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Posts from J carlton, Calgary

J carlton, CalgaryJ carlton, Calgary
J Carlton, Calgary

Hey! Cheerful Dick is back. :) What's up Dick? Still trying to find out why most of the world isn't out goose stepping with you? Is that why you come here? ;-)

J Carlton, Calgary

By being an effective, responsible, motivated and independent human being, we are not a drain on society, but a contributor to society's overall well being. It's the only moral existence one can have. And imagine how well we'd all be doing if we weren't being extorted for up to 70% of our earnings...only to have that money poured down a black hole...

J Carlton, Calgary

Natural Law in a nutshell.

J Carlton, Calgary

Lincoln's motives were hardly so grand. He was as manipulated by the central bankers as any president has ever been. Andrew Jackson was diametrically opposed to central banking and this was the beginning of the rift between north and south. The south legally seceded in order to negate the growing power of self interested bankers and industrialists in the north. The leaders of the Confederacy themselves discussed abolition when writing their own Constitution and decided it was too much change for the south all at once and that it would have to be revisited. Oddly, Robert E Lee owned no slaves when the war of aggression broke out, Ulysses S Grant did. Why in his Emancipation Proclamation did Lincoln not address the slaves of the north? And why was one year's service in the Union Army the price of actual freedom for escaped slaves...and why were they used as front line cannon fodder...if Lincoln was so compassionate towards them? It was about money, it was about control, it was about everything that motivates ALL Governments.

J Carlton, Calgary

Further to my comment above, it's come to light that the massive GM bail out was used to move 70% of GM's production to China. Way to save American jobs "Big Government" assholes. I'll be driving Ford's for a long time...

J Carlton, Calgary

The FED issues "Credit" not money. And it is paid back through taxation on goods and your labor with "currency" not money. "Money" has an intrinsic value and can be literally anything that is valued by or useful to the parties involved in any transaction. The Fraudulent Reserve, it's owners and its collection wing of gangsters are perpetrating the greatest crime ever conducted on an entire nation, and in fact, the entire planet in an effort to enthrone themselves as rulers of the world. The Rothschilds started out as thieves and continue to be thieves. These parasites (et.al.) have got to go!

J Carlton, Calgary

The very idea of a central bank is communist in nature and made all the more heinous by the fact that its owned and run by private foreign interests who couldn't care less about Americans. The fact that the "currency" we use is issued as debt means we are indeed slaves who will be paying off the interest on these loans in perpetuity. Abolish the Fraudulent Reserve and its gangster collection wing.

J Carlton, Calgary

You're right Jim, that Waffler was (supposedly) himself one of the gangster extortionists explains his complete ignorance of the concept of liberty and the Constitution of The United states of America. The man is an obvious shill for globalist (read: communist) control.

J Carlton, Calgary

Nothing is going to change by way of the bought and paid for politicians "we elect". We The People need to end the Fraudulant Reserve and its collection arm of gangster extortionists.

J Carlton, Calgary

Profoundly prescient. The Fraudulent Reserve and its gangster collection arm have got to go.

J Carlton, Calgary

My favorite statement supposedly from a Russian Miner..."They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work"...

J Carlton, Calgary

Or worse, the Dept. of Homeland (Der Fatherland) Security deems you a domestic terrorist because you want the government to follow the Constitution.

J Carlton, Calgary

In a boots on the ground sense...there is no difference between the two ideology's. The end result is oppression and coercion. Both are unAmerican and both are anti-freedom. Both philosophies need to be shot dead in their tracks.

J Carlton, Calgary

Rand is clearly correct here. Our present system of wealth redistribution does in fact treat every single one of us as inventory. Our present system is communist in nature and masquerades as that of a "free" nation. Our present system is completely irresponsible and run by criminals of both political and corporate status. What I work for is mine, period. That I use it to improve the lot of myself and my family...thereby not being a burden to society, is what I expect of each and every citizen. How is that wrong?

J Carlton, Calgary

Donahoe...America didn't "allow" slavery. America "inherited" slavery...from the English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese...America "ended" slavery. Even the Southern Confederacy was going to get rid of it...that's documented. Get it straight!

J Carlton, Calgary

Great Quote...Go Libertarian, Go Constitution.

J Carlton, Calgary

I'm less worried about the manufactured terrorist threat than I am about the covert UN / Banker threat to our liberties. Churchill is right on every level though.

J Carlton, Calgary

Calhoun was an obviously intelligent and prescient man. We have now descended into a near police state and that with an imposter at the helm. Our government is not ours...it's the property and tool of the central bankers, which makes voting and "so called" democracy a sick joke.

J Carlton, Calgary

As John in Ontario accurately pointed out, there is nothing left of our government or system to be loyal to. We are now officially "inventory".

J Carlton, Calgary

I'd like to see how they will compel people to pay for Obama's socialist health care. How can you take money from a destitute nation that is totally broke to pay for the impossible? America is too broke to be socialized.

J Carlton, Calgary

There is / was no shortage of collusion between American Corporate (Banker) interests and the Nazi's or Soviets. For example IBM New York supplied the Nazi's with accounting equipment to track the number of Jews that were the victims of genocide. And they knew it too. Those same intersts were backing both Wellington and Napolean at Waterloo..."win-win" for the bankers. Abolish the Federal Reserve. 5 stars for truth.

J Carlton, Calgary

An astute observation for sure.

J Carlton, Calgary

Bush is/was just another globalist working towards Global Communism...nothing new here...ALL Presidents and Prime Ministers are cut from the same cloth since at least 1913.

J Carlton, Calgary

Yet another elitist expresses his views on communism. America must fumigate its halls of power and the place to start is the Federal Reserve. Restore the Republic.

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