a Constitution Day, Constitution and Country, and many Republican Women's clubs teach the history of our Nation...the real must look these history filled events up...they won't get it at the July 4th Parade...most bystanders won't even accept a US Constitution when offered as they walk by...that has been my experience. It is the second greatest book(let) ever written. Reply Abigail 5/4/11 re: Unknown quote oh brother...and on the heels of a killing and war in 3 countries...cartels from Mex, oppressions in many countries... dream on dream on. Man's inhumanity towords man is a dream...and how often do we awaken and find a dream come true? Baa Baa It might make a good song tho 3 Reply Abigail 4/28/11 re: Joan Beck quote Yes, you can support the Constitutional Sheriffs Convention that is being organized by Sherif Richard Mack (who sued the Federal Government over the Brady Bill and the 10th Amentment and won in the Supreme court). He is teaching the Sheriff's the US Constitution and why they gave an Oath of Office. This is a perfect place to start, with your county sheriff...because that is who can tell the feds they are over-stepping their bounds. email: phone: 928.432.3511 P.O. Box 971 Pima, AZ 85543 Get on board, this must be a short trainride. Reply Abigail 2/9/11 re: Charles DeGaulle quote I like the statement from J Carlton...because it says more...and has more meaning. Reply Abigail 1/26/11 re: John R. Lott, Jr. quote Yeah, or they can drive over you with car, or hit you with a baseball bat or a frying pan, or drop drugs in your coffee, or beat you with a broom handle, or...are you getting the point Marie...people kill people with lots of things if they are willing to KILL. Getting 'really mad' is not a reason to shoot anyone...that is beyond sanity... Reply Abigail 11/25/10 re: Robert W. Lee quote I don't. Reply Abigail 11/25/10 re: Thomas Paine quote We have just begun...and will continue...for we are many and growing in strength and number. Sovereignty... 1 Reply Abigail 7/9/10 re: Grover Cleveland quote And the people helped one another. That is the history. We are soon to be discouraged from helping for the tax deduction for charities will be reduced or eliminated. This is by design! Why is that so difficult to see? Reply Abigail 7/9/10 re: Epicurus quote self reliability+self responsibility+self sufficiency=self respect&freedom 3 Reply Abigail 7/2/10 re: Baruch Spinoza quote We are just beginning to experience real tyranny. It began with the health care bill that the people clearly did not want and which is clearly unconstitutional. It continues when the president steps on the US Constitution and does the things that are designed to be done by other branches of we see with BP...he completely bypassed he judicial branch that should have had the last word in what the liablities were/are. We feel it when we can get no response from our representatives or the opposite response from what we wish on a very large scale, ie: amnesty/borders. We see our representatives favoring anyone and anything other than the citizens of this country that voted them into office. When you have a congress person, like say, Jan Schakowsky who voted to support the United States Constitution and your freedom 5% of the time in 2009, that is tyranny (from The Freedom Index 12-7-09), and not to pick on her specifically except as an example, for there are 77 Senators that voted in support of the US Constitution in 2009 less that 75% of the time and 314 House members that voted to support the US Constitution under 75% of the time. Clearly your individual liberty is not being looked out for. Clearly these people have an agenda and that agenda is to control the masses with rules that 'are for their own good' and whether the masses like it or not. When I have to purchase a product against my will...that will be tyranny... Reply Abigail 6/29/10 re: Lord Acton quote We need bumper sticker and signatures on emails so that we can spread this around to those who learn only by sight...often the tv...but maybe bumperstickers when they drive. It certainly won't be mentioned in schools in this country.... 1 Reply Abigail 6/29/10 re: Baruch Spinoza quote So it was, but will it remain? I feel fear for my country right now. Reply Abigail 6/24/10 re: Isidor Issac Rabi quote Judith, you missed the point..but alas.... 1 Reply Abigail 6/24/10 re: Herbert Spencer quote The truth IS bad. LOOK all AROUND US. And to get to the truth would require study and action. And to repair the current truth with a better one will require action. Head in sand. Head in sand. But I will stand. Until my body is buried in sand. Reply Abigail 6/23/10 re: Alexander Hamilton quote And safety from internal danger...? Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print