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Posts from GunnyCee, Durham

GunnyCee, DurhamGunnyCee, Durham
GunnyCee, Durham

Sure, it sounds like a Mark Twain quote, but if it is, it's probably taken out of context. He was known for making fun of pretentious government titles of which Congressman is not. That makes me doubt the authenticity of the quote.

GunnyCee, Durham

Waffler still doesn't understand that we are NOT a democracy (one of the worse forms of government) where the majority rules and the minority takes the hind teat. this is how Obama and his liberal Congress have ruled for the last two years. It is interesting to watch the liberals who now claim that we MUST have bipartisonship now that they are losing their majority status. Notice how the libs always slant the playing field when then are in charge, then when sides change, they call the slant they created unfair. And we let them get away with it. We're just like Charlie Brown who consistently falls for Lucy's trick of taking the football away when we keep running up to the ball and kicking at the air falling on our arses.

GunnyCee, Durham

Not today. It comes from Obama and the host of unqualified Marxist minions he has surrounded himself with. If he doesn't like what the people think, he calls them criminals. If he doesn't want to hear opposing views, he shuts the opposition out from the debate. If he wants a certain judge or other official to be selected and the opposition raises a fuss, he simply waits until congress in in recess and appoints them in the middle of the night. Oh, he's not the only president to do these things, but he's the only one who has made it his main method of operation. He is the only president who intrudes himself into the personal lives of citizens, calling white cops dumb, praising the dog killer Vic, and showing the public the worse side of power with his million dollar vacations on the public dime...etc. Obama will, I am certain, lay claim to being the worst president we've ever had. He has made a joke out of the Constitution and the tem WE THE PEOPLE writ large in our constitution. The founders meant for those letters to catch the eye of who ever reads the paper. Why is it the libeals can't see that? I know why. It's because they are blind to everything that doesn't fit their agenda, just like extremist Muslims or extremist Christians or extremist Jews. It can be properly claimed that liberalism is a religion because it's adherents have the same agenda and dogma as religious organizations. It's about time that WE THE PEOPLE woke up to the fact that liberals are not our friends...they are the enemy in a cultural war that many of them call for a bloody revolution if their peaceful one doesn't work.

GunnyCee, Durham

The danger is people like Waffler who think that Fox News is a propaganda arm of the Republican Party. What a laugh. Obviously the Waffler has never watched Fox News to see how many liberal contributors there are. Fair and Balanced isn't just a slogan like liberals are so fond of slinging around. Fox actually does represent both sides. It's too bad that the liberal's agenda, when exposed to the sunlight shows up so badly. Juan Williams and old Revolver Mouth are as liberal as they come and they get plenty of air time. Revolver even has his own show. Fox also has representatives from both extremes of the political party. Fox News is the answer to the left's ownership of all the other major news outlets and the entire educational system.

GunnyCee, Durham

This is just another case of the philosophy of liberalism where A is not A, it can be anything they want it to be. They somehow read into the Constittution that we must be a welfare (socialist) State, when it was obviously not the intent as proved by T. Jefferson's statement.

GunnyCee, Durham

Islam is a theocracy and liberalism is a mirrored reflection of Islam. Liberals and Muslims assume they are correct. Even when you show them empirical evidence, they refuse to accept anything but their own view of the world. Philisophically, liberals and muslims are the same because, to them if it fits their agenda, A is not A, it can be anything they want it to be. That's why liberals can so readily twist and bend the Constitution to fit their agenda. Muslims say they are religion of peace, yet atrocious acts of beheadings and stoning to death of women is condoned? C'mon folks. Liberals claim to be tolerent and kind-hearted, yet they have kept the black race down by making them wards of the government and would love to take away any of our freedoms that keeps them from realizing their goals. Gun control and then banning them altogether is just an example of one of their fervent wishes.

GunnyCee, Durham

It's what DC does to decent people.

