Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-50] of 357Posts from Dick, Fort WorthDick, Fort Worth Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply dick, fort worth 6/19/12 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote Especially true when a government is truly democratic. Reply dick, fort worth 5/31/12 re: Justice Robert H. Jackson quote How dismayed and sickened he would be if he could see what has happened since. 1Reply dick, fort worth 5/31/12 re: George Will quote A good example of the ignorance of George Will. 71Reply dick, fort worth 5/30/12 re: Admiral Gene LaRocque quote And here is another perceptive and humanitarian truth of war: "He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, science for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable an ignorable war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder." -- Albert Einstein 13Reply dick, fort worth 5/22/12 re: Charley Reese quote Yes, sir. Let's tear down our public schools (if parents can't afford to educate them, tough), let's keep those minorities in their ghettos, keep wages low and unemployment high, and let the sick and disabled take care of their own. Let's build a wall to keep out all those foreigners and put our darkies on the farms, and while we're at it put some of our great ole-time preachers up there in Washington. What this country needs is some hell-fire, brim-stone preaching and more use of tar and feathering. Hell, let's get rid of these damn rules for food, drugs, police, safety---all these government interferences. Next thing they'll try to do is steal our social security and Medicare. 1Reply dick, fort worth 3/8/12 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote Hey, fellas, the subject was science versus religion. Too many of you responders have such a neurotic abhorrence of socialism, a topic you least understand, that your minds have ceased to work. Of course, since Darrow was not a laissez faire capitalist, you can't admit he is right on any subject. 1Reply dick, fort worth 2/27/12 re: Ian Wachtmeister quote No wonder democracy is disappearing in the U.S. Few people understand the meaning of it. I wonder how Mr. Wachtmeister explains the fact that research proves the Swedes and other Scandinavian citizens are so GREATLY more contented, more healthy, served by better government, and are better educated than U. S. citizens? That is socialism, not capitalism. It may not be perfect but the results are markedly superior to our system. 3Reply dick, fort worth 2/27/12 re: Darren Perkins quote Mr. or Ms. Mann of Kalamazoo, it is refreshing to know there are a few people left who actually know the definitions of socialism, Marxism, imperialism, capitalism, and now corporatism, which is a synonym of fascism. Hope you continue to respond. Reply dick, fort worth 2/23/12 re: W. E. B. Du Bois quote Right on, Jesse O'Shea and Aastair. It's obvious many have never read Du Bois, a very great man. 1Reply dick, Fort Worth 2/23/12 re: Ted Koppel quote If there is any doubt as to the truth of this statement even if it comes from (not a liberal, but foaming conservative) Ted Koppel, just google Project for the New American Century (PNAC) which right wing war lovers penned before Shrub became President. 1Reply dick, fort worth 1/18/12 re: Walter Olsen quote You should know the Manhattan Institute was founded by the infamous William Casey, the infamous director of the CIA under Reagan. He was in favor dismantling all social programs and instituting corporate control of the whole country. You as an individual would have no rights and that included protection of law. 4 Reply dick, fort worth 1/11/12 re: Brannon P. Denning quote I think Mr. Archer is right. Reply dick, fort worth 1/5/12 re: Abraham Lincoln quote I think Reston has it right as he usually does. Cal, I take it that the southern states 'local rights' of slavery is something you approved? Reply dick, fort worth 1/4/12 re: Ralph Waldo Emerson quote This is a poor representative sample of Emerson's wisdom. In fact, many come out of school not even knowing words. And speaking of words, I have noticed that no matter the subject, whether fact, fiction or fantasy, some responders see nothing but a morbid trepidation of socialism. In which case not even words were learned in school. 2Reply dick, Fort Worth 1/2/12 re: Algernon Sidney quote A nothing quotation. 1Reply Dick, fort worth 12/29/11 re: Daniel Berrigan quote Reston and Archer have it right. And I really wonder if some readers could write an opinion of any kind without raising the bugaboo of socialism, the definition of which is completely unknown to them, or quoting the Bible, misbegotten relic of men who wrote the nonsense and superstitions of three to five thousand years ago. How in hell could this collection of evil and incredulous acts be believed over all that has been learned since?: Reply dick, fort worth 12/27/11 re: H. L. Mencken quote Sad but true. 12Reply dick, fort worth 12/26/11 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote The responses today are encouraging! It seems more and more people are shaking the puerile superstitions of religion formed before man had even created alphabets. And the idea of religion being the source of morality is utter nonsense. Early humans had to learn cooperation and basic behavior in order to live---long before religion was invented. Reply dick, Fort Worth 12/1/11 re: A. J. P. Taylor quote The reasons for war are always greed and power. It is raw ignorance to think that Roosevelt's reason for joining WWII was economic. 1 Reply dick, Fort Worth 11/30/11 re: Major General Smedley Darlington Butler quote Thank you, Heathen Steven. That quotation from Gen. Butler was key to understanding the man and the truth of war and fascistic corporations. And thanks to Samuel for more light. To Bobby, there is contradiction in your statement. The government Messrs. Jefferson, Adams, Madison and others was certainly not a bad one. Succeeding politicians have made it so, but it was not only the most democratic ever but the very first one to be founded without the handicap of religious ties, the first secular government in history. A pity it has been vitiated by the true believers. 4Reply dick, fort worth 11/21/11 re: Ayn Rand quote More trash. Reply dick, fort worth 11/4/11 re: John Stockwell quote And the U.S. military is the necessary power for the billionaires to sustain perpetual war. With 800 plus military bases in more than 125 countries, total control of MSM, and the aid of religious nonsense democracy is a thing of the past. The only enemy of the powerful is thinking people and they are in short supply. Orwell's '1984' was a few decades premature but right on in reality. Reply dick, fort worth 11/3/11 re: Larry P. McDonald quote Thanks, Reston, for the good sense that is so rare in these responses. Reply dick, fort worth 11/3/11 re: Robert A. Taft quote What a lousy bunch of quotations. 12Reply dick, fort worth 10/6/11 re: Heinrich Heine quote For god's sake, when will people learn that our government is just the OPPOSITE of socialistic. It is closer to FASCISM than any other form. If you can't swallow that, look up the definition in an encyclopedia or reputable source. The examples are 1)militaristic, 2)pro-wars, 3)run by the rich, 4)a controlled press, 5)propagandistic, 6) uses religion to blind the populace, etc, etc. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print