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Posts from Mann, kalamazoo

Mann, kalamazooMann, kalamazoo
Mann, Kalamazoo

"Ethical infants" ... so sad, so true.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Norwalk: What is "perfected ownership?" Is it a reality where the 'owner' finally enjoys total license to everything a non-owner produces with his/her labor? Is it a prized ideal where "law" compels a person to purchase "insurance", thus providing the profit, the very means of labor free existence for stockholder/owners? You've written "occupying statist theocracy infesting this land" uncountable times in this space, without ever defining what you mean, without ever expressing clearly the "theocracy" you endlessly refer to. Perhaps you simply enjoy the repetitive sound of your own words. Maybe you're just an agitator, a divisive junk dealer selling the same old reactionary failure of absolute dominance. In any event, I pray you express an opinion, just once, that's at least in an different key, even if it has to remain the same melody.

Mann, Kalamazoo

More numbers for the mix: 30-odd million killed by the US military and its hash of allies in our foreign invasions/wars since WWII. With some good reason most Americans use historical and current bogeymen gratuitously provided by MSM like sour brain candy, responding across the board with fear, revulsion and hatred. All whilst ignoring that much of the world perceives us exactly the same way ... with some very good reasons for doing so. "Leadership" may play musical chairs in our Capitols but we're as bad as any of these bogeymen, and we'll inevitably be deemed much worse if we continue on course. The taxpayer-financed body count climbs every single day. Do "patriots" really think we won't ultimately be held accountable for that?

Mann, Kalamazoo

The utter brilliance of Washington's foreign policy observations is mind-bending in its applicability to modern times. Unfortunately, instead of wise public servants we get Washington's D.C. Contrast ANY currently ruling Repugnocrap's international-relations understanding and analysis with George Washington's and you're likely to find near-unanimous opposition to his wisdom. Check his words again. Now think: D.C. - Tel Aviv and take a hard look at what we're doing to Syria, RIGHT NOW. Check our past "successes" in Iraq and Afghanistan for a glimpse of how it's certain to turn out. Our future is firmly in the hands of evil fools intent on war with Russia and China.

Mann, Kalamazoo

"... (I)t is against one's own long-term self-interest to behave irrationally or trample others." True, and a rather nice thought ... but it has no basis in reality. Since when did 'long-term self-interest' take precedence over short term gratification and profit? Following directly in the footsteps of the Rapa Nui, humans, certainly Americans, demonstrably couldn't care less about their future self interests. National debt, unscalable mountains of nuclear waste and a dangerously impacted environment from endlessly expanding mineral/petroleum exploitation are three critical cases underscoring this point. It's not self-interest reasonably pursued that's the problem; all individuals have physical interests that must be served. The problem is SELF-IMPORTANCE, personal (that bastard 'dissed' me!) and, much worse, collective (Bush Doctrine of Preemptive Warfare). These and a slew of others available for citation indeed add up to "... behaving brutally or irrationally", with no regard for future self-interest. In the end, Dunn's observation is useless for anything but causing confusion. It sounds good but has no nutritive content for truthfully regarding the real here-and-now.

Mann, Kalamazoo

What a bunch of crap! Where would U.S. "progress" have been without the interstate highway system - a single thing among a plethora of GOVERNMENT CONCEIVED, INITIATED AND ENGINEERED accomplishments? What about NASA? It's fearful reactionaries who champion the status quo, despise general knowledge among ordinary citizens and keep Power to and for themselves, exclusively. It's time for us to stop dissecting intentionally charged quotations and LOOK AT AND INTERPRET THE REALITY TRANSPIRING AROUND US. Perhaps we should at least attempt making up our own minds ... instead of placing our collective faith and thoughts in useless bromides intended to make us hate and fear.

