Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [76-100] of 155Posts from L. Hanson, edmonton, canadaL. Hanson, edmonton, canada Previous 25 Next 25 Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 10/15/12 re: Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quote Free competion. Not corporate welfare; which is what most corporations are expecting and receiving from our governments (red or blue). Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 9/21/12 re: Lysander Spooner quote The latter, being the so called government, are the ones doing the robbing, enslaving and murdering. The money lenders are willing and concious enablers and therefore the greater villians. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 9/6/12 re: H. L. Mencken quote Democracy certainly deteriorates into this condition; if the Jackals aren't purged on a regular basis. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/9/12 re: David Harris quote Now to merely oppose our current government gets you branded a terrorist. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 6/27/12 re: A. M. Rosenthal quote So the most iconic right-wing Republican next to Ronald Reagen was working in collusion with "The Evil Empire" to institute a world wide dictatorship? I believe it. 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 6/26/12 re: J. Edgar Hoover quote Yeah, if you're a cross dressing, paranoid schizophrenic living in the 1950's. 2Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 6/13/12 re: Rick Scott quote Have you completely lost your minds? Government overreach? Don't you realize that those that are flouting the law are forming the law? In Canada there are more guns per capita than in the US and A, but we have 1/10th the murder rate. Do the math. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 6/4/12 re: Margaret Thatcher quote This herodin; this destroyer of an Empire who ripped and tore assunder the social-economic fabric of entire nation to benefit an elite few should burn in hell for etenity. She should not be praised, but despised and vilified at every opportunity. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 5/30/12 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote As Canadians we all shake our heads collectively and wonder why Ron Paul isn't the Republican Nominee. Here he would have been the leader of the Conservative Party. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, CANADA 5/22/12 re: Aesop quote It makes me think of Ronald Reagen. The joke was pulled on the American public. I'm a Canadian and please, please do not elect another Con. 1 Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 4/10/12 re: James A. Traficant, Jr. quote Even if this was true it pales in comparison to the crimes perpetrated by Reagan and Bush Sr. and Jr. 2 Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 4/5/12 re: Milton Friedman quote If Freidman was advising Reagan why didn't he listen to him; but instead continue with the policies that have lead to near destruction of the socio-economic fabric of the US and A. 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, CANADA 4/4/12 re: Milton Friedman quote Socialism is far more desirable than Plutocracy - the current system entrenched by RR, GHWB and GWB. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 3/22/12 re: Laurence H. Shoup quote And Ronald Tehran, GHW Bush sold it to us brought it home. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 3/2/12 re: Sandra Day O'Connor quote This is when it's being misused, Archer. Just like M.J. owning the copyrights to Northern Songs; bought and sold only for profit. In keeping with Day- O'Conner's quote: What M.J. put out didn't build on John and Paul's work. What is at issue here is file-sharing and how the music industry - not the artists, are so opposed. 2 Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 3/2/12 re: Ayn Rand quote Thanks for the clarification J. How 'bout that; for once I agree with you. 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 2/24/12 re: Harry H. Hoiles quote Nixon's "mortal majority" was just the lead-in to the whoppers Reagen/Bush(x2)/Cheaney and their ilk pulled on their nation and the world. 211Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 2/23/12 re: Dresden James quote In other words, anything said by any Republican seeking nomination these days. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 2/7/12 re: Patricia Michl Sumner quote The law has been perverted for many years to have the ability to incarcerate anyone at anytime for anything. This is not only our government doing this; it is our government lead by the corporate lobbyists doing this. When we are brave enough to demand that our democracy must be maintained by the separation of the banks from the state; just as we created our democracy by the separation of the church from the state - we will never be free. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 1/24/12 re: Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quote You better look back in your history books and remember who started all of this; your blessed Reagan was the instigator of the mess we are in now. And if Gingrich becomes president, America won't go to hell - it will be hell. 13Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 1/21/12 re: Ronald Reagan quote Good ol'e Gipper. The master of double speak strikes again. Ironically, he's is the one who really started the ball rolling to get us on the road to where we are now. More than a statist theocracy, but a plutocracy where the corporations dictate policy to the government to further enslave the populace. 3Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 12/22/11 re: Henry Hazlitt quote Lies, lies, lies; the message of Marx was nothing of the sort. Hate the corruption that is continually introduced to tilt the playing field putting the common man's chances at at making a living in constant jeopardy. Remember; Communism was changed by Stalin into the Plutocracy that it is now. Communism died 70 years ago. It was long gone when the Wall came down Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 12/16/11 re: Aristotle quote Jim; Capitalism works when the playing field is level. The last time the playing field was level in the US&A was from Linclon until 1913. When the Federal Redevelopment was established. Andrew Jackson is a hero. He was finally crushed under the weight of huge amounts of cash that the Europeans had to offer. He didn't have a national banking law that would keep the private banks from taking the European money, so he settled. So sad. You guys had it all Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 12/15/11 re: Aristotle quote Don't try to twist it around; this is the classical argument that proves Capitalism - uncontrolled, will fail. The money changers must be thrown out of the Temple of the sacred ground of Liberty. Now is the time to ask yourselves, WWJD? Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 12/15/11 re: Aristotle quote What? No comments? I guess classical logic is a bit of a reach for y'all. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print