Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-24] of 24Posts from MIchael, HoustonMIchael, Houston Reply Michael, Houston 1/21/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Obviously a man of such greatness, as reassured to be by the black community, knew what he was talking about. Reply Michael, Houston 4/23/07 re: H. L. Mencken quote Ditto helorat...for sure. You are right on the money when you said Christians are persecuted for believing that there is "real right and wrong." Well said. I would suggest to you, and for many "lunacy" in morals is the goals. Good thing there is no such thing as left wing fanaticism huh? Like communism, socialism, PC-ism, global warming-ism, environmentalism (see ALF, and ELF), and ...wait, do I recall correctly, Adolf Hitler had the National Socialist Party?? The true fanatics in this day in time are the anarchists among us. Reply Michael, Houston 4/19/07 re: John F. Kennedy quote Really Reston...and just what is "King George" doing that is associated with this quotation? BTW: all you Libs out is the democratic icon telling precisely why Political Correctness is such an ananthema. Go figure Reply Michael, Houston 4/17/07 re: Thomas Jefferson quote You guys are awesome! (PS: I think Reston must surely be faking it...NO BODY could be so far left that they are in the realm of the simple minded--could they?) 2 Reply Michael, Houston 4/17/07 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Hey--Reston hasn't weighed in on this one yet huh? I am surprised...Jefferson should be a hero of his...and he is right on the money here! (helorat, I luv ya man!) 1 Reply Michael, Houston 4/16/07 re: Edwin Feulner quote Hi Reston, Dick, and Jack How, how about you guys send me half of what you make. Personally, though I can't prove it, I think you made it illegally, or at least immorally because you have too much in my book. So, just send it fact, add about 20% to that for you guys being so greed you have to be asked (ie told). Don't will go to a good cause of my choosing...and I will only take about 50-60% off for handling fee. You understand don't you? Geez. 1 Reply Michael, Houston 4/16/07 re: Edwin Feulner quote Reston you never cease to amaze me (you are a jealous one aren't you? or socialist? Ah...but I repeat my self). The point of this quotation is that you cannot tax yourself into prosperity...people who spend money create jobs producing, etc. the things they purchase. Now, as far as the guys making $5K an hour, I say more power to them...someone produces the things they purchase too...or did you think homes, yachts, etc. just appear out of nothing (ah, but that is the socialist view huh?) And yes, there is fraud and theft at higher levels and that should be punished...just as welfare and SS fraud should be prosecuted as well as everywhere in between. Agree? Minimum wages are intended to be an entry level wage...NEVER a perm. full support wage. If people don't like their wages, which is what the market will pay for their skills and contribution, let them gain new skills and abilities so they can make contributions that are more valued. That's the way its done. And I'll betcha that is precisely how you do it too huh? The problem is, you believe those you wan to "help" are unable to grow and help themselves...racist and elitist to the core the core. 31Reply Michael, Houston 4/11/07 re: Thomas Sowell quote Right on Thomas Sowell, Joe, and particularly helorat. GOOD DEAL!!! This is not about money...its about power. Always was, and always will be. Its amazing how, in the liberal/socialist mindset, there are always two groups...those who produce, and those who believe they have a right to what someone else has and are willing to take it by force...the liberal/socialists being of the second stripe...right Reston? They say as the old USSR used to say: "What ours is our. What's yours is negotiable." Reply Michael, Houston 4/10/07 re: Calvin Coolidge quote You know, I am always amazed...FYI the generational war was started by terrorist attacks. The attempt to twist the whole subject to fit something you want to hammer is deplorable but expected. It makes it difficult if not impossible to have a reasonable conversation...but I suppose that is a foregone conclusion. Now, about taxes. The point of the quote is that taxes are forcible extractions and that they should never be levied lightly, or for superfolous reasons. A case in point is the several billion dollars in surplus revenues in the Texas coffers...and the rascals still think they need "Legalized robbery." But, that will be taken care of in due time. Reply Michael, Houston 4/9/07 re: John Maynard Keynes quote Interesting, when you consider who this man is...and I am certain he was not speaking of religion, spiritual rewards, etc. Oliver W. Holmes also noted that taxes are a forcible extraction and that a person is not requird to pay one cent more than is absolutely required by law...hence, ti is entirely appropriate to take every exenption and tax reduction measure that can Congress has made a part of the law. The power to tax is the power to destroy. Its not a contribution...its a forcible extraction...necessary, but it is still what it is. 2 Reply Michael, Houston 4/3/07 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote Ditto helorat, Milton. Of course, Lennin was speaking of the upper class rather than the middle class. BTW: do you believe this man? Or was he only slyly consolidating his own power? Funny how our liberal brethren want to speak of the fantastic economy under WJC...not so without the Republican Congress dragging him kicking and screaming into a ballanced budget . Funny, they don't have too much to say on this quote. Guess its either early yet, or they are distressed their strategy has been outed. In all government programs, no matter how "compassionate" they sound, we simply must ask "At who's expense?" and then be prepared for the "Hater! Hater!, etc." condemnations. Better that than "pacifist" any day. 1 Reply Michael, Houston 4/2/07 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote Hmmm--guess we should tell the supreme court that it is fab for governmetn to take someone's property for the benefit of another with higher tax rate....and the supreme court ok'd it. 2 Reply Michael, Houston 3/12/07 re: Erich Fromm quote Never forget those immortal words "We are from the we are here to hep you..." Or perhaps better--"We are from the guvment...and we are here to hep someone else (or the environment, etc.) at your expense--whether you like it or not." The rise of Big Brother is the story of the rise of the welfare state in America...from each according to his ability; to each according to his need/laziness/history/ad infinitum. Ya just can't have one without the other.....and that my friends, was around long before GW every became president. 