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Posts from Jack, Greeen, OH

Jack, Greeen, OHJack, Greeen, OH
Jack, Greeen, OH

Would be the worst quote ever, taken out of context as this evidently was. Thanks, Reston. If it doesn't fit, amend it, as has been necessary at timrd to extend people's rights. Sounds like something George W.Bush would say when it gets in his way, only he doesn't bother amending it ..he just ignores it.

Jack, Greeen, OH

The statement is unclear whether it refers to some particular time or othe by the use of the past perfect, had become. Has become, would be more specific, but still does not define the misunderstanding many Americans have about the Constitution. They think it is a form of statute regulating the citizens - only moreso, somehow, or, they would like to make it so by attaching amendments limiting some individuals' rights. It should be remembered it is a covenant with th government describing what the government can or cannot do, and the rights of the people it will protect. There are more than enough legislative bodies to write laws to regulate the people, as the need arises.

Jack, Greeen, OH

Calling the federalization of the original colonies a mistake is itself a mistake, Ken. There was no choice, given the temperament and attitudes of the day, the mistrust of each other. It was, as Franklin said, hang together or hang separately, or forever be subservient to England. Without the federation, the only arrangement for independence would have been the unlikely separate sovereign nations, like Europe, until they finally formed a federation themselves

Jack, Greeen, OH

Goldwater may have said those words at one time, but in his 1964 presidentiao acceptance speech he said, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

Jack, Greeen, OH

What is perverse to one may be normal to another. As long as it doesn't harm others, should it be forbidden? It may be odd but that's the price of freedom. If it does harm others it is denying them their civil rights and is illegal, and has nothing to do with liberty and equality. The quote says "If liberty and equality... are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government" I maintain that is a self-evident. Do you not agree, David?

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