Mann, Kalamazoo

There aren't enough stars available for objectively rating this spot-on quote. Full marks for Jefferson's vision in understanding men and their arguably universal moral shortcomings, certainly when it comes to holding the reins of great temporal Power. He knew that great Power ALWAYS builds great armies out of fear, first and foremost of being deprived self-perpetuation and expansion of influence (power metastasis, colloquially known as taxation and imprisonment). He knew that the single greatest threat to Power's self-perpetuation and expansion ALWAYS arrived in the form of its own governed ... and why the governed absolutely required the "unremitting force of habeas corpus" and "trials by jury" as a bare minimum ... in order to be satisfactorily free from government's inevitable pursuit of territorial imperative. ONLY the governed can check the power of its leadership. We didn't; alas! The Bill of Rights is gone, effectively banished by 'law' and courts. Ubiquitous, turned-loose cops are high-fiving it over the corpses of tased-dead graffiti artists and the bulk of us whine about jury duty and are anxiously looking forward to the baseball playoffs and/or football season. It's a recipe for disaster.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Despite being correct in their respective observations, as Justice Brennan and Mary MI indeed are, in today's America neither "bedrock principle" nor lawful "authority" has anything to do, at all, with active government practice prohibiting proscribed communication. 'Free Speech Zones' and a decade of naked, nonstop 9/11 TRUTH suppression are but two of the more glaring examples of this fact. As hard as it may be to accept, modern reality renders Brennan's take into mere platitude, Mary MI's to wishful thinking. We're way past the point, I hope, of placing our faith in either platitude or wishful thinking, let alone accepting them as our personal view of the way things are. The truth is very different - and much more difficult to deal with.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Zero stars once again, though not because of error found in Justice Black's definition of free speech. Zero because modern existential reality in the U.S is so far removed from his expressed sentiment. In whatever forum he spoke/published these words, one may be certain he wasn't describing an "unalienable" right found exclusively in a court or cop-designated "Free Speech Zone." The freedom he describes was/is intended by the Founders and Constitution to be the RULE in the entire US of A for all time. This freedom DOES NOT exist here any longer, any more than one's right to be, " ... secure in their (physical body) persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures..." is. Absent the SOVEREIGNTY of personal being and property in lieu of a lawful warrant, TYRANNY RULES. This is a demonstrable, undeniable truth standing alone through the all known ages of human history. It remains the rule in police state America right now and no amount of compulsory Super Bowl Star Spangled Banner singing, Blue Angel air shows, 4th of July parades, NCIS episodes or any other form of Fascist display in a nation that's lost faith in itself is going to change it.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Zero stars, though not because obvious error is found in Foster's laudable opinion. Zero because modern bankster reality seems to be the exact opposite of Foster's published decision, a decision that was legally binding in 1746. Modern life driven by vast public and private indebtedness to banksters is a nightmare we allowed to transpire. Today's bankster is far, far beyond exacting a fair profit. He's risen (like a vampire) to being the administrator-controller of all things POWER. D.C. speechifying and legislating, reported exhaustively as "news", is actually high theater for the consumption of suckers. Congress and the White House merely manage things for the owners. Real Power emanates from the central bankster. "LET ME ISSUE AND CONTROL A NATION'S MONEY AND I CARE NOT WHO MAKES ITS LAWS." Truer words ...

Mann, Kalamazoo

Norwalk: How about providing an example or two for substantiating your curious statement? Might your opinion have anything to do with Marshall's work in Brown v. Board of Education?

Mann, Kalamazoo

The vast majority of Americans still believe they 'mostly' enjoy free speech. Until a few days ago those legions probably included the production company that creates "Mythbusters", the popular Discovery Channel show. They were recently schooled that speaking out isn't so 'free' after all. Their "Discovery" dawned when their intent to broadcast a segment on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips became known to credit card companies (search "Mythbusters, RFIDs"). Particularly interesting is the obvious about-face Adam Savage's comments took after the show's 'education.' The juxtaposition of his remarks illustrates exactly how much "freedom" he enjoys in choosing his words and speaking them out plainly. THERE ARE SOME THINGS AMERICANS JUST AREN'T ALLOWED TO KNOW, AND THERE ARE SOME THINGS SOME AMERICANS JUST AREN'T GIVEN LEAVE TO SAY OUT LOUD - certainly not on America's dominating information source. How "free" does that sound? The largest vulnerability found when it comes to the continuing dominance of the current U.S. power structure, is found in the form of We the People. As such, Power fears us greatly - exactly as it is supposed to. But instead of viewing its own purpose and DUTY as being a SERVANT to the people, Power has endowed itself as all-important GUIDE, sole steward of the future. The hubris involved in such a self perception causes instruments of Power view We The People as internal THREATS that need to be dominated and controlled under any and all circumstances. RFIDs, nanotechnology and full spectrum dominance of communications have given it to them. Our lives are conducted in a fishbowl, thoroughly monitored, utterly controlled. "O-oh, say can you see?"

