Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [101-125] of 811Posts from AnonAnon Previous 25 Next 25 3 Reply Anon 4/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Waffler, yes I do have faith and optimism but wall street is not the only place Americans need to cleanup as well. For instance, the left and right sides of both political parties who, like the wall street yes men are just doing what the real bosses of politics and commerce are the elite of the banking industry. Through their power over money and the production of it they are the real enemy of America. Thanks for the compliment Waffler, it's not often I get one from you. Reply Anon 4/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote This country is full of power control junkies who are not happy unless they are controlling something even if it's a McDonalds managerial positiion all the way to some corporate CEO involving billions of federal debt notes. It is the continuing competition in these halls of power grabbing that marks our country for it's coming dowfall. Stocks up? Suck it up, as this is just what they expect. This administration has nothing but the best for you and your family. HaHa. 4 Reply Anon 4/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote A plea to the future 11 years after the D.O. I in 1787 during the year the Constitution becomes ratified? No, not a plea, but a positive statement with a staunch faith in Americans of the time will continue to do what it takes to keep americans free. Let's not let our forefathers down. 3 Reply Anon 4/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The importance of knowledge both good and bad is essential and none of it should ever be buried and kept from anyone. Yes Maggie, that is the mass media's job, to keep your mind and others of course, occupied while the real stuff goes straightinto the shredded left to patriot news sourced to print the truth. 3 Reply Anon 4/22/10 re: Archibald MacLeish quote Waffler, if anybody has their head buried in the sand it is you. Your words ---- Actually forget it, just go back and read your entire post over again and your idiocy jumps right out at anybody with a half of a brain that has even been taught a minimum about our constitution and the reason for it. Maybe you should have a word with the guy who digs your head out every time and he could give it a miss one morning. 1 Reply Anon 4/22/10 re: Archibald MacLeish quote Mike, thanks for the text as it reinforces my idea of the type of man you are and I.m glad to say I agree with you and in many ways we are alike. I understand getting out of the boat we're in is not the easiest thing to accomplish but don't stop looking for that way, It is there! Thanks again. 1 Reply Anon 4/21/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Obviously Jefferson believed there'd be enough rebellion to keep America going for a long time. Thus he was wrong as rebellion did not happen again until....well, until when? The war between the states or prohibition? Not once has there been the type of rebellion Jefferson spoke of and if he was here today I venture to say he'd ask..."Well, what are you waiting for?"-----5 stars for the intent of Jefferson but thumbs down for those who never listened. 3 Reply Anon 4/21/10 re: Archibald MacLeish quote Mike, do I dare say that this definition does not pertain to you and others met and those not yet met? Though the criminal excesses of the statist theocracy make freedom an unknown to which many dreamers can't fathom, I find it hard to believe you are one of them because I know I am not. Less yourself there are many who fit the bill and need to hear the message so I don't find fault with the message and at the same time I do not find fault with the messenger either. Reply Anon 4/20/10 re: George Bernard Shaw quote It is the very thing that consequences occur that gives an individual his freedom in that if not for consequences a man could not be free. What a relief it is to at times do nothing when the act of doing something can only create a bad consequence. There is no better a feeling of freedom when doing nothing is the right thing to do. Reply Anon 4/20/10 re: William Faulkner quote Practicing means putting into action and putting into action means living it in your own life and of course that means living how our forefathers lived. Can you handle it? 3 Reply Anon 4/20/10 re: Walter Lippmann quote And justice is to the rights of the individual and should win out in each and every case. Reply Anon 4/20/10 re: George Bernard Shaw quote Once a man loses his fear of responsibility then he will notice what freedom is and from that moment on life becomes living the life of a different man and the past becomes the past, the future is not here yet, so all that remains is the moment, and a different man to live it with no fear to guide him but only wisdom. Reply Anon 4/20/10 re: Sir Francis Bacon quote RBESRQ.- Personally, I found power when I allowed God into my life. As to your idea that "Critical thinking became obsolete when we gave over our self to the God delusion" I can't understand at all because again, critical thinking became easier when I gave of myself to His critical thinking. Reply Anon 4/20/10 re: Milton Friedman quote Anonymous, You speak of complete economic freedom as if it has no controls over it in a free society based on the rights of man. You couldn't be more wrong, If the rights of the individual are first and foremost protected by man with constitutional judicial methods to protect them, any business or individual would be stopped in their tracks if the violation of an American Freeman's rights were even hinted at. The natural rights of the individual, every individual, is out of bounds for anyone to violate. 1 Reply Anon 4/19/10 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote Another way to say this is that he who watches evil prevail perpetuates the evil to carry on. As the apethetic witness of it will not be a threat to its end it will continue to be used and the apathetic is still as guilty as the blatant evil doer. Reply Anon 4/16/10 re: Bill Clinton quote It doesn't matter who says it, if it's true, the truth will come out. Reply Anon 4/16/10 re: George Stephanopolous quote Maybe he's (the president) kept the ones he intended to keep but certainly not all the ones he made. Reply Anon 4/16/10 re: Bruce Bartlett quote E Archer, you nailed it with your comment about doubling it. Well said. Reply Anon 4/16/10 re: Edmund Burke quote Depends on who wields the power. Reply Anon 4/16/10 re: C. S. Lewis quote I think it would be very useful to rid ourselves of the parasites in DC and believe it necessary for freedom to once more reign in the land. Does that make me and others who plead this way tyrants? 1 Reply Anon 4/16/10 re: Charles-Louis de Secondat quote This certainly covers Obamacare does it not? It's perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice for all. Yes, the lie called Obamacare fits the bill in both ways. 5 stars for the quote and thumbs down for Obamacare. 4 Reply Anon 4/15/10 re: Maria Montessori quote E Archer, very well said!!! Reply Anon 4/15/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote Virginia, I must disagee, no matter what bureaucracies were created after the revolutuin they were not the ones of King George as his law was booted out the door. Even then, up until the war of 1812, bureacracies were limited in their power with a few duties to perform. The war between the states brought out more beauracracies and then the banking act of 1894 set off the beginning of the landslide of beauracracies such result being what we are witnessing now in the present. No matter the case, the fact remains a lot of bureacracies were ended with the revolution of '76'. 3 Reply Anon 4/15/10 re: Maria Montessori quote Ben, of course God is absolutely free and it is only men who put limitations on God. His power is unlimited in the sense he can be a totally free individual and responsible to those who serve Him at the same time. Mankind has only begun to understand His power and first and foremost is that there is no limit to it. Reply Anon 4/15/10 re: Sen. Phil Gramm quote Good catch Mike. It is only the ignornt that can believe hiring 16,000 new IRS agents is creating productive jobs. It is those that produce wealth who must pay their wages. After all (ha ha), money to pay their wages doesn't grow on trees. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print