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Posts from Judith, New Mexico

Judith, New MexicoJudith, New Mexico
Judith, New Mexico

Abigail, all I could find under a Google search on your Insight Communism is a religious magazine. I wondered if you were referencing a theory or something new. Insight is a religious periodical with the Bible league. I think I am more afraid of fascism which it seems we are pretty much under right at the moment.

Judith, New Mexico

Glad you are back Waffler and I agree with you. They think that 3 billion people could not conceivable affect the environment, nor could their activities and life style contribute carbon into the air. Humans and their foot prints are speeding up the effects of global warming. Even a flesh diet most humans demand is putting carbon and methane into the air by the tons. Justin, where did you read that Waffler proposed on wealth distribution in his comment? Sounds like a good idea to me. Have you ever read the 'A People's History of the United States' by Howard Zinn. He explains extensively how the weath was distributed, by the enslavement of whites and blacks. Justin, who was keeping the statistics of the water quality from the time before the industrial revolution? Isn't that a bit of what the writer is talking about? That bit of information is not reliable and therefore, not to be considered. We have lakes where people are not allowed to fish in Michigan because the fish are considered toxic. Some lakes prohibit swimming because the water is toxic. The Great Lakes sure is not what they were before the Industrial Revolution. Carol, Have a good read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressives Now what is it Carol, you are opposed to change? You are so rich you cannot share your stash with anyone else. You earned it all yourself without taking advantage of anyone? Not sure what you mean when you throw your labels out there. Don't mean to be on the offense but I really find labels and name calling like Kenyan to be sophomoric. It doesn't require many brain cells and contributes nothing really.. President Obama had the mess that G W Bush left, remember him, the one who had the Patriot Act already written before 9-11 and who started an illegal war of aggression on the basis of a lie, intentionally and tripled the national debt from the beginning to end of his two illegal terms? Not President Obama. What in particular is it that you not approve of Elena Kegan? And Archer, why do you find it necessary to insult Waffler? To whom do you hold yourself up to? The earth has accelerated in warming, besides just warming as it may be doing now. Perhaps you would like to be one of the last ones here to say you are "right". Sorry, but your big words do not make up for your lack of information. There are facts about the CO2 holding in heat inside the planet, yes the heat that is brought by the sun. This snooty competition of labeling and debate of the obvious makes most of you sound like Rich Limbaugh fans. That doesn't make you right. Your noses are a bit out of joint.

Judith, New Mexico

Yes, Abigail, where does that come from? Having good neighbors? The Native American Indians lived in tee pees where they could hear what was going on next door to help, but where did that get them? Shucks, we will never have to worry about that anyway. They have warm places to take us if it becomes necessary, in little rail cars.

Judith, New Mexico

Cal, I saw a video yesterday that said if we tax the Federal Reserve 0.06% we could pay off our debts. That was interesting since it does seem that the Fed should pay tax on the interest it gets for air, or I mean for paper that they print the obligatory notes on. Why don't they pay tax on this interest that is passed on to the public? We who let these organizations, this is a commercial organization, get away with this kind of theft get what we deserve. We must get this changed. Now.

Judith, New Mexico

Ergo the 50% plus of our national budget for defense. Why do they call it defense when it has been all aggression on the U.S. part?

Judith, New Mexico

Maybe I should have expanded on what I was thinking, more in a collective view, that we cannot continue forcing our values (falsely so) and "democracy" down the throats of the rest of the world, all in the name of oil. We have murdered over a million Iraqis. Assault on the planet cannot continue for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many. Our country, and fellow citizens cannot expect the rest of the world to tolerate our contemptuous behavior and threats to the rest. Enough nuclear weapons to blow the planet to smithereens and tell the rest of the world we are the few that can be trusted with them when we are the only ones to have used them. Over 50% of our budget spent on so-called defense (wars of aggression,), over 800 military bases on foreign land and 40% to mercenary armies. A society that supports this horrific behavior which does not demand it stop, while their own families are becoming more and more homeless and hungry. We are in the funnel going down quickly. When will we become a nation that values life is willing to stop bullying and controlling countries whose resources our corporations covet. Most think we are the "evil empire" and we need to consider whether they might have something we don't realize. We need a reality check.

Judith, New Mexico

Like your "dead or liberal" comment. Such angry people who cannot tolerate anyone else opinion without insulting them. Same old, same old. Is this a club? Seem this is the usual content of most comments. Just more hate speech.

Judith, New Mexico

One would be that we, individually, or as a nation, are not the center of the universe and that everyone should not be measured against oneself, ourselves, or in accordance with our wants and needs. The manner of thinking will most certainly be related to our values which must also be adjusted. We don't have a lot of time to do this.

Judith, New Mexico

Guess if you are leading an Army you need to speak what you mean and mean what you speak, with no prose or flowery branching. Actually I agree overall unless you have time to entertain and impress others, and enjoy finding interesting way to communicate. I always enjoyed talking with people who were more intelligent that I because it is both educational and stimulating. More often, in everyday life, it is better if not necessary to cut to the chase.

Judith, New Mexico

Who is not for liberty? That is not the question. Nor is the quote anything about liberty. This must be the talk-speak that Orwell referenced. No one can communicate because no one has the same reference point. Stand all you can bear and we will cheer you on.