Mann, Kalamazoo

"...ought to be interpreted" is the pivotal phrase here, "glorious" indeed. Too bad the truth reveals that meaningful, FAITHFUL interpretation of the Constitution has nothing, at all, to do with FISA, the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, IRS, FEMA empowerment, the endless list of alphabet 'security' agencies or the infinitude of Presidential Decision Directives, Executive Orders and Findings issuing from the White House power-pooper on a near-daily basis, IRRESPECTIVE OF PARTY. Meanwhile, America just can't wait for football season and the imminent return of Twinkies.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Perhaps the greatest statement of universal human affirmation ever voiced. Perhaps too the starkest reminder of social empowerment and its concomitant responsibility ever given breath. It's our heritage ... though hardly our present national reality or even anything close to it. I believe a clear understanding that it's the PAST being honored today will be in the forefront of truly thoughtful people's minds. For the rest of America beer, barbecue, boom boom and Nascar will suffice to reinvigorate a false, however useful IMAGE of US freedom and greatness.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Zero stars, for this utterance of absolutism allows no room, at all, for a giant portion of reality. The essence of reality I refer to was given voice by Chief Seattle, over a hundred years ago: "... the earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth." He meant "man" as ONE, a single, inseparable organism. As practiced by Western, mostly old, white-man elite, "freedom" has metastasized into license to "own" and exploit anything and anyone at any time, regardless of consequences for the exploited. A good example of this assumed license is corporate "ownership" of the human genome, for 'private' exploitation - to say nothing of court 'approval' of such an outrage. Another example is US insistence on 'freedom' to export and impose our 'values' - among them democracy and free market economy, as we're endlessly indoctrinated. Export them we do and have always done, imposing them militarily whenever necessary, in resource-rich nations all over the planet. Oh yes, history shows that we're real big on 'democracy' - unless the local majority of voters is intent on regulating their internal economy to the extent of making certain profits realized from from domestic resources and labor stay in-country, instead of flowing into Wall St. coffers. Local intentions like that are inevitably labeled 'commie' and/or 'terrorist' by politicians and media. Then D.C. moves heaven and earth to install an equally inevitable monster supported by plenty of firepower and US 'goodwill' - in order to make certain that proper levels of wealth resume their flow towards Wall St. and The City. Quotations like von Hayek's are nothing more nor less than DOGMA for adherents to cling to, usually mindlessly, and detractors (present) to attack. Instead of embracing endless paens of Dr. Feelgood propaganda, a substantial, daily look at the prevailing reality (IT'S NOT ON TV) and horribly grim future you've been handed is more than in order. The august August paints lipstick on a pig with this one.

Mann, Kalamazoo

There's at least one glaringly obvious thing that's "more laughably pitiable" than authority "defiled." It's the steady drone of fatally belated, whiny, ignorant protestations issuing from the defiled ones - and sounding like much of the daily commentary one may encounter here.

Mann, Kalamazoo

MANTampa gets it, and I'll add this to his observations: The suffocating reality portrayed by Hansen's quote isn't the IRS' or even the guv's fault. They're simply doing what humans always do: pressing their advantage until they're STOPPED. If you're a truly honest citizen of the U.S. you can join me in taking the blame - whether you want to or not. It's OUR fault because we've allowed these unreasonable, unjustifiable, Constitutionally lawless seizures to become EVER INCREASINGLY 'legal' and binding, when they're patently not! And it's because we consistently elevate the worst kind of people, the serial thieves and murderers to our highest counsels - exactly the same diseased demographic that's absolutely certain it's innately superior to the rest of us. Clean your own house America, before it cleans you out - entirely. It's well on it's way to doing just that.

Mann, Kalamazoo

The clear words Bannister uses to characterize the IRS must also be applied to Congress, the White House and the Federal Courts. ALL REQUIRE BASIC REFORM. Constitutional contempt didn't start with the IRS and percolate upwards into our highest councils. Plumbing principle #1: feces doesn't flow uphill. Tyranny is simply another tool Rulers use to massage their personal desires. The tyrannized ALWAYS ALLOW their own debasement - usually because of some inherently worthless, dogmatic conviction. Joe Bannister has always struck me as a seeker and purveyor of essential truth, a great American. I salute him.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Nowadays "the value of gold is protected" only where actual bullion is exchanged for a buyer-offered currency or like trade. On the other hand, gold 'spot price' is fixed by just five multinational banks in twice-daily teleconferences. Two of these banks are headquartered in Britain, one is German, one French, one Canadian. Silver is fixed by just three of these five. Spot prices for both metals have dropped sharply of late in very volatile market swings, precisely when physical gold is increasingly difficult to actually obtain. Bullion dealers, if you can find one, are demanding and getting a quite substantial premium over 'spot.' For those turned cold by economics, that means the constantly updated 'spot price' is a thoroughly cooked, self-serving book, regardless of how 'free' the market is touted as being. It's a PAPER price ONLY. The bankster thrust (and onboard, wedded media exhortations) giving a haircut to gold in the face of soaring physical demand underscores two important things: First, "spot price" is as artificially low as the banksters can keep it without drawing undue, wholly negative attention to their scheming machinations. Next, doing it in full view of the unpolluted eye can only be due to PANIC over their long standing, short paper positions on gold (of special note, J.P. Morgan Chase), coupled with completely insufficient physical holdings of the increasingly hard to get stuff.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Hmmm, really? Keep in mind his words were an intentional statement of convenient propaganda. It's true the tyranny inherent to the two political systems referred to by Hitler, can accurately be described as having imposed identical deprivations of life, freedom and substance. However, beyond that undeniable similarity there's little truth left in his statement. The differences were in fact immense. For instance, even the most superficial look at corporations deeply involved with the Nazis, and their unanimous renunciation of anything Marxist, demonstrates the validity of my point. I.G. Farben, manufacturer of Zyklon-B, now enjoys immense international success as Bayer Corporation and BASF. Look at Siemans and Krupp and literally dozens of others. WHERE ARE THE MARXIST EQUIVALENTS? Nazism and Capitalism were married, however much that particular fact remains unfortunate and hidden. The same is not true when it comes to Marxism.

