Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [676-700] of 1155Posts from Ken, Allyn, WAKen, Allyn, WA Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/16/07 re: Henry Miller quote Considering this is coming from a literary pornographer, I'm pretty sure he's talking about some sexual perversions that are ever present in human society. Is pedophilia one of those nasty, painful, and evil things that can become beautiful if only we'd open our benighted minds? As an unbranded quote, it might rate three stars. Considering its author, one star. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/15/07 re: Percy Bysshe Shelley quote Truth can be looked at from many different angles and interpreted differently because the observer always influences the observation. However, there must be some real truth there before it can be observed. Plato's Allegory of the Cave shows that human beings have been wrestling with this question for thousands of years. The problem is that even though the truth may be beneficial to mankind, sometimes the interpretation is not. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/15/07 re: George Santayana quote And repeat them we shall, ad nauseum. What does anyone expect government schools to teach but reverence to the state? Parochial schools certainly teach reverence to the church. Government is just another evangelizing religion looking for converts and worship. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/15/07 re: Aldous Huxley quote Sadly, the memory hole works and facts, even if they don't entirely cease to exist, become so distorted in the perception of the bewildered herds that truth has little bearing on what people actually do. In effect facts become irrelevant. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/14/07 re: Peter Abelard quote A good synopsis of the scientific method. You can always identify a religion when the "prophet" tells you the debate is over and engages in ad hominem attacks. Eventually, he'll call your denial criminal and try to have you silenced. In fact, it reminds me of the global warming debate. But I forgot: the debate is over. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/14/07 re: Herbert Sebastien Agar quote The truth is that almost everything that happens to us, every circumstance we find ourselves in is our own fault and is the result of choices we've made in our lives. That's not a message I like to hear, but it's a message I need to hear. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/14/07 re: Andrei Sakharov quote I rather enjoy it when someone proposes their dubious ideas. It gives me something and someone to ridicule. In fact I consider it a duty of a sensible citizen to ridicule foolish ideas. 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/13/07 re: John Locke quote Intelligence without the bombs is simply knowing ahead of time when you're going to be murdered. 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/13/07 re: Heraclitus quote Isn't that the truth. In Washington state we continually have the leftist Supreme Court overturning initiatives (but only those that interfere with their agenda) using newly found constitutional rights and corrupt election officials "finding" new ballots cast by felons, illegal aliens, and dead people to elect their favorite socialist politician. The Soviet of Washington makes Chicago and New Orleans look like havens of clean elections. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/13/07 re: George Washington quote Expect the worst when dealing with human beings because that's what you'll usually get if you allow it. Often, however, you'll be pleasantly surprised when you get the best. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/12/07 re: John Milton quote I would make that "valid complaints". Those who whine and complain about trivialities should expect no consideration or reform. They shouldn't even expect to be heard (no one has a right to be heard). All they should expect is to be told to shut the hell up. 4 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/12/07 re: Harry S. Truman quote The Patriot Act has far less effect on the freedom of speech of Americans than hate speech codes and Equal Employment Opportunity law. 4 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/12/07 re: Cato quote The freedom of speech guaranteed by the bill of rights is only a guarantee from government interference. Society should be expected to hold people accountable for the idiocy they sometimes spew. Private business as well has no obligation to allow its employees freedom to say whatever they wish. The problem we have today is that government is enforcing speech codes by calling certain ideas "hate speech". This is a pernicious attempt by government to mold individuals' thoughts to some government approved politically correct code. 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/9/07 re: Soren Kierkegaard quote Isn't that the truth, Dana? It seems to be that the only people who are likely to be the targets of the PC censors are those who are able to think. Every fool is allowed to spew nonsense, however. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/9/07 re: David Mamet quote This a true observation of human nature, and I am assuming we're all human as well. The problem with allowing government officials get away with the lie is that they have the power to affect everyone with it. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/9/07 re: Fyodor Dostoyevsky quote If it were up to me, I'd have this quote painted on every mirror in America. Pluck the log out of your own eye before you try to pull the mote out of someone else's. It's not just the "elites" who are lying to themselves and us, it seems most everyone has a little trouble with honesty these days. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/7/07 re: Horace quote The wise man needs no law but his own. It's all of those fools out there who shackle the wise. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/7/07 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Better late than never, I suppose. Too many willfully ignore life's lessons usually just because they can. That good, old government "safety net" creates a nation of fools. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/5/07 re: Titus Maccius Plautus quote You have to surround yourself with wise counselors to be able to come to a wise decision. However, like Harry Truman said, "The buck stops here." Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/5/07 re: Pericles quote But Al Gore told me the debate is over and anyone who disagrees with him is just a "denier". Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 11/5/07 re: Jerome D. Frank quote Civilization has advanced and receded throughout our entire history like the ebb and flow of the tide. Advanced and enlightened society has turned into a dark age because of pandemics, wars, powerful elites wanting ever more power, and on and on. Civilizations just become tired and worn out sometimes with the general population getting too fat, happy, and dependent on government. But you can always tell an advancing civilization because you have dissenters that are allowed to speak without having brown shirted thugs shouting and beating them down. Unfortunately, the closest thing we have to brown shirts today call you a Nazi when you disagree with them. They call themselves "liberal" of course. 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 10/31/07 re: Lao-Tzu quote One of the best compliments I ever got at work was when someone told me, "You're the only person around here who'll tell me 'I don't know'." 2 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 10/31/07 re: Chief Joseph quote Has anyone ever seen the entire income tax code? 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 10/31/07 re: Calvin Coolidge quote The laws of economics cannot be repealed either. Try as many have to try to shape human beings to some socialist dystopia, in the end human nature will win. When someone has the rewards of their labor stolen from them they will stop working. When someone is given anything for free, they will take until there is no more. By the way, why is that to some people every quote relates to George Bush? I suppose many people suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS), a severe form obsessive/compulsive disorder related to liberalism. Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 10/25/07 re: William Blake quote Be careful who knows your secrets. They just might be an enemy someday who knows how to use the truth. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print