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Posts from J Carlton, calgary

J Carlton, calgaryJ Carlton, calgary
J Carlton, Calgary

You get more of both and create a situation where those forced to do the subsidizing...give up and join the subsidized.

J Carlton, Calgary

An Excellent Analogy. Go Ron Paul...a Real American.

J Carlton, Calgary

Point taken Mike. Flat tax may be the wrong term for what I'm thinking. Sales tax to directy support infrastructure is probably more what I'm trying to say. But even then only under an accountable administration....and all the details that would go with it under a system of justice.

J Carlton, Calgary

Reston, the LAST thing we need is a "graduated" tax that targets the rich....first of all define "rich". What we need is a flat tax on saleable items and ZERO income tax. Abolish the Fed AND the IRS. Restore the Republic.

J Carlton, Calgary

This is what the Libs don't get...When you tax the Hell out of the productive, goal oreinted, responsible people to help those who won't even try...those "career" welfare recipients...what you end up with is a situation where it is not even worth while to try and get ahead. You know before you start that you will be robbed blind so that so and so can sit on his ass for life. And the hard working are eventually destitute as well...and that is why Socialism fails, every time!

J Carlton, Calgary

And the interest alone on the money we owe China could fund a Chinese Military that would make anything previous look like tha little league. We are bleeding dollars so badly that surely we are destined to crash. End the Fed, Restore the Republic.

J Carlton, Calgary

We have a "choice" in whether or not we buy Insurance Waffler. Scotch n Commie Flakes again this morning? :)

J Carlton, Calgary

Waffler = Clueless. Just because you don't know the meaning of something doesn't mean that the "thing" is ignorant. It simply demonstrates your own ignorance.

J Carlton, Calgary

The quote goes to show a small section of just how ridiculously our tax and spend government...taxes and spends.

J Carlton, Calgary

Statism is in a word "corrupt".

J Carlton, Calgary

cal, Hanson's heart is in the right place, but like too many new age liberals, they just don't seem to work things out to their natural conclusion. Its wishful thinking, as opposed to logical thinking, based on natural law. It's our job to help them see that. :)

J Carlton, Calgary

We have more "Government" and more taxation than we've ever had in history. As a result we are heading for a crash that will make the Dirty 30's look like a walk in the park. Government has no income and creates no wealth, it is a thief riding on the backs of the productive and innovative. It is a parasite and like all parasites, it eventually kills its host. Socialism is, at its heart, thievery and gangsterism.

J Carlton, Calgary

Doug, I say again...your taxes go to pay the "interest" on money printed out of thin air...and loaned to our Government which is entirely outside the realm of the Constitution. I mean no insult, but you really should educate yourself on how this system is not only criminal and manipulative, but makes you an economic slave to people who don't give a Rat's A$$ about you or anything else. What you believe is reality...is an illusion.

J Carlton, Calgary

Doug, you are well meaning but misinformed. Your taxes do NOT pay for those things. Loans from the privately owned Federal Reserve DO. Your income tax goes to pay the interest on those loans that are created literally out of "thin air" There is no accountability whatsoever.

J Carlton, Calgary

Dr. Dale - Burn your Representatives phone, email and fax machine up with demands to audit the Federal Reserve. Organize and educate your friends and associates as to just how it operates. Here's an interesting and entertaining little video on the subject that needs to go viral" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD1G7f4bE0w

J Carlton, Calgary

Waffler, tell it to people who are losing their homes, cars and livelihoods... Thanks the the Kenyan Imposter and Government cronyism in general.

J Carlton, calgary

And Waffler once again does his best to put Roses around the cancer we know as Global Communism. Nice try Komrade, but it doesn't fly.

J Carlton, Calgary

Like the dead weight that it is...Government kills free enterprise.

J Carlton, Calgary

We now have more (unConstitutional) government that we've ever had and things are most definately NOT getting any better. In fact we are becoming a Police State.

J Carlton, Calgary

They are levied for the benefit of those behind the Federal Reserve.

J Carlton, Calgary

Waffler you are absolutely unteachable. Most of us advocate Libertarianism or Constitutionalism...neither advocate that government should be extinct. Merely that it should be extremely limited in is function. Socialism is a disease and we are trying to rid the nation of it.

J Carlton, Calgary

See jim, I told ya! LOL. Mindless, statist BullSh...

J Carlton, Calgary

Is it just me or does Waffler get a little more insane every day?

J Carlton, Calgary

jim, in order to "weigh in" you need to have some standing. Communists don't have that...they're nothing more than parasitic mouthpieces for policies of theft. ;)

J Carlton, Calgary

What the Wafflers of the world seem to ignore is the the incredible waste, graft and corruption that comes with "thin air" money from all administrations. That's because they have terribly limited, programmed, communist mind sets.

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