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Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
jim k, Austin

cal is right. And to think that we've come all the way down from Jefferson to Obama. What's even worse, democrats are now faced with a choice between Hillary and Bernie.

jim k, Austin

The state should exist for the benefit of the individual man but the state exists for the benefit of the state and the politicians therein.

jim k, Austin

Editor, I agree with you that comments need to be less wordy. Remember the old saying that brevity is the soul of wit.

jim k, Austin

Reston, once again you prove that you are nuts. How on earth did Michael Dell and Bill gates get rich by taking advantage of the poor? They've created thousands of jobs to keep people out of poverty. Poor people don't create jobs, rich people do.

jim k, Austin

Reston, are you nuts, well, yes you are. The right to bear arms has nothing to do with hunting. Your comments are ridiculous even for you.

jim k, Austin

Just like Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Castro, as well as Mussolini.

jim k, Austin

Hillary is one of the most evil persons on this earth. The Republicans aint no bargain but the Dems are at a new low with Hillary and Bernie the only choices.

jim k, Austin

Wholly smoke, can't add to the reams of print here so I'll just give it 5 stars.

jim k, Austin

I always laugh when someone says that the rich got that way by stealing from the poor. Think it through, waffler.

jim k, Austin

andi, bakersfield are you saying that Bill Gates and Michael Dell didn't earn their wealth? If so,are you nuts. Yes you are.

jim k, Austin

"Government, in it's last analysis, is organized force." -- Woodrow Wilson

jim k, Austin

No matter who said it, it's true.

jim k, Austin

Walter is right on target .

jim k, Austin

The quote is right on target.

jim k, Austin

This is so true and defines our situation today.

jim k, Austin

Sorry I gave it 5 stars, closer to 3.

jim k, Austin

Exactly right. This quote nails it.

jim k, Austin

Waffler, I live in Texas, not Lala land where you live.

jim k, Austin

When gold was outlawed under FDR, people turned in gold for paper.

jim k, Austin

Very well said, Gene Castle.

jim k, Austin

Look to D.C. for proof.

jim k, Austin

Change "every" to "many" and you have it.

jim k, Austin

Pretty well sums up our country today. Folks complain about the mess we are in and then vote the same people in that caused this mess. Truly it has been said that Government is a Disease Masquerading as it's own Cure.

jim k, Austin

And what a great name, Lysander Spooner.

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