Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-7] of 7Posts from John Anderson, Tacoma, WAJohn Anderson, Tacoma, WA 1 Reply John Anderson, Tacoma, WA 10/21/08 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote Eloquently spoken truth Reply John Anderson, Tacoma, WA 10/21/08 re: Hubert H. Humphrey quote Would to God it were true. Certainly the whole world would be free by now were it true. Unfortunately, Love of Self is the universal contagion, contracted at conception. Liberty, freedom is not contagious -it must be fought for, must be cultivated, must be husbanded, cherished, protected not because it is contagious but because it is too easily taken for granted or held in contempt. Reply John Anderson, Tacoma, WA 10/21/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote Listed above as the source is this url: Here is a cut and paste from the "source" --"falsely attributed to Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), "Abschied vom Hessenland!" ["Farewell to Hessia!"], ['Berlin Daily' (Loose English Translation)], April 15th, 1935, Page 3 Article 2, Einleitung Von Eberhard Beckmann [Introduction by Eberhard Beckmann]... This quotation, however effective it may be as propaganda, is a fraud." 3 Reply John Anderson, Tacoma, WA 10/21/08 re: Auberon Herbert quote If only Justices Stevens, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsberg and Breyer had leaned more toward this understanding of property. As it is, their willingness to revoke personal property protections for the individual in favor of the public in their Kelo ruling leaves every individual vulnerable to the more powerful collective. Reply John Anderson, Tacoma, WA 10/21/08 re: Patrick Henry quote Good quote. True even if misattributed. 2 Reply John Anderson, Tacoma, WA 8/2/08 re: Henry George quote If only the government would get out of the business of protecting fools from the consequences of their folly! No more Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac bailouts. No more Wellfare. No more Social Security. Reply John Anderson, Tacoma, WA 8/2/08 re: James A. Garfield quote Public education is certainly one way to create a nation of docile subjects. Some of us do not wish to be subjects. We will continue to teach our children truth as we see fit, not simply allow the state to teach them the state's version of truth. A list of men NOT popularly educated includes George Washington, John Adams, James Monroe, James Madison, Adam Smith. While education is certainly profitable and may even be necessary to the preservation of freedom, state imposed education is antithetical to individual liberty. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print