Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 8359Posts from E Archer, NYCE Archer, NYC Next 25 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 2/13/25 re: John P. Reid quote Government restraint is long gone, if it ever was.... but I must say, now in 2025, I've never in all my days seen such a concerted effort to reign in the government by our elected leaders. Of course the good ol' boys and girls are screaming bloody murder — "It's a Constitutional Crisis, we are losing our democracy!" Ha! 'Their' democracy is simply their power — good riddance. Our Constitutional Republic has never been in better hands! (and it's only been 3 weeks!) 1 Reply E Archer, NYC RBESRQ (2/12/25) Robert, it is self-evident that the universe, the stars, the planets, the living creatures, plants, animals and people are 'created' (manifested, evolved, came into being, whatever) intelligently. There is no evidence that mankind just evolved from the soup without a design process. DNA is intelligently designed — it is not random, it is a program for life. The periodic table stands as a testament to the building blocks and the natural order of the physical word and how their interactions create mass and energy in proper forms and order. The universe is highly ordered — intelligently ordered. All atheism can claim is that you do not believe but have no evidence on how the Creation happens without intelligence. Taken to the extreme, an electric Tesla car was not designed by intelligent design but by random selection. Impossible.What the atheists dare not consider is "what if I am wrong?" It is an arrogance and narcissism that all can see that KNOW — yes, we KNOW because the Truth is self-evident, no matter how old or young, whether college educated or not, we KNOW because the truth has simply been revealed and is self-evident.Mock us all you like, you will be wrong, point to how we are hypocrites and you will very well be right, but it doesn't change the Truth. When you are ready to accept the truth and drop your weapons and end your war, you may come to know the love that is the basis of all. I know you to be compassionate but with conditions. Let it all go and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Cheers! 1 Reply E Archer, NYC RBESRQ (2/12/25) It's finally happening, Robert. The corruption is being routed out and those screaming the loudest are giving themselves away and revealing further that classic tactics for Congressmen and woman to skimp the cream off the top and get their campaigns financed by those they grant money to — often without oversight or even lawfully allocated — are being exposed. The RINOs are keeping relatively quiet for fear of losing their seats, but we've got to get rid of them too. It's only been 3 weeks but it has been glorious! Never in American history has this been done before. And we have Elon Musk to thank for showing us how its done, as he reduced his Twitter staff by 80% with hardly a blip to service. We also should show a debt of gratitute to Argentina's Javier Milei for getting the ball rolling and showing us it can be done. And don't forget the example of Nayib Bukele who rounded up 40,000 gang members, reduced crime to near zero, and now allows Bitcoin to be used as currency in El Salvador — no central bank for him!Wow, finally somebody's listening and I knew it would come from outside the Deep State because they have no need to reform themselves from their criminality.It's happening people! Let's do a full audit of the Federal Reserve, too, and Elon can explain to the world how the racket works! 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 2/11/25 re: Milton Friedman quote Wow, in 2025, Americans are seeing perhaps for the first time true fiscal reform with the dismantling of USAID and other slush funds that continue to disperse funds automatically long after their temporary status has expired. We are finally seeing how the Deep State runs, and it is glorious to see the Leviathon squirm as we cut off it's food supply — starve the Beast! 1 Reply E Archer, NYC RBESRQ (2/11/25) I don't think there were more radical libertarians than the Continental Congress of 1776. For the first time in centuries, the people declared their sovereignty from kings and Caesars. Ever since, America has been the target of those that wish to rule the world and make all people subjects to their will. Unfortunately, most Americans have been tricked into subservience to a de facto statism that lays claim to everyone and everything. If it weren't for 'radical' libertarians, there would be no Liberty at all. Reply E Archer, NYC E Archer, NYC (2/10/25) Will we ever learn? 1 Reply E Archer, NYC Mike, Norwalk (2/10/25) That's it right there, Mike! 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 2/10/25 re: Benjamin Franklin quote We've come a long way, baby! It's a shame that both church and state have been turned upside down and shaken from their true foundations. Nothing but a return to fundamentals is needed — a monumental task indeed, but if the media's talking heads would but spend one week reminding the people the true nature of republican government, the history of the statist take-over, the theft of the rights of the people to the land, to the fruits of their labors, to their speech, to their religion, to their LIBERTY, the lines would be drawn and we would finally know who the enemies of freedom are (many of us know already).The Truth is not broadcast — it must be sought diligently, beginning within ourselves. As we sow shall shall we reap, and we have sown a great deal of discord, deceit and division — enough so that the youth see nothing but hypocrisy, and rightfully so, and have fallen victim to the lies of secular collectivism so-called 'democracy.' This is all by design by those that wish to rule over us. But the Truth cannot be destroyed. We may try to ridicule it, mock it, bind it, punish it, crucify it, but it is indestructible. When we end our war against 'the Way' our chains will be broken — and no sooner. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Have courage and KNOW, stand up as if your life and the lives of your children and every generation that follows depends on it — because it does. If we cannot see that we are headed in the wrong direction, what can save us from ourselves? Indeed, this is the wake-up call (again)! Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/8/25) As has already been clearly demonstrated, your ideology is neither original nor unheard of. Neither do you make an argument, just assertions without substance or merit. Your vague platitudes are illusory — and dare I say delusionary. Where is your evidence? You can't even define your 'socialism' beyond abstractions. If you have been misrepresented, then do better at representing. It is no surprise that you find yourself alone — even Jesus had disciples. You will not establish anything, I'm sorry. Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/8/25) If you won't accept artificial intelligence's word for it, try REAL intelligence. May the Truth make itself known to you and make you free. Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/7/25) A 'properly coordinated technocracy' is NOT what is wanted or needed. 1 Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/7/25) Good grief, keep Fred away from my children ... 1 Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/7/25) Again, no details. FYI, I took my own advice and asked ChatGPT to ask me some questions to determine my political ideology and general philosophy. I got a very detailed report after answering the questions. In summary, Your views align most closely with Classical Liberalism, Libertarian Constitutionalism, and Civic Republicanism with an emphasis on natural rights, decentralized governance, free markets, and personal responsibility. Your economic philosophy is sound money-oriented and anti-central banking, and you have a deep commitment to individual liberty, self-governance, and limited government intervention.Additionally, your metaphysical perspective suggests a belief in a higher order to the universe, possibly a divine intelligence or God, and the idea that moral laws are self-enforcing through cause and effect ("as you sow, so shall you reap"). Then I submitted your post "The state is in a eternal challenge to reach a state of positive, productive order. The state is continuously striving to find the behavior that will encourage and facilitate the dimension of life. Proper messaging and coordination are continual sought, identified, and disseminated." and asked it to classify what ideology you were likely to hold. ;-) Fred's statement is quite abstract and somewhat vague, but based on the wording, I would classify his ideology as statist, technocratic, and potentially collectivist in nature. Here’s a breakdown of what his statement suggests and possible interpretations:... suggests a belief in the state as a central force for societal progress.... The phrase “eternal challenge” implies perpetual state-driven optimization, which aligns with technocratic governance—a belief that the state must constantly adjust policies to refine and perfect social organization.... implies that the state should be involved in shaping behavior, possibly through policies, incentives, or social engineering.... The use of “striving” suggests an ongoing, interventionist approach to governance.... suggests a strong role for the state in information control, messaging, and propaganda.... “Proper messaging” implies that the state must define and control narratives.... “Coordination” suggests a top-down approach, where the state ensures that society aligns with a defined objective.... Based on these interpretations, Fred’s views align with some form of statism, but the exact type depends on his other beliefs[which could include] Technocracy, Soft Authoritarianism / Managerial Statism, Mild Collectivism, and Orwellian Newspeak.I couldn't agree more! 2 Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/6/25) Just repeating the same jargon doesn't make it any more understandable. Not specific at all."The state is in a[n] eternal challenge to reach a state of positive, productive order." The 'state' is a strawman — this is a collectivist/statist view. 'We the People' comprise the nation and have chartered a limited government for the mutual protection of our natural-born rights from those that wish to usurp them (like your 'state') whether foreign or domestic.Define a "state of positive, productive order." Sounds just like every communist leader."The state is continuously striving to find the behavior that will encourage and facilitate the dimension of life." What happens when the government (the state) 'finds' the behavior they seek? Whose behavior? What behavior? How will this behavior be enforced upon We the People? Who has authorized the state with the power to impose the behavior? Remember that 'the state' is just a coterie of other people, they are not meant to be all-powerful beings seeking to find the best way to be and then impose it upon the rest of us. WE THE PEOPLE shall pursue our own happiness individually and in our own way. We are not to be dictated to by the likes of 'the state'. Sheesh, your utopian state is nothing but a Caesar "continuously striving." What is, specifically, "the dimension of life"? How does the state "encourage and facilitate" it? Give me an example, this is WAY too vague. "Proper messaging and coordination are continual[ly] sought, identified, and disseminated." Again, vague and without substance. Give me an example of "proper messaging" vs "improper messaging." Do you simply mean 'messaging'? How, via a free press or the state or from the common man? From whom is the messaging to originate and to whom is it to be directed. You are living in a dream world, Fred. Get your head out of the clouds, and get off your high horse and join the rest of us. For goodness sakes, your hubris in uncanny. 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 2/6/25 re: George S. Boutwell quote Some say the Civil War was really the war against the Rothschild central banking cartel that ruled then and today. When Lincoln refused their paper money at interest and then printed the Greenbacks interest-free, the USA was not beholden to a foreign power to issue currency when needed — just as had been done by the colonies when they separated from the British Crown. Few understand that the ultimate power in the world is to issue currency for a nation, and most every nation in the world is in debt to private central banks that are accountable to no one. Lincoln may very well have been assassinated for creating the Greenbacks, for it would be decades before the banking cartel could pass the Federal Reserve Act thus capturing the US monetary power, making subjects of us all, especially the US government. If there ever be a World War 3, let it be over the rights of nations to issue their own currencies interest-free and end this economic slavery once and for all. 1 Reply E Archer, NYC Jim, Binghamton (2/6/25) Ah, those were the days, eh, of Ron Paul! If only Donald Trump had the same understanding of economics as Ron Paul and was a bit more Libertarian, then this really would be the Golden Age.Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard, Trump could put us back on! 2 Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/5/25) Again, you fail to define 'appropriate' or 'civilized' by using introducing new jargon. What is a 'dimension of life'? What 'promotes' it? This is what I am talking about. This is pseudointellectualism. Be specific, give examples, PROVE it. It's not enough to just declare your bloated sophistry as fact. Sheesh.. This is exactly what Kamala Harris would do when answering questions — when you take her answers apart they say nothing, just deflect until the next question comes up.Try this: go to, ask it to rephrase your response and then ask it what, if any, are the arguments you are making. Then see if anyone but you understands what you are talking about. Ask ChatGPT what political ideologies do your words most align with — don't take my word for it.Ask ChatGPT to ask you a series of questions to determine your political ideology and general philosophy, then answer them and let me know what it says. Maybe AI can figure it out, because no one else here can. 1 Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/4/25) No Reply E Archer, NYC Abby (2/4/25) Will the Republican Congress now finally dissolve The Department of Education and return the power back to the States? 1 Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/4/25) What does any of that have to do with liberty, Fred? You're talking about POWER being transferred from those that have it to those that don't. Your technocratic utopia will have a perpetual cost. BTW simply stating what "we need" are not solutions, it's just a politician's trick to foment anger and covetness. And who shall have the power to command those with the most power? A dictator! Sheesh. Get it through that thick skull of yours that these great ideas of yours will meet resistance, and who has the power to implement them will become the most powerful in the world. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.Besides, not everyone agrees, so stop stirring the pot already. 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 2/4/25 re: Aristotle quote You cannot have democratic processes if one is not free to speak or vote freely — otherwise it's a sham. Voting the liberties away from the 'minority' is the inherent corruption of a democratic state that places no guardrails on the rights of the people at large. Some things just are not up for vote or legislation. 2 Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/4/25) Classic generalizations aimed at feeble and unthinking minds, Fred. What is "appropriate"? Who determines it? What is "civilized"? Who defines it? This is what wars are fought over — the details. Typical politico-speak. Now you try to best Aristotle! Gee, you must be the wisest man in the world — for you have not agreed with a single quote on this blog yet. Let that sink in... Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/3/25) No, sir, I am neither 'Mr. Businessman' nor friendless. I am blessed with many, many friends and family that I love and love me. We vary in interests, politics, occupations, and live all over. But we are family even if not related. Because we don't all agree, we respect each other. And because we have not authority to force our will upon each other, we let each other do as they see fit while respecting others do the same. We're all different ages, have different levels of wealth and property. But happy are we when we are together, sharing our stories, our recipes, our discoveries. We might even disagree from time time, but we would never let that get in the way of our bonds. Is this socialism? 1 Reply E Archer, NYC 1/31/25 re: Joseph Paul Goebbels quote If you are the only true socialist, who is "we' when you say "we can change you into adults"? Who do you have with you? From your own admission, women want nothing to do with you, so there goes 50% of the world's population. You couldn't convince your family — sounds like you judged them pretty harshly from a very conceited point of view. You clam to be practicing love and friendship, but call everyone a mentally ill child — I doubt you can count your friends on one hand.I am not human? I'm Mr. Businessman? ;-) Hilarious! Is that what you have concluded after 4 years of my comments on Liberty, gratitude, a republican form of government, mutual respect of each others' inborn rights, taking responsibility for oneself, live and let live, acknowledging one's wholeness and the value of a spiritual path to "know thyself"? You don't know me. I doubt you can ever know anyone with that kind of attitude. Everyone in this world needs to love and be loved, and in that regard you sure sound like you have a long way to go. And that is heart-breaking. Reply E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (1/31/25) Fred, I disagree with your claim to be THE one and only socialist. Who then are the hundreds of millions of those that claim to be socialists? There must be hundreds if not thousands of socialist parties in the world today — and none of them are real socialists? Your definition of socialism is a hodge-podge of traditional socialist ideologies intermixed with Christian ideals minus the acknowledgement of God and the immutable rights that are in born and never subject to a vote. From where will your socialist 'laws' come? Is there any limit or check upon them? If you are the only true socialist, are you then the de facto leader of true socialism? Are you the Führer or Premier or Czar? Where do the rest of us fit into your utopia? Do we have any choices? Sorry, but what you rant on day in and day out is just not understandable. But maybe it's just because you are so brilliant — like a Nero or others that claim to be above everyone else, the only sane voice in a world of 'mentally ill' useless eaters. Sounds pretty socialist to me ... Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print