4 Reply Michael, Houston 3/6/07 re: Ayn Rand quote Ayn Rand always had an interesting way of cutting right through to the core issues...I always suspected it was because she was from a totalitarian country and recognized it when she saw it...even in its incipient stages. Hey should love this one. I mean...isn't that what liberalism is all about?...that socialism just hasn't worked because we didn't have the right people running it (ie you and like minded others)? FWIW: some of us have read Marx and his 10 points on how to change a capitalism country into a socialistic one. Shame on you all. 2 Reply Michael, Houston 3/5/07 re: General David M. Shoup quote SHOCK! Reston....I can't believe it...but I agree with you. We do have a responsibility and we can be true to that responsibility without being, as you said, a "robber baron." That said, I am not of the opinion that all cultures are good simply because they exist--there are certain culture types, and certain economic types that are almost guaranteed to yield oppression and misery. There is starvation and oppression in them that is not in ours for a reason...we need to help them by giving them what we have that made US achieve the prosperity and peace that we have. Unfortunately, many today want the fruit without the root, and it "just ain't gonna work that way." 3 Reply Michael, Houston 3/2/07 re: Justice Potter Stewart quote ...and who can ignore the rampant political correctness atmosphere we live in....and the FL legislator who wants to remove the term "illegal alien" from all legislation and conversation. Hmmm...seems like Geo Orwell wrote about something like did Hitler, Mao and Stalin...left wing censors for sure. Reply Michael, Houston 2/28/07 re: US Agency for International Development quote Good job Eric. Of course the US acts in its own interest. Duh!!! Like every other country in the world, and every other person for that matter. What is different is what we find to be in our interest. WE find it in our interest to be beneficent and charitable. This builds good will and markets. Funny that those who oppose military intervention and self defense also oppose benevolence. Make up your mind will ya. Is there anything you country can do to suit you? In think not (pssst: don't look now but that makes you an America hater.) Like Colin Powell said--"The only land America has ever sought in its wars is enough to bury her dead." 4 Reply Michael, Houston 2/23/07 re: Charlton Heston quote In this quotation of course, Heston is NOT speaking of guns but censorship by the politically correct crowd...and its obviously only one-way. Reston...guns are NOT provided to criminals with no checks and ballances. Far far from it. There are 1000s of laws on the books regulating gun sales and ownership...and guess what, only the law abiding obey them--by definition. All of us are concerned about violent crime no matter what the instrument, and none more than legal gun owners. There are other remidies that do not violate the 2nd amendment and the rights of the law abiding...Project Exile for example. Funny how, when threatened, many gun control advocates either hire armed bodyguards, or buy a gun. Rosie O'Donnel is a perfect example of this...she just doesn't want anyone else to be able to defend themselves. That is my definition of a hypocrit. Reply Michael, Houston 2/19/07 re: George W. Bush quote There are some who think calling someone a "cowboy" is an insult...sorry, its not. I very much remember who GW was running against...Mr. Internet himself...who's mother sang "Look for the union lable" as she rocked him to sleep (note: that commercial came out years after Gore was born." Who is it that is the liar? Guess that depends on what your definition of is is huh? Give me a break. I feel sorry for any of your who cannot see in this a statement we will not be intimidated by the forces of evil. Gracious! 1 Reply Michael, Houston 2/15/07 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote True Jack...but you can bet that when St. Paul was before Caesar--2 Tim 4---and he spoke as he should, knowing the truth would cost him is life....courage was one of the prime things God gave to DOES matter...Faith, Love, and Hope REQUIRE courage...or they are not worth anything. Ditto Ken!!! Reply Michael, Houston 2/15/07 re: Edmund Burke quote Reston... Thank you for your response. Just for my information, in the context of the conversation. how would YOU define evil...? True E far as it goes. Sometimes, we act as groups against a group the free world against communisism or nazism. And sometimes, the evil comes upon you and you must defend yourself against it. Reply Michael, Houston 1/9/07 re: Baruch Spinoza quote Wonderful--but far,far, far, far from sufficient (thanks Reston)... It is perhaps fine under normal circumstances--when one has the luxury of debating such niceties and it really doesn't matter. All of that comes to a screeching halt when someone is bound and determined to kill you. Nebulous "visualize world peace" mind games are no match for a dagger at the throat for reality. 1 Reply Michael, Houston 1/8/07 re: Justice Louis D. Brandeis quote True enough for sure...however, there is such a thing as aiding and abetting the enemy...which is certainly not free speech and is much more than "opposition"....we should be very clear on NY Times! For what its worth...3000 dead and several tortured and beheaded is not propaganda. There is a real enemy out there...that should always be taken into consideration when one chooses to exercise their "right" of free speech. Reply Michael, Houston 1/8/07 re: Desiderius Erasmus quote I agree totally...with this one caveat---there is a time when war is the answer and no other will do... There are some things that are worth dying for...if there are not, what a miserable, shallow, cowardly, and traiterous existance we lead. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print