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Posts from Denise, Durango

Denise, DurangoDenise, Durango
Denise, Durango

Fools rush in....pay attention.

Denise, Durango

A blind and uneducated fool. Pay attention!!

Denise, Durango

As Ayn Rand said so painfully truthful so long ago..."you vote your way into socialism but you must shoot your way out of communism".


Human destiny is a choice....to a point. Some destiny's are not a choice but a given...something we can't grasp. Every soul past, present and future will one day stand before the only true Holy God to give an account of themselves.
No doubt the "thumbs down" will have a field day, until that day comes...and no one knows the day or the time. In the mean time..."look up".


I'm sure this is debatable to many, but the hard, cold fact is that there is One God and One God only...He is not one of many...He is. Hopefully more will grasp that before they leave this earth..."In the beginning.....


Having been "enlightening" a few folks today on subjects involving the 'government' I may have created a bit of "obscurity" in the above statement by Koch....or not. Guess it depends on where you're at. My apologies.


"Elected officials fail to see that more government means less liberty;"  Beg to differ: politicians especially of today have deliberately and with malice evolved this 'government' into a slobbering dragon sucking up the life blood of We The People.
If one just spends a few hours on some of the agency and governmental websites, add to that the all out attack on Christianity and the church ... they're most assuredly doing what Patrick Henry warned about in the mid 1700's; "When a nation forgets it's God, tyrants soon forge it's chains."  Add to that "when maybe a nation is too comfortable and assured in it's freedom and wealth, lack of participation in government, let the politicians do their thing...after all don't politicians always put "we the people first"?? NOT!!!


When the Spirit of the Lord is ignored, rejected, all hell breaks loose...literally; as is evidenced all too often in our own lives, in our too often self serving "government", in the world. He knows every soul past, present and future, better than they have known themselves.
Patrick Henry made a statement so long ago that has come back to haunt this nation: "When a nation forgets it's God, tyrants soon forge it's chains." Can we get an amen?


"Restore our belief in our own guidance"... knowing how well that's often worked out in my own life I prefer the guidance of my Creator God....He' infinitely wiser than any human being who has ever lived, is alive or ever will be and knows us better than we know ourselves. 


"When a nation forgets it's God, tyrants soon forge it's chains."

Patrick Henry.....can I get an amen?


So sad for those who disbelieve the Lord of Creation. Not one soul will escape His final disposition. He is Lord over all.... He's given us all the freedom to disbelieve or believe. Then His perfect word does say: "The pathway to destruction will be wide while the path to eternal life with the God of all will be narrow". All one really has to do is look at the phenomenal and perfect design of the human body...to think that this intricate and complicated design was randomly thrown together defies reason.
To also disavow a foe so evil and intent on our destruction but so inventive is foolish.  


Sadly the money changers have ramped up the absolute true bleeding to death of our once viable monetary establishment...to replace it with traceable and non-physical "currency, and ultimately all will be chipped....beware of ANY chipping being forced on you!


The "truth" is MIA in America. The populace must be deceived so as to usher in the "new world order" spoken of so lovingly by George Bush Sr. during his presidential acceptance speech.
Heard and saw that speech. Didn't fully understand the full significance at the time but considering the present state of our once Constitutional Republic...there is no truth in "media" or government forthcoming...we're in deep. The statement is almost eerie.

Denise, Durango

To put it in the context of the late 1700's "Truer words were never spake." First the schools and colleges must be divested of the true history of the nation. Then the "press" must be compromised and/or bought and paid for. The biggest failure as it applies to today is the abysmal lack of vigilance of our so-called "elected officials". Sadly our citizenry has been too busy pursuing the American Dream that's now becoming a nightmare. Once upon a time in a land called America, elected officials were watched diligently. Now these so called "officials" have done back room deals, have sold America to the highest bidder, have wiped their designer loafers on our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our present "president" who many have no doubt is merely a puppet, has so compromised this nations security and it's very existence it's probably just a matter of a short time before we become the next Cuba, Venezuela, Communist China etc.

Denise, Durango

Perhaps this is not on the correct 'track' of this discussion...don't care.
Lumping the Son of God in with a group of philosophers is ill advised at best. Indeed tho' He would agree ... His anger was incurred when coming into the Holy Temple that had been turned into a literal money 'laundering' business to extract "usury" out of weary pilgrams who'd come to worship. He overturned the tables and drove animals out of what was supposed to be a Holy place of worship. 
My two denari's worth.

Denise, Durango

Hopefully you will look deeper....you will ultimately meet Him.

Denise, Durango

There will come a day when you will change your mind...I pray it's not to late.

Denise, Durango

Having listened to a few of Thomas Sowell's discourses and read many of his writings....would that those in government had half his intelligence and insight...let alone his honesty.
Sadly all but a precious few are in it for the money, so how do over half the "representatives" in congress become multi-millionaires on their supposed salaries? One might reason that "selling out America" is indeed lucrative? IE: many years ago during the 60's some of those in "government"  made some juicy deals with China, Mexico, Viet Nam (that was the one that really hit)...GM full of Mexican parts, others full of Chinese parts, cheap junk from China in Wal-Mart etc. Clothing from Korea.
It seems one of the few auto makers building new factories in America is Toyota...imagine that. Those we fought in WW2 are putting Americans to work in American factories.
America once upon a time was the industrial capitol of the world. Detroit, now little more than a slum, was the shining jewel of industry...

