Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 1299Posts from jim k, Austin, Txjim k, Austin, Tx Next 25 1 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/7/14 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote Zero stars for Tammy and 5 stars for Mike Murray. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/7/14 re: Dennis Cauchon quote "Truism" it may be but it's true and accurate and I give it 5 stars. 1 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/6/14 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote Treat others as you would expect to be treated. Unless you are a masochist. 1 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/6/14 re: Gaius Julius Caesar quote The urge to "save" the world is usually a plan to control it. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/6/14 re: Frederic Bastiat quote The liberal mind is a thing to behold. They seem to believe that the rich got that way stealing from the poor. This , of course, is nonsense. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/4/14 re: Sir Francis Bacon quote ....and ignorance is bliss. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/3/14 re: Walter Williams quote I'd vote for Water Williams or Thomas Sowell for president in a minute. I wouldn't care who was running against them. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/3/14 re: Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi quote E Archer is right on. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 2/3/14 re: John Adams quote We don't really own our property., we lease it from the county. If I don't pay my property taxes the county takes my home. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/31/14 re: Ralph Waldo Emerson quote A good example of this quote was when FDR had a law passed requiring people to turn in their gold to the bank for paper money. This was the greatest con job in history and folks fell for it. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/31/14 re: Mark Twain quote Twain usually gets it right and with humor. 1 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/30/14 re: Lyndon B. Johnson quote Read a "Texan Looks at Lyndon" and you will see a great politician and major crook in action. It's out of print but most likely available on Amazon. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/30/14 re: Jonathan Swift quote True in the 1700 hundreds as well as today. 4 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/30/14 re: John Stuart Mill quote Protection from the majority as well as the minority. 4 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/29/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote E Archer made a great point about debt. Debt is slavery . Don't complain about interest on the credit card, pay it off monthly and there won't be any interest. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/29/14 re: Henry David Thoreau quote The state is the evil. 3 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/27/14 re: Epictetus quote As long as we don't hurt anyone. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/24/14 re: Dante Alighieri quote The only political party to believe in freedom of choice is the libertarion party. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/23/14 re: Mark Twain quote "Persons chosen by the people to distribute the graft". This quote from Mark Twain was a description of public servants. 1 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/23/14 re: Father Robert F. Capon quote Maybe that would be an improvement. 3 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/22/14 re: Salvador De Madariaga quote When you get out of solitary confinement and get to go back to the prison yard, you ain't free. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/22/14 re: Eric Hoffer quote Ever notice when environmentalists predict the end of the world, it's always in 50 years or and they won't be around to see that it hasn't happened. 1 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/22/14 re: Bertrand Russell quote And if some government doctrine is dead wrong, just throw more money at it. Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/21/14 re: Harry S. Truman quote I left out North Korea, a very efficient government. 1 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 1/21/14 re: Jimmy Durante quote Anonymous, Reston, I believe that this means to quit interfering in others business unless invited. This is why I'm a Libertarian and believe in "Live and Let Live". Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print