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Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
jim k, Austin

Reston, you missed the point of the quote. Or maybe you didn't.

jim k, Austin

Waffler, a perfect example of an extreme religious hate group is Islam. Muslims are determined to take over the world and we better wake up.

jim k, Austin

Walter, you are a knuckle head.

jim k, Austin

And Warren, most wars come from religion.

jim k, Austin

I have very little love for the ACLU but this quote is right on.

jim k, Austin

Execution Is probably the key word here in dealing with governments.

jim k, Austin

Good old "Honest Abe". A man who caused the war of Northern Aggression, called the Civil War and over 600,000 people died. Read "Lincoln Unmasked" or "The Real Lincoln" to get the truth about Lincoln.

jim k, Austin

E Archer, great comment in general and the first line is perfect.

jim k, Austin

" Government, even in it's best state, is but a necessary evil, in it's worse state an intolerable one." Thomas Paine.

jim k, Austin

Maybe this quote is saying, "We get what we deserve".

jim k, Austin

Mencken nails it, as he usually does.

jim k, Austin

Jerry, while we are working on the users addiction . let's get rid of the 'War on Drugs". This is a 30 year war and is a disaster for this country. See LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on the web.

jim k, Austin

The biggest threat to our country is that "religion" of peace, Islam. We need to wake up. You can slander a protestant, a Jew, a Catholic, are any other religion except Islam. You mustn't say anything negative about a "religion" that says it's fine to cut of a non- believer's head. That's political correctness for you.

jim k, Austin

Sometimes Reston makes some sense but not this time.( I should change "Sometimes" to rarely.)

jim k, Austin

Einstein was asked if he ever played golf. He said no, it was too complicated.

jim k, Austin

Muslims consider everyone else as heretics and they don't mind killing them. When will we wake up to the dangers of Islam.

jim k, Austin

When I think of "busybodies" , the first thing that comes to mind is the EPA.

jim k, Austin

Don't shoot the messenger, this quote is right on target.

jim k, Austin

E Archer, great comment. Our country survives in spite of all the government "Help". Watch "Shark Tank" and see entrepreneurship in action.

jim k, Austin

andi, I fear that the Bakersfield sun has baked your brain. When you lose everything, you may need a job cleaning toilets. Rich capitalists create jobs that poor people need.

jim k, Austin

Funny and it makes a valid point.

jim k, Austin

I am not rich but I love rich people. For example, Michael Dell right here in Austin.He has created thousands of jobs and given loads of money to charities. I'm sick of people who downgrade rich people and say how they make it on the backs of the workers. They furnish jobs , real jobs , not phony government jobs payed for by taxpayers. God bless the rich.

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