Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [651-670] of 670Posts from Anonymous, Reston, VA USAnonymous, Reston, VA US Previous 25 Reply Anonymous, reston, VA US 5/2/05 re: Jay Leno quote Comics have such wonderful insight into the truth... 1 Reply Anonymous, reston, VA US 5/2/05 re: George W. Bush quote A perfect example of how this foolish simpleton sees the wide world of color as if everything is simple black and white... enough of this retro-cowboy, lets impeach him and put a sane person in charge... oops, that wouldn't be the V.P. either... sigh. 2Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/14/05 re: Lysander Spooner quote Taxation is not the great burdon that so many make it out to be... rather, it is a part of the social responsibility that comes part and parcel with being a good, participatory citizen... as another source says, from those according to their ability and to those according to their needs. If anything the problem with our tax system today is that the well to do are not taxed enough and the needy are overly taxed and not helped enough. 61Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/8/05 re: Albert Jay Nock quote While this seems like a good description of where Bush & friends have taken the US, I do not agree that it is accurate for how we started. Thus, I can not agree with the pessimistic negitivity assumed by this world view. 1Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/7/05 re: Tench Coxe quote Voting is much more important than the ability to open heavy arms fire on your neighbor. It is crazy quotes like this that are used to justify keeping automatic weapons in the hands of organized crime. One must really read these things with an eye to what these words ment in the day when they were written, not today. "Organized militia" did not and should not mean the boys in the hood or the local hate group of the day's ranch, yet these words are being interpreted to mean just that. In this day and age it is more about joining your local national guard than owning your own personal glock. Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/4/05 re: Alexander Hamilton quote And already here in the comments on this quote we see that folks can not fathom the difference between running a country and their own personal religion... even our very religious forefathers who created this document saw that there is a difference and laid out that there should be a complete separation... too bad so many today are attempting (and succeeding) in perverting their intention... "One nation..." period. 13Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 3/31/05 re: Lyn Nofziger quote This quote shows just what we have to fear from those in government... yes, what he says about the three branches rings true, but the solutions and other issues he raises are the very antithesis of a safe and secure path for we the people... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 3/23/05 re: Thomas Merton quote Yup, we are not a very self-aware bunch... and we would benefit from being more so. 24Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/25/05 re: H. L. Mencken quote The Puritans... The Taliban... The evangelical right of American today... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/21/05 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote It helps one to realize that the problems we are facing today are not new... and thus perhaps survivable. Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/17/05 re: Dwight D. Eisenhower quote And yet, less than 50 years later the man currently holding the office brings us that exact confusion... very sad. 5 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/14/05 re: Benjamin Franklin quote A wise man, with insight into the minds & hearts of men... then and now. Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/10/05 re: John Sherman quote Exactly describes what the USA's government is doing to the people of the USA today... 2 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/9/05 re: James Madison quote ... and very descriptive of what the US administration is doing today... 15Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/7/05 re: James A. Traficant, Jr. quote Just because Marx advocated an action, does not either make that action either "bad" or "incorrect", or the major economic tenet of his manifesto. Thus, it appears that the author of this quote is just using another quote to spread his own form of hate... hum, sounds like what today's leaders in the USA are doing too. 11Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/7/05 re: William R. Mattox, Jr. quote Which is a pretty good indication that either: 1) The average family of four today lives at a better level than it did in 1950 (i.e. that there is a progressive tax scheme and on average their income level has increased dramaticly); -or- 2) The rich in this (unnamed) country have succeeded in pushing the responsibility for funding the government onto the backs of the average small & poor family. Of course, this quote does nothing to indicate which of these two alternatives this author believes in... or which is supported by the facts.... or even what country is being refered to, eh? So, without context, it is just words not ideas. 2 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 2/3/05 re: Bertrand de Jouvenel quote A perfect description of the USA since 1980... and especially since 2000. Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/31/05 re: Thomas Jefferson quote And yet so many of the radical right quote this man in support of turning America into an orthodox "Christian" nation... hopefully this quote will help put them in their places... (would that there was a way to put them in jail for their sins). Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/31/05 re: Walter E. Williams quote While it is clear that such overly strong centralized government is prone to such evils, it is not clear that the ills outlined are prevented by strong decentralization. It would however be interesting to know when & where (context) this quote originated. 43Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/27/05 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Shows that this man's quotes can not be co-opted by the radical religious right as justification for their claims that they should control the decisions of all people with their narrow-minded view of the world. Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print