Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [276-300] of 670Posts from Anonymous, reston, VA USAnonymous, reston, VA US Previous 25 Next 25 3 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/22/07 re: Justice Charles Evans Hughes quote Far too few in the press understand that they too have a duty... far too many are just paid political operatives... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/22/07 re: First Amendment in the Bill of Rights quote Nor shall the President... but the King is exempt and can do what ever he can... well... get away with it seems... even after we the people have spoken... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/19/07 re: Thomas Jefferson quote So get out of our bedrooms and out of our daughter's bodies! 2Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/19/07 re: Justice Potter Stewart quote The quote does not stand alone well, for if your right to enjoy your property ends up intruding upon the society's rights to enjoy their property, then there is a greater good and need to guard the public's rights over the individuals... thus, as an example, you should not be allowed to ride your snowmobil or waterjet when it polutes the environment... 1Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/19/07 re: Cornelius Tacitus quote Personally I am suffering far more from the crimes that people like King George W are committing against all of humanity than I am from any law of the land (other than the ones which are a part of those crimes against humanity). Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/17/07 re: Dr. Laura Schlessinger quote Mindless babble from a hate monger... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/12/07 re: George W. Bush quote A moron? No, he appears to be of above average in intelligence... however, he is a "cowboy" and lacks in "common sense" and has severe communication problems... how DID he get elected when he can't successfully communicate? It speaks directly to the problem of the "American Teliban".. That is more of an indictment of the American electorate than of the man himself... (what just happened, how did I get into a position of defending King George W. when I believe he is the worse president ever to sit in office?) Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/12/07 re: George W. Bush quote The posts on this quote are truely heart warming... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/12/07 re: George W. Bush quote Andy's got it right... I took the question to my Lord and was told to speak out on the insanity of King George W., not just sit on the sidelines quietly. The US has been attacked by foreign powers many times in our history (how quickly we forget, e.g. Pearl Harbor). Did it affect us? Yes! Did it affect us in the way King George W. claims? NO! The act steming out of that day that may prove to be truely changing (in a negitive way) for the US are those that come from King George's overreaching power grabs. Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/11/07 re: Henry David Aiken quote While I agree with Joe & Mike (for once ;-), their comments seem to have little to do with the quote which seems to be little more than negitive babble. However, I wonder if Mike's comments on "inability to express certain religious perspectives" is really the right way to put it... I suspect he is exhibiting a Judeo-Christian leaning and doesn't really support "the ability to express any and all religious perspectives", which is a truer path. Remember, to question IS the answer... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/10/07 re: Albert Einstein quote And we all know that King George W prays for Armageddon... and he's just the man to make it happen... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/9/07 re: Baruch Spinoza quote True, but far from sufficient. Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/9/07 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote And King George, our Christian anti-equality anti-family ex-drunk lie telling draft dodging citizen killing war criminal Armageddon worshipping "leader", is the best example that exists today of the truth of this quote. That Mike from Norwalk can blame the commies for the likes of King George really shows the balls of the radical religious right... right up there with ex-Rep Foley's two faced leadership. 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/8/07 re: Justice Louis D. Brandeis quote Right on Robert! Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/8/07 re: Desiderius Erasmus quote ... like King George... (and Michael is correct, sometimes it is necessary, but bitter). 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/4/07 re: Hermann Goering quote King George is locking up citizens without access to lawyers even... he is nothing more than a war criminal, and I pray for the day that the citizens of the world bring him to trial for his war crimes! Yes, King George is a fascist, no better than a Nazi, for he worships the creating of a global Armageddon that will make what Hitler done look pale by comparison. 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/3/07 re: Abraham Lincoln quote A good description of our own King George... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/2/07 re: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus quote ... and even better to undo the wrong-doer via methods that are not like those of the wrong-doer... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/1/07 re: Dwight D. Eisenhower quote Well said Dick, though I think you must include the radical religious right (of any and all religions) in that statement. 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 1/1/07 re: Butler D. Shaffer quote Jack should note that Shaffer did not indicate AI for these systems... indeed, the systems which we the people have tolerated King George to create are a great example of the ills he warns us of... 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 12/28/06 re: Mencius quote Sad, but true of the human condition... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 12/27/06 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote The answer is to question... 3 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 12/27/06 re: Elbert Hubbard quote I suspect that one of genuine worth & insight really wants folks (self included) to be a better self... 1Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 12/27/06 re: Adi Shankaracharya quote Zowie, for someone who condems a profusion of words, Logan certainly had a few... makes ya' think, eh? (well... makes some of us think at least ;-) 2Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 12/25/06 re: Samuel Adams quote Right on A! I think Logan has it wrong on how to measure virtue... We the People set the bar, it is a measure set forth by society/community... in this case the entirety of humanity... we do seem to have a global sense of what is "right and wrong"... what is "good and bad"... and this is well represented by the number of good and true Americans who have apologized to the world for our fellow Americans having twice elected King George, who is reigning terror upon so much of the world. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print