Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 155Posts from L. Hanson, Edmonton, CanadaL. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada Next 25 Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 8/12/16 re: Keith Richards quote The reason for the laws and incarceration was to overcrowd the prison system. That way there could be an excuse for privatizing. That almost happened in Canada; but we punted our Donald Trump before he could complete his evil agenda. 7Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/27/16 re: A. E. Samaan quote Okay, Mike: the 'Slstatist therocracy' that is infesting your POS country in 2008 inherited a total mess. They took the control of the White House with unemployment at 8.2% and $1.2 T USD in deficit. Now unemployment is 6.5% and your deficit is down to under $1 T USD: or do facts not matter fantasy universe?Which part of this is bad or so evil that you have to constantly revile the people that turned everything around, despite being opposed at every corner by a Republican Senate and House. Everything in your country, in the last eight years, has been better. Now, you want to throw it all away on a orange-dyed clown, who will surely become the last POTUS. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/21/16 re: Albert Einstein quote This is what the Donald Trump of the North tried to do to us: AND WE KICKED HIM DOWN! We know the truth; about your 54-40 and your slavery: GO TO HELL YOU POS. You should be ashamed of your selves. 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 3/1/16 re: John Stuart Mill quote Well, in Canada we had to dumb down our education system because you U-hauls (y'alls) made it a case for trade disparrigement under NAFTA. Really? WTF? So sad. Now, you're trying to make a case for disbanding public education completely? Holy sh!t, your whole nation, except for the 1%, will be sitting in their trailer homes; eating mayonaise sandwiches; f***ing their sisters and voting for Donald Trump; because he loves the un-educated. Let's Make America Great? Do not vote for that jackass. 2Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 1/28/16 re: Thomas Paine quote And there you have it; a quote from one of the fathers of the violent response to the peaceful and volentary exchange. This quote is as outdated as your Second Amendment and should also be retired. 22Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 1/28/16 re: Frank Fleming quote Are you people crazy? What country claims to support Capitalism more ardently than the US and A, yet almost always has a violent response to any opposition. What a load of crap! I guess poiinting the finger really does point three back! 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 10/15/14 re: Juan Williams quote I was going to give this quote some credit , but then I saw Fox News as the source. 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 10/3/14 re: Ted Nugent quote Yeah, let's cling to advice from a gun toting racist and drug addict. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 8/22/14 re: Booker T. Washington quote Most (99%) Canadians see no colour. We only see people. 5Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 8/22/14 re: Benjamin Franklin quote WTF? Are you people out of your minds? Religion (God in this sense) is the basis of ignorance. Has nothing to do with freedom. Mans will is the basis of freedom. Another means to control the masses. Duh? And why do you keep running back to your blessed Constiution? We have a much better document in Canada: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Penned by the Greatest Canadian Prime Minister of all time: Piere Eliot Truedeu. Revered around the world as one of the greatest politicians of of all time. And now his son Justin Truedeu will be the next Prime Minister of Canada.This is a truely wonderful break through for Canada. Good-by to the sick and old...we welcome the new and revitilized nation that we should be. 2Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, CANADA 8/22/14 re: Richard Mitchell quote Out of chaos comes order. Even Einstein knew this. Relativaty was easy, Now we need something more. The bow is drawn ready to cast us into the new mellenium. The old and sick are dying...Tragicly out-living the moores of the past. As you thrash and puke your sickening bile; for what? To preserve the last vestiages of your dying nation? Be gone you vile sick oafs. Stop protecting those you seek to defile. The world is about to explode and you think you have not contributed?Shame; shame; shame; on all of ye. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 8/12/14 re: Gerald Gilder quote And unbridaled capitalism has been proven to be a colossal failure. Suffice it to say, some things are too important to be left to the whims of an unchecked profit-driven system; like banking, health-care and public utilities.The quote is a flippant off-the-cuff remark fit for the likes of Fox News. 3Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 8/5/14 re: Neal Boortz quote No, but we do need standardization in schooling. Without that you end up with a nation of 'Duck Dynasty' ass wads. 3Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 8/5/14 re: Marshall Fritz quote The free thinking experimental education system of the '60s and '70s is what led rise to the student protests and campus riots of that period. Unfortuantely it was never followed up with a true change in governent that was desperately required. What happened? Ronald Reagen, 'hip to be square' the all out attack on the middle class; labour unions and the corporationism of the world. Now, how are we going to get out of this mess? We have allowed ourselves to become so hopelessly dependent on the institutions that are sucking the life out of the very idea of freedom, that the promotion of any idea to the contrary of their ideals leads to poverty and homelessness. 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 8/5/14 re: Jacob G. Hornberger quote The quote rings true. But unfortuantely, today, the robber barrons of the 19th century are being celebrated as bold adventurers. And the laws that were put in place to prevent the catastophies that occured in 2008 are still being coloured with the tint of nucances that only hinders the institutions that are 'too big to fail'. And if the US(ass) and A were only occationally attempting to be the worlds police, that would be fine. But to continually and constantly become envolved in every conflict on the globe THAT is where their system is failing. And we Canadians have to repeatedly clean up your mess. Now that's a tragedy beyond compare. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/29/14 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Some of the finest words penned on the North American Continent. Unfortunately all that was given has now been taken away. The people's representatives, on both sides of the 49th parallel sell out to corporate interest allowing them to replace "We the people" with a series of "Mission Statements". The true tyrant is now the Corporate Plutocracy that has crushed democracy and will continue to do so at every opportunity. 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/16/14 re: Alan Dershowitz quote I love that part"...know-nothing fundamentalist right". Adequately describes just about anything that comes out of Fox News. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/11/14 re: William O. Douglas quote Let's talk about something that we can control now: guns. Texas is an open-carry state. Where were the good guys with guns when Ronald Lee Haskell was murdering his family? Do you think a guy with a history of domestic violence should have been banned from owing or posessing firearms? Maybe that would have helped. So the "Good guy with gun vs. Bad guy with gun" philosophy falls flat.Your country needs to control guns now. How many more of these tragedys will you allow to happen before you take real action and instill mandatory background checks and limit clip sizes? Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/10/14 re: Plato quote Only one comment: George W. Bush. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/4/14 re: Justice William O. Douglas quote Three stars for discussing anything but the Second Amendment. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 7/1/14 re: Tennessee Supreme Court quote There is no hope for your nation. If that kind of monsterous error was made in 1840, then the possibillity of becoming a peaceful and sane nation of law-abiding citizens was dashed in your ancient history. What a sad and pathetic legacy you will leave. 3 Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 6/2/14 re: Gilbert Keith Chesterton quote "...if he may not..." to wit; if he is not allowed to; if he does not have that choice; he is not a free man... Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 5/28/14 re: John Templeton quote Ron, that is laughable (pretend I filled the page with haha). You can only measure what you perceive. Again that is your translation, and true for you, My truth is something completely different and you have no right, in any philosophical or theological sense, to impose your truth on me. Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 5/28/14 re: John Templeton quote "Truth" will always manifest itself where and when it's genuinely sought. It's very much a personal experience. To try to capture this in philsophical or theological terms is essentially futile. Because its manifestation requires personal engagement no person can truly give the truth to anyone. The best that can be done is instructions on how to best position and prepare oneself to seek the truth. 1Reply L. Hanson, Edmonton, Canada 5/13/14 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote Evolution is real. In thought as well as physical process. You are demonstrating that fact. Although, like the less adaptable humanoids, like neanderthal, you in-bread BACBFs will die out (thank gawd). Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print