Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 3602Posts from J Carlton, CalgaryJ Carlton, Calgary Next 25 4 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/9/18 re: The Times of London quote The Central Bank(s) are the greatest fraud in history. We are economic slaves because of it to this day.It would be nice to know the year of this quote. 3 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 10/26/16 re: The Prisoner quote The source is irrelevant. The words themselves experess an idea that should be heeded and understood. Save for the very miserable, this is an easy quote for people to understand. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 5/20/14 re: Jessica Mitford quote When the American flag is considered racist and tens of thousands of illegal alien criminals are released into the population to commit more murders and rapes ... that's when! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 4/29/14 re: Matt Kibbe quote The noblest of thoughts. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 1/28/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote We must protect for others the same principles of freedom and liberty we require for ourselves. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 1/27/14 re: Ramsey Clark quote Fact! 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 1/20/14 re: Carl Gustav Jung quote Seems to help explain the Government / Media (same thing) sponsored attacks on all things Christian, Patriotic American, Constitutional, Privacy Oriented, Bill of Rights, Education ..... Reply J Carlton, Calgary 1/16/14 re: John Adams quote I'm not sure I get Adams take here ... he was himself a devout Christian. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 1/9/14 re: Robert Bork quote I equate happiness to freedom. I can not be made happier by anything the government does, but I would be very happy about having a justice system as opposed to a system of vague laws that are up for "interpretation" on any given day. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 1/8/14 re: Eric Idle quote George Carlin used the stage as a pulpit to bring awareness to people. He was very good at it too. 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 1/7/14 re: H. L. Mencken quote Which describes the gong show that is our "Democracy". We have self serving politicians selling us down the road to corporatism and globalism. They don't care at all for our sovereignty or the autonomy of the nation...the whole thing is a fire sale...but we get to "vote" for it....nice! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/31/13 re: Peyton Conway March quote Freedom can only be shared with others of a like mind. Correspondingly, all interested parties need to jealously guard their "rights" to freedom, for themselves and for each other. 21Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/24/13 re: Confucius quote This explains why Political Correctness is entirely misleading and its end result. 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/18/13 re: Samuel Adams quote Amen that, Mike. For those with the eyes to see.... Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/17/13 re: Charles Dickens quote For some reason my first thought was of the Reverend Al Gore and his Church of Doom. Hey Al! The temperature hasn't changed for 17 years now...the ice packs are expanding again...and you're still making a ton of money on carbon exchange....hmmm. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/12/13 re: Justice William O. Douglas quote The function of free speech under our system of government today is to get yourself put on a watch list and considered a possible domestic terrorist. After all...the authoritarian regimes of the day are "terrified" that there may be dissent. You're either a compliant sheep...or your against us! LOL Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/12/13 re: John Leo quote How about a basic justice system that's actually enforced? Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/11/13 re: Juvenal quote We will watch them until they start doing more than watching...then we will react in kind. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/11/13 re: David Carr quote And this will remain true as long as we have the internet. We had better use it to educate people about the creeping Globalism / Communism infesting the west. 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/9/13 re: Nelson Mandela quote Mandela was a murdering terrorist. He was offered amnesty if only he would renounce violence, he refused. His African National Congress then proceeded to set up torture and murder camps in sweet and noble a man was Nelson Mandela. Winnie, his dear wife was fond of necklacing people...that where you put a tire around someone's body, fill it with gasoline and set it on fire. What big hearted Samaritans these two really were...And they've left behind a legacy of socialism and all means let's raise these people to the status of fits right in with how absolutely twisted the minds of people have become. Love does come more naturally to the heart...but not Mandela's, he was a murderer. 4 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/9/13 re: Justice William O. Douglas quote Gee that wasn't very "Politically Correct" was it? LOL 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/5/13 re: Immanuel Kant quote It's one thing to be compelled by morality or a system of justice's quite another to be compelled by innumerable and idiotic laws of control and coercion that are poorly written and randomly enforced...the system sucks, and it has to change....BACK to Constitutional values. :-) 3 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/5/13 re: George D. Herron quote Power corrupts...which is why the US Constitution was designed to hold the rights of the individual above all else. 3 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/5/13 re: Cicero quote Gee Kate...are you suggesting we tear down those who work for what they have? What is your point? Cicero was brilliant no matter his station. That kind of wisdom applies to this day. But I guess now that England like so many other places is populated by socialist sheep..."thinking" in terms of freedom and independence is beyond most people.... 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/5/13 re: Immanuel Kant quote I found a symbol dating to about 4200 BC called an Ama Gi, It literally means liberty in its original cuneiform. This tells me that this has been on the minds of men since the first forms of writing. I had a bunch of these symbols made and there is one in the back window of my truck...right next to the Browning Deer Logo....another symbol of freedom. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print