Denise, Durango

"Dictators from the dawn of time have been sensitive to (fire)arms in the hands of the people". Not sure of the authorship but this is an irrefutable truth.
"Firearms are the Liberty's teeth." George Washington.

Denise, Durango

Censorship is a lead in to absolute "allegiance" to the dictator.
As in communist China "you will speak what you are told to speak." Anything else is sedition. This is precisely what the bought and paid for "media" is slobbering to do...maybe for a pay off in the "new regime". In China there are cameras literally everywhere. If your countenance isn't pleasing to der Fuher, Chinese style, you will be hauled in and interrogated...make sure you say goodby to your family every time you leave your home. Notice the cameras on every stop light...do they really give a rip about your safety? Unlikely. The left is crawling into your internet and phones, new cars are filled with electronics...don't be so naive as to think it's to make them "more efficient" or that they can't be remotely controlled.
We live in an increasingly "surveillance" permeated society.
We should shun electric cars all together. Unedited research tells the story the left won't.
The left will lie, cheat, censor, tap, steal and if necessary, "remove" those who get in the way of their "kingship".
Twain was so far ahead of his time....

Denise, Durango

Note as well, that those primarily on the left who wipe their dirty blood soaked feet on our Constitution, "faithfully" practice "do as I say, not as I do." Those who pass myriads of laws must believe they have some special immunity to the lock down laws they pass on citizens. Case in point; our Second Amendment is a RIGHT, not a privilege. Yet the myriads of laws concerning firearms are literally in the multiple thousands...and they ignore them while also, over the last 30 plus years, they have deliberately gutted our judicial system and law enforcement...shouting the worn out mantra "GUN VIOLENCE".
It's not about the safety or well being of the citizen, it's for the wannabe dictators to shut us down and rule on the rubble.

Denise, Durango

Interesting so many of the revolting "decisions" this pretender made...but no doubt Hillary was the one making the "real" decisions. He had no problem making a decision consigning almost 86 AMERICAN men, women and children to 51 days of torture using the military, ATF, FBI, "law"enforcement; towards the end of this torture, ultimately inserting CS gas, banned by the Geneva Convention as "too cruel for warfare" into the building and then burning the remains to the ground. And what was he "impeached" for? Messing with an intern in the oval office. Curious as well that not one word was uttered concerning the fact that the US Military was used in violation of the Posse Comitatus directive of the Constitution...in short: NO military will be used against citizens of the United States. Of course the 'media' kept up a revolting and ugly attack on these people "convincing" gullible Americans to believe these citizens had it coming. On a "lighter" note he and his little gang of domestic terrorists gutted Air Force One and the White House of untold thousands of dollars of historical items...most of which they were forced to return. Clinton, Reno and those involved in this mass murder were not only NOT punished to the fullest extent of the law but were "rewarded" with TV shows, promotions etc. If you're a leftist democrat you can get away with mass murder, rape, theft, lies, and darned if you don't get re-elected! Interesting as well how American parents are called "domestic terrorists" BY OUR GOVERNMENT and folks have been held in jail since January and never charged with their supposed crimes!...Ah the democrats, doesn't it just warm the cockles of your heart! Is this a great country or what???
Please forgive the obvious anger at this loser...the very name "Clinton" congers up visions of burning buildings and children being terrorized as they hide with their mom's in a basement...
And now we still have American citizens abandoned in a terrorist nation by another democrat...what a legacy.

Denise, Durango

Sadly Mr. Bayard, that satisfaction and confidence has been betrayed as we've watched so many churches become little more than social centers. I've been to a lot of different churches in my county. Maybe a handful actually preach and teach God's Holy Word...but maybe with the persecution that reared it's ugly head with this 'covid pandemic' and the churches were the first ones to be targeted, maybe, just maybe more American's will see the overall importance of the Church as God designed it.
Samuel Adams said so long ago: "When a nation forgets it's God, tyrants  soon forge it's chains."...Prophetic....

Denise, Durango

This hits heavily on a sentence in our Constitution...."Of the people, By the people and For the people." It means what it says. But it seems no one wants to hear that.

"We the People" elect so-called legislators who promise the moon and stars, then happily go on our way with life as usual. This government has become a dictatorship because the majority of Americans are to busy pursuing the American dream, the house, two cars, best schools for the kids etc. and in a Republic that's a good thing...but we've lost our Republic. To be involved in holding elected reps to task takes time, it takes contacting them, going to meetings, call, write, if necessary annoy the hell out of them. Go to their office when they're in and sit on their steps if necessary. It can also get you on their "enemy of the state" list...which begs the question IF our elected reps truly represent us why do we get put on lists for holding them accountable?
A scripture from God's word summed it up centuries ago: "The heart is wickedly deceptive." Politicians get in the rarified DC air, get bought and paid for and do what those in "charge" tell them to do...the constituents can pound sand.
Ben Franklin was asked what was the best form of government, his reply: "A Republic if you can keep it."
"The Tree of Liberty must, occasionally, be refreshed with the  blood of Patriots."

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