Judith, New Mexico

What the heck are you hanging it on to the progressives for? We don't have a progressive government. I am 68 an raised two children while going to nursing school and getting a BS. I know own valuable property, but do not blame anyone for anything. Maybe leaving name calling out and addressing exactly what you feel is the problem would be more helpful. Think about it.

Judith, New Mexico

The source in Wikipedia is appreciated. Russel's parents leaned toward atheism, and his grandmother who became his guardian after his parents dies when he was a child wrote that he must be raised as an atheist, and at age 18 he finally decided that he would discard religion. It seems he was influence heavily by those around him and his premature decision to deny god was not really well thought out by him. Good article that gives considerable insight to Russell.

Judith, New Mexico

Years ago, NPR noon time discussion "All things considered", I believe it was called had a group of scientists who were discussing whether science could prove there was a God. It was the consensus at the end of the program that most of the scientists believed that science would indeed prove God exists. Bertrand Russell seems would not have even considered the thought. Enjoying the discussion of all of you. Thanks. Anyone heard from Waffler? Haven't seen his comments in quite some time.

Judith, New Mexico

Yes, Abigail, blame it on the progressives. No responsibility elsewhere, like on the so-called "victim" role you imply? Cannot we get past the cursed labeling which divides and conquers, the Rush Limbaugh tactic. Could not this quote also mean that by small steps one can make huge change; can accomplish the building of a pyramid? It depends on whether you are a giver upper, or a doer. Spread knowledge, get involved, write letters, to make change if you speak about government, or as an 85 year old black woman who just got her Bachelors degree, took small strokes and reached her life goal, to be educated.

Judith, New Mexico

Wish that so many would have that mentor to urge them on, to plant the seed, to show them what is possible, to set the example, to make them hunger to be more than they conceived possible, in a positive way that they could contribute to all, not just to accumulate wealth and possessions but to see what greatness really is.

Judith, New Mexico

http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/359.html Excellent video on biofuels. Here is the video that discusses why Prohibition was declared: Believe it or not. And discusses why and how cars can run on alcohol. http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/432.html

Judith, New Mexico

http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/359.html Excellent video on biofuels. Here is the video that discusses why Prohibition was declared: Believe it or not. And discusses why and how cars can run on alcohol. http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/432.html

Judith, New Mexico

http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/33.html double click on the screen of the video and it will fill your screen. Look up on www.brasscheck.tv.com and you will find a large inventory of videos, many more videos that relate similar issues. I will still look for the one that quoted the real reason for Prohibition, as I stated earlier.

Judith, New Mexico

Justin and Jim, Guess I was a bit gullible when I watched a video from one of my sources, www.brasschecktv.com , that had a speaker in a group talking about this and said he knew people who were using alcohol in their cars, buying from local farmers. He indicated it was less polluting than gas, and they do use ethanol in cars now?? If I find that video I will refer you to it if you want to check it out. I know little about engines and the chemistry of fuel burning so maybe I was too hasty in assuming he was credible.

Judith, New Mexico

Sometimes it doesn't even take one lie, Luigi, Fort Worth. They can manipulate anything. Justin, you're alright with me. In case any are curious I suggest that you Google "Fema Camps". You will get a plethora of links to search. And you can ask Google to show you a map of Fema Camps, and you should get a map of the US showing all the Fema camps, and you can look at any region. It will tell you exactly where they are. You might watch the video which will show the railroad running up to the doors, turnstyles and huge gas furnaces that have been installed to empty rooms that have never been heated. One video showed a rail car with seats along both sides and shackles on the floor, etc. Some of the cars are just plain black. There are some military vehicles parked at some of them Pretty chilling, I think. Of course now they have secret prisons inside prisons, which many of the people working there know nothing about. Have read information that people are held there secretly, and families do not know where they are. Waffler wanted me to provide some evidence that they existed, and have not seen him writing for several days now. Not sure he saw the post I gave earlier about them Hope all is well with him.

Judith, New Mexico

Seems like Carl Rove was an expert at creating these scenarios and it has been an artful game ever since. Can we believe anything we are told, like isn't it sticking it to BP to accept their offer to set a 20 billion dollar fund to spend toward damages of the oil spill?

Judith, New Mexico

Strange comment coming from the CIA. They are busy looking for the fellow from Wikileaks because he has some film that exposed the American heliocopters shooting journalists and some Iraqis, unarmed people, oh, and a couple of kids. Didn't think thought was all that mattered but how to hide it. Wasn't the CIA involved in Arms for Contras? Wonder if they learned anything from that.

Judith, New Mexico

How can you do the former without doing the latter?

Judith, New Mexico

Problem is that there are too many wealthy people at the top and in legitimate positions that do not want drugs legalized. There is a lot of money being made on all levels, even with the forfeiture laws, police departments can keep much of their trove and use for their own designated purposes. Really a lot there, Then you have the prison system which is now on the public stock exchange. It is a whole industry of mafia styled crime. But the mafioso have been alleged to be the CIA, Bill Clinton whose airport drugs were exchanged for arms, etc. Maryjuana should be legalized and taxed. Hemp should be allowed to be grown legally. Doubt it will ever happen, unfortunately, as the Feds have taken over the issue and states seem to have little decision making here. Heard that alcohol was outlawed because they discovered oil to fuel cars. Cars were initially fueled by alcohol which is cheap to produce still. Once people were used to putting fuel in their cars and forgot about alcohol, Prohibition was then lifted. You think a few ladies protesting when they didn't even have the vote could have take the bottle away from their men. It was about oil, not what women wanted.

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