Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1151-1175] of 1306Posts from Cal, lewisville, txCal, lewisville, tx Previous 25 Next 25 4 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 11/5/09 re: Rosa Luxemburg quote It would seem to me that CNN and MSNBC and their opinions are an example of the press moving into the bureaucracy! 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 11/5/09 re: Lysander Spooner quote It seems that our vote is our only defense. Usually we are only trying to select the lesser of the two evils and the one we select does not keep his campaign promises. It's time for a tea party revolution so that we have more than just a vote. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 11/4/09 re: Henry David Thoreau quote Well said Mike! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 11/4/09 re: Auberon Herbert quote Waffler, your side lost the main elections last night. You might be wanting to leave the country yourself. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 11/3/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote We still have never had a better president than Jefferson!!!!!!!!! 31Reply cal, lewisville, tx 11/2/09 re: Will Rogers quote The truth being all those promises made before the election are just lies now! 5 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 11/2/09 re: Ambrose Bierce quote Very accurate concerning those who voted for our last big winner! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 11/2/09 re: Orson Scott Card quote Like I'll feed you now-so you can feed me later. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/30/09 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote The government is truly a huge consumer and scarsely ever a producer! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/30/09 re: Ayn Rand quote I follow Ayn Rand on her Objectivity! She was well ahead of her time and we should recognize her warnings! 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/29/09 re: Robert Nisbet quote So many good intentions seem to end up being the taking from Peter to Pay Paul. 5 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/29/09 re: William Graham Sumner quote Yes, C not only has to support A&B who look down on him, but must also support D which will bring C down to D's level. 1Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/29/09 re: Jeffrey Rogers Hummel quote The northern coal miners had it worse than slavery. The only difference was that they were not slaves in name. They only had company store certificates to spend only at the company store and could never leave their jobs until the debt was settled with the company stores-which it never was! The Robber Barons up north could care less avout slavery. They only wanted high tarriffs to force southerners to buy all their products from the rich industrialists. The slaves in the south had a much more comfortable retirement. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/27/09 re: Ralph Waldo Emerson quote We often find many in government and the government itself is not obeying laws. Why is it that they expect us to obey them? Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/27/09 re: Milton Friedman quote Friedman was an excellent economist. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/27/09 re: Auberon Herbert quote The government claims that the "federal reserve notes we earn are government property. We should be so grateful they leave us just a little bit to spend for ourselves. 3 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/26/09 re: Voltaire quote One only needs to look at our Supreme Court since Earl Warren. " No, we didn't write the Constitution, but we know what those who did intended -you may read it, but we will tell you just what it says." Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/26/09 re: Frederick Douglass quote They are not arresting you under the Patriot Act. They are only "detaining" you. Hard to see the legal difference when you are still locked up! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/23/09 re: William Graham Sumner quote Good to see you again Jim. I was just thinking about your congressman. I always thought a Dogget was something a dog left in your yard and you hope you don't step in and track it in the house, but when it comes to ole Lloyd-i still believe that. Just like you-I don't have any faith in those you just mentioned! 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/23/09 re: William Graham Sumner quote If only we had true freedom here as we once had. We have been and are being dictated to by someone who decided we should pay into Social Security and Medicare programs involentarily for our so called "own good!" All my working life I have been paying this for someone else's own good and now it's all about to go bankrupt I hear. Will they fine me if I don't volentarily join Obamacare? Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/22/09 re: Franklin D. Roosevelt quote FDR was almost as dumb as the folks who voted him into office! 3 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/22/09 re: Charles S. Maier quote FDR received his ideas from his Uncle Joe over in the Soviet Union! 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/22/09 re: Benito Mussolini quote Reston, Va-I can see why you want to remain anonymous. Charity is to be given by the individual. Our forefathers never set up our government for charity. Self preservation is what built our nation! 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/21/09 re: Cornelius Tacitus quote As if we don't already have too many laws passed by congress, we have a Supreme Court that hands out so many numerous "court orders" and liberal interputations that don't even come close to what is written in our Constitution! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/20/09 re: Hugh LaFollette quote Not saying parents should feel like they own their children as they would own cattle, but this is far too extreme! 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