Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-7] of 7Posts from Bob L., Charlotte, VTBob L., Charlotte, VT 2 Reply Bob L., Charlotte, VT 9/17/14 re: Milton Friedman quote After reading MOST of the comments above, I've decided it must be true that "the more light we shine on a subject, the darker it gets." Some words from Alice In Wonderland keep invading my thoughts, but though I can't even remember the author's name, the work covered what I'm beginning to see as a lot of "gobbledygook;" words are defined by those who use them and undefined by those who disagree. We need a dictionary to discern the meaning of a compendium of thought ( does 'compendium' express my meaning ? ) First, I thought, Friedman wants it both ways, but then I started reading and have decided "each man to his own taste" and "let the devil take the hindmost." Reply Bob L., Charlotte, VT 9/16/14 re: Walter E. Williams quote LOVE THIS SITE! It raises the ire of both the right and the left.My guess (and it's as good as any other's) is there's truth in each statement from readers; how much truth may never be determined. Anyway, if ISIS/IS/ISIL has its way, the freedom espoused and expressed by this site may find its head rolling down the street. And THEN each or any of us may find extreme right and left conjoined in appreciation of our democratic republic's first amendment -- not FORCED to become Islamic, but choosing it as one of our many God-given rights. Reply Bob L., Charlotte, VT 9/10/14 re: Margaret Mead quote A deficiency of humanity ? Reply Bob L., Charlotte, VT 9/8/14 re: Zaid Jilani quote I THINK his view is that Independent thinkers who don't "toe the [ANYONE'S] line" aren't "free" to do what they view as their 'jobs;' perhaps a natural result of a democratic republic which was founded on freedom of thought, word and deed. Reply Bob L., Charlotte, VT 9/4/14 re: William Ralph Inge quote It also is astonishing how THIS little wisdom serves for mankind. Reply Bob L., Charlotte, VT 9/3/14 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Dave: using Franklin's duo, my late father in law said, "few things are certain: death, taxes and change." ( speaking of being wise ! )Also, in days past, cardboard "wise-sayings" hangings were sold in drug stress et al ... one I recall: 'Ve get too soon oldt and too late schmardt." I didn't realize till now it was [perhaps] making fun of a non WASP group, trying to say Ben Franklin's wise words ?? ... and that would not be good ! Reply Bob L., Charlotte, VT 9/2/14 re: Demosthenes quote Interesting ! There's but one comment re: THE contemporary fit of a war-avoider becoming master. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print