Mann, Kalamazoo

When looking at the substance of the quote instead of arguing he-said-she-nuances, a point of acute significance arises: the great truth the quote's actual meaning encompasses. It's a tragic truth that was on display for the whole world to see in Boston last week. Authorities there declared 'unofficial' martial law, ORDERING sovereign citizens to stay indoors, off their own streets, while they conducted mass house-to-house warrantless searches. Upon which, and precisely like the herd they so closely resemble, the people did exactly as ordered - in the Birthplace of our struggle for Independence, no less. Now we find out that Obama and his 'justice' department consciously and intelligently refused to Mirandize the younger Tsarnaev, opting instead for an INTENTIONAL DEPRIVATION of rights the Supreme Court has repeatedly held as essential. Still no hue and cry. Young Tsarnaev, just like every other American, has no rights at all, not when the Raj, as represented by the lowliest beat cop, or even a private security contractor in Obama's employ, decides that's the way it's going to be. This isn't "America" at all, certainly not the one we've been taught to visualize, the one that's publicly honored with obligatory "Pledges of Allegiance. It's closer, much, much closer, to 1933 Germany. It's nakedly apparent we're just as immune to the institutionalized stripping of our PERSONAL freedoms as the Germans were - equally violent too. Five stars for the quote's essence. Zero stars, and I mean absolutely nothing, for Americans.

Mann, Kalamazoo

"Religious liberty is the chief cornerstone
of the American system of government" Yeah, right. Tell that to a devout Muslim or find me a mosque ANYWHERE in the US that isn't hard wired and a hotbed of alphabet-agency surveillance. The U.S. is pursuing war all over the globe and it's primarily a HOLY war with Islam scapegoated. Human suffering is hardly foremost in most American minds. And it's never found in the minds of those responsible for inflicting suffering. That space is apparently reserved for lending credence to ideas made of crud, like the one promulgated by Sen. Barnyard, er, Bayard. Zero stars, five belly laughs.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Norwalk: I, as a "sovereign" individual, still cannot morally, legally or by any other standard, pollute drinking water or arbitrarily take human life, no matter what you mean by "natural law." Human behavior, if not mindfully altruistic, is essentially selfish and constantly searching for personal advantage, regardless of consequences for others. That's the "natural" state of humanity and it has to be tempered. Laws, for all their artificiality, work towards that end. The Constitution IS the first, PRIMARY law in the United States, law by which all other laws are JUDGED. Sheesh. Get a clue.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Norwalk: HUH? Good god, man, suggest you first consult dictionary. Audit the words, 'legislature', 'congress', 'assembly', 'council' and 'commission', among others in the lexicon. Your comments generally equate in meaning and understanding to your statement today: "In English, there is no word that describes an organized body of representatives." One can only hope your thinking is somewhat clearer than your thrice-daily edited opinions.

Mann, Kalamazoo

Calgary: The U.S. Constitution is NOT a form of government. It's a lavishly celebrated blueprint for one. In fact, the Constitution is the primary, initially established law of the US., law that every single other law (and lawmaker and beat cop) IS ORDERED TO CONFORM TO. Our worst problems in domestic governance stem from "public servants" who are in fact lawless when it comes to observing Constitutional orders - and clueless 'citizen' whiners who refuse to accept the responsibility of making certain leadership behaves in a lawful, constitutionally prescribed fashion. We can cite the universal acknowledgment of human dignity and rights embodied by the Constitution till doomsday dawns. But unless they're ENFORCED on EVERY PORTION of governmental leadership/authority by We the People, they aren't worth a brown pile of used TP.

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