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Posts from Howard Romano, Bangkok

Howard Romano, BangkokHoward Romano, Bangkok
Howard Romano, Bangkok

Love Spooner.  Very Frederic Bastiatish.  I wonder if Waffler ever read No Treason?  It's free on the internet and a short read.  Spooner's logic is irrefutable to any one with an open mind to ponder the truth.

Howard Romano, Bangkok

But Waffler should remember, that the North was the aggressor in the war of Northern aggression.  Which by the way, is a violation of natural law.  I don't believe that Douglas was advocating war against the South.  One must remember, a slave is a slave by choice.

Howard Romano, Bangkok

Sadly, there is no such thing as a wonderful democracy.  The US was not founded as a democracy.  Democracy is probably the worst form of government devised by man, nothing more than mob rule.  Or, as Benjamin Franklin stated: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner.  Liberty is a well armed lamb."  As for swiftly becoming an oligarchy, that's ludicrous.  It's been an oligarchy for more than a hundred years.

Howard Romano, Bangkok

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