GunnyCee, Durham

Good advice for the clowns in DC who have encouraged consumption through easy credit and low interest rates. As a country we encourage people to spend too much while we don't create anything. They actually believe that unemployment payments does more good for the country than working for a wage can do. In order to keep this fantasy of theirs working, they have to borrow from China, and one day China will call in our long overdue debts. I don't think they'll be Christian about it either.

GunnyCee, Durham

I cut one of my sentences off. What I meant was that because of new laws, she decided not to break the law and didn't carry her pistol any more.

GunnyCee, Durham

Where's Waffler? I'm surprised he hasn't got another pin-headed opinion to add here on this one. I saw a woman who was testifying in front of some kind of panel on the banning of ALL guns. Chuck The Smuck Shoomer, and I believe Barney The Fairy were on the committee. She explained how she was caught in a killing spree where both her mother and father were killed. She normally carried her pistol in her purse, but because of new laws in Texas where carrying without a permit was a crime. Her closing remarks were astonishing! I paraphrase: Ladies and gentlemen, you are talking about banning guns for hunting and sport. I am so frustrated listening to you. It's not about hunting or sport, it's about the ability for everyone in this gallery and myself being able to protect our lives from all of YOU up there! You could have heard a pin drop.

GunnyCee, Durham

The right to bear arms is essential if we are to maintain our freedom and liberty. The right to defend ourselves from a tyranicl government, the right to protect our life, to protect the lives of our family and loved ones, and the right to protect our private property are all necessary rights. When the liberals take away our guns, we've lost all of those things. The tryranists would take away our right to own property as the first step after taking away our guns.

GunnyCee, Durham

If everyone who wanted was allowed to carry a weapon, there would be a lot less crime because it's the criminals who are the cowards and aren't going to risk getting shot if they can spot an easy mark who is unarmed.

GunnyCee, Durham

There are high crime areas where this is true, but to paint the entire society with that broad of a brush is B. S. There are towns and areas in big cities where crime is not tolerated and in those places, the crime rate is low. Crime is rampant because those who commit crimes have no thought about their fellow man, have no care for the consequences of their actions, and have not been afforded a proper education in our public schools.

GunnyCee, Durham

To see how true and accurate Hoppe's statement is we just have to listen to Obama tell us that if we listen to him, everything will be just fine. We just have to get over the problems that Bush caused. It's just going to take some time. But if you will just listen to me and have a little patience, the economy will turn around and there will be plenty of jobsl And he will tell you that over and over, but he knows he is lying and the whole country knows he is lying. Why are there still people who actually bleive this man is anything but a paper cutout of Socialists like George Soros?

GunnyCee, Durham

Again, I agree with E. Archer, NYC. He knows what is happening in this country today. I wish more peole had as much commen sense as Mr. Archer. Benjamin Franklin said, "...those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither." When will people realize that dependence on the government is bondage? Oh yes, the chains are velvet, but they are chains nonetheless.

GunnyCee, Durham

I would like to comment on E. Archer's post. He is absolutely correct and I only wish we had more people like he describes. Our founding fathers would cringe at the sight of our political leaders today; they are such weasels. No backbone, no guts, no convictions, no anything. Before Rome was an empire it was a republic. It was when it became an empire that it fell. Are we changing from a republic to an empire?

GunnyCee, Durham

Hans has the neo-liberals down pat. The sad fact is that they have been successful in pulling the wool over the eyes of an ever-growing populaltion of undereducated Americans. The more power these people obtain, the more they will want to retain.

GunnyCee, Durham

George Orwell, from the 1960s, is the original Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck combined. His books "Animal Farm" and "1984" are chillingly prophetic when you read them today. What Orwell was talking about fifty years ago (Political Language) is today called Political Correctness.

GunnyCee, Durham

Not only do we take our freedoms for granted, we think that we can go fight another's country's battle for them and think they will value the freedom we afford them at the cost of our own blood. What they have not earned with their own sweat, blood, and tears will not be appreciated. I say it's time to let the Iraqis and Afghanistanis take on much more responsibility and let them struggle for their own freedoms. Otherwise, when we leave, they will give them up for security n a heart beat.

