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Posts from Justin, Elkland

Justin, ElklandJustin, Elkland
Justin, Elkland

Satan speaks with a sweet tongue. Cool it not.

Justin, Elkland

Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. Jesus Christ wan't big on debasing currency either.

Justin, Elkland

The cult of government is one of humanity's oldest religions.

Justin, Elkland

Fear not. Our grandchildren will grow far stronger and wiser than we in the poverty that we are visiting upon them. I only hope they don't judge us too harshly, though I won't blame them if they do.

Justin, Elkland

Funny but absurd. We all know that socialism is just a rationalization of disparate groups of malcontents bent on thieving from their neighbors. It is a mental illness.

Justin, Elkland

Yes, but if you already know the answer you want there's no need to concern yourself with learning anything new.

Justin, Elkland

There are shades of Capitalism, just as there are shades of Socialism. I'm not a fan of our current hue.

Justin, Elkland

The only way to reduce the tax burden on the producing middle class is to reduce government spending. Soaking the rich soaks us all. The divide is not between those who are rich and those who are poor, but rather between those who are new producers and those who are net consumers.

Justin, Elkland

Red blood toils, Blue blood takes spoils. Red blood boils, Blue blood stains soils.

Justin, Elkland

All men are created equal in the eyes of God, but all men are not of equal ability. How we have regressed. The lowest of fools understood this in Jefferson's time but this fact escapes the majority today. Lack of suffrage doesn't mean lack of life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. Those who would make themselves dependents of the State should not vote. Those who would sell their vote for a gift card should be hanged publicly.

Justin, Elkland

Jefferson would be ashamed of what we have allowed our government to become. I doubt any of us could look him in the eye, were he alive today.

Justin, Elkland

It amazes me that the same people that would flee the old aristocracy of Europe would institute a new and in many cases even more corrupt government when they arrived here in America. A strong case can be made for not letting new immigrants congregate in cities too long, lest the cities become that which the immigrants escaped.

Justin, Elkland

The temerity of our rulers has yet to be bounded.

Justin, Elkland

Far too many in these States want both and deserve neither.

Justin, Elkland

Yes, but back then they never could have imagined a black rifle with a pistol grip that could fire 30 bullets in a row. Thirty men could have fired simultaneously perhaps, and thirty lead balls could be loaded into cannon and fired at once, but certainly not all of those guns would have been black.

Justin, Elkland

It would have been great to have lived in the days of feudalism as a serf. Murder and rape were impossible in the days before guns were invented, and no village was ever burned and no city ever razed.

Justin, Elkland

Even the most careless or casual perusal of the Founders' writings will find that the second amendment had nothing to do with hunting or sporting purposes. Guns prevent the strong from injuring the weak, be it a strong man or a strong government at home or abroad. Liberty as an idea is impossible for an unarmed populace.

Justin, Elkland

Obama continues the Homeland Security fascism and military adventuring of Bush Jr. and adds in marxism, crony capitalism, mercantilism, Keynesian economics, and climate change. He's like the patron saint of bad ideas.

Justin, Elkland

In this modern era what is left that government must provide? The common defense? Interstate infrastructure planning? Little comes to mind.

Justin, Elkland

Was there ever a greater enemy of liberty in America?

Justin, Elkland

What a wonderful thing firearms are. In the Dark Ages the poor man was at the mercy of the rich man, and the weak man was at the mercy of the strong man. Guns are the great equalizer of men, and only after their invention and widespread use have we seen civilized men treating each other as equals. I would that every man in the world had a pistol on his hip, and a carbine slung across his back. How much more polite and respectful we would all be.

Justin, Elkland

Why we Americans feel the need to prove that the majority can make liars into Presidents, and thieves into Congressmen I cannot understand. Would it not have been better to take Locke's word for it?

Justin, Elkland

Bastiat proves that truth is truth no matter when it was written.

Justin, Elkland

Reston, The Police Chief said the town was safer. His experience trumps statistics, though it's nice when the numbers agree with the reality of a situation.

Justin, Elkland

I would guess, on this day of infamy, that the sons of those citizens are better prepared to defend America than the depressed little emo kids growing up in Atlanta proper.

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