Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [251-275] of 1306Posts from Cal, lewisville, txCal, lewisville, tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/28/14 re: John Adams quote Surprisingc coming from a federalist. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/28/14 re: Florence Ellinwood Allen quote Thomas Jefferson said we should tear up the law book every 20 years and start over. He was our greatest president. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/28/14 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote Reston is an Obama worshiper. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/28/14 re: Jonathan Turley quote Will it be Queen Hillary next? Bill would make a great jester. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/28/14 re: Stewart L. Udall quote Just about all politicians Jim K Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/27/14 re: John P. Reid quote True Ronw13 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/23/14 re: Booker T. Washington quote L Hanson, Will you tell this to Al Sharpton please. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/20/14 re: C. S. Lewis quote Well written Mike. 3 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 8/20/14 re: C. L. De Montesquieu quote We have truly forgotten what made us great. Ever growing federal power is destroying us. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/7/14 re: Democratic National Platform of 1892 quote Waffler, why don't we just let the states, local school boards and PTA's decide what the curriculum is. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/7/14 re: John Taylor Gatto quote Waffler, the federal courts have been in our nation's school system for a long, long time. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/7/14 re: John Swett quote Authority of any kind is not always right. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/6/14 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote How right he was. Children were taught to turn in their own parents if they did not praise the state. 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/6/14 re: Neal Boortz quote Get rid of the federal department of education. Education should be a state and local issue only. The federal government poisons everything it touches. 3 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/6/14 re: Marshall Fritz quote For all the reasons above, public education just does not work. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/1/14 re: Benjamin Harrison quote Our interference into the internal affairs of other nations seems to create worse monsters than before. Consider today's Iraq and Libya. If Assad falls in Syria-it will become far worse than it was. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/31/14 re: Andrew Bernstein quote I feel just the opposite of this quote. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/31/14 re: Jeff Landauer quote Anonymous, it is hard to disagree with Ayn Rand. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/28/14 re: Suheir Hammad quote All these problems seem to me to be caused by United States interference and trying to imperialize the world. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/23/14 re: Woodrow Wilson quote I totally agree with Jim K Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/21/14 re: Jean-Jacques Rousseau quote Like we are all born equal, but we certainly don't remain equal. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/18/14 re: Judge Jack B. Weinstein quote Is this ever explained to a sitting jury? Reply cal, Lewisville, Tx 7/14/14 re: John G. Diefenbaker quote Mack, what you speak of are state issues and have nothing to do with the US federal government. Reply cal, Lewisville, Tx 7/12/14 re: Chester Bowles quote It does seem that we have become the servants of our so called public servants. Reply cal, Lewisville, Tx 7/12/14 re: William O. Douglas quote L Hanson, he got his gun in another state and then came to Texas. Criminals will get their guns illegally when they can't get them legally. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print