GunnyCee, Durham

Gotta love those air heads who ask, "What basic principles?" "Who's morality?" Don't they know that basic principles and morals are self-evident? Have they not checked out the 10 Commandments? Whether you are a religious person or not, a Christian, or a Muslim, those basic principles are all self-evident. The Golden Rule is self-evident. The wisdom of the ages is self-evident. So don't any of you liberals give us that crap about not knowing what principles and whose morals to follow. Case in point: GM union workers caught drinking beer and smoking pot at lunch break. They were on the premises too. They get fired, but the unions will no doubt negotiate with higher management and get all of these clowns all their back pay and will be returned to their jobs. This has always been the case in the past, no reason for it to change now. This is morally wrong and breaks the principle of doing your work to the best of your ability (not under the influence of drugs and alcohol). These people only have jobs because we the taxpayers bailed their dumb a..ses out. No wonder we cannot compete with foreign car makers.

GunnyCee, Durham

If you read back on everything Obama has said leading up to and after the election, he has always said exactly what he was going to do. it is the ignorance of the electorate who don't understand that what he is saying is pure socialist/Marxist doctrine. It is fine to help the needy, but that is what our churches and other local charities (paid for voluntarily out of our pockets) are for. It is not the place of the government to provide a middle class life style to those who refuse to work for it, and to provide it with our tax money, (not given voluntarily). Charities give to those who are truly needy, but what the government gives has strings attached. I for one do not care to have any government strings attached to me and Obama is trying as hard as he can to attach those strings to you and me every single day he remains in power. My fear is that he will succeed, then we are all truly screwed.

GunnyCee, Durham

I think that the American people have awakened and the pendulum is about to swing back to stricter adherence to the Constitution as our guiding principles. "The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” Alexis de Tocqueville quote

GunnyCee, Durham

I think that the spirit of the Constitution is returning to America through the Tea Party movement. This is a group of people who, contrary to the MSM depicting them as "rabble rousers" and "right-wing radicals," is made up of all walks of life and all political parties. We are watching America be dismantled day by day. What is this new beauracacy that just sprang up yesterday? Something to do with the government stepping in and making our decisions for us on what mortgage best suits our needs? Again, here are the liberal socials telling us that we are too stupid to make such decisions on our own. Obama has the audacity to blame the people for making bad decisions when Barny Franks and Chris Dodd forced the banks to loan to people who had no way of repayhing the mortgages...all in the name of "Equal Housing Opportunity." The whole premise for this new government department is ludicrous! And now Dirty Harry Reid is attaching a Deam Bill to an absolutely necessary national defense bill that will practicaly guantee 2 million more college age Latino votes. WTF? Can't we have some sort of congressional oversight and leadership here?

GunnyCee, Durham

More realists? Waffler, you are the farthest from a realist as any I've seen yet. Popeye and you are both ideologists (not idealists). You believe in a religion called progressivism established by Marx and Lenin. Woodrow Wilson tried his very best to fundamentally transform America in his day the same way that Obama is trying to do today. There is nothing new about progressivism, it's simply state control of our lives. It's been tried many times and in many places and it always fails. Fine examples are South America and Europe. What is it that you two don't understand about Fascism? Nothing that the right believes in has anything to do with Fascism and everything to do with returning to the Constitution. State control (meaniang Federal control) of health care was a mainstay of Nazism, state control of banks was another mainstay of Nazism, state control of the manufacture of large goods (The Volkswagon) was yet another mainstay of Nazism. What is it you pinheads don't understand about Nazism? You think that because a few KKK and one screwball like the guy who blew up the FBI building in Oklahoma makes all conservatives militant activists? Funny thing about that, the only people who are guilty of militant activism en masse are liberals who believe that anarchy is the solution to all the mess we're in today.l

GunnyCee, Durham

This is exactly what's been going on in this country since the 60's. I think the Tea Party phenomena is the first inklings that America is waking up and is sick and tired of the same old crap. They have even put Republicans on notice that their feet will be held to the fire and they will not be able to masquerade as conservatives while they are actually liberals. No more RINOs.

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