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Posts from Me Again

Me AgainMe Again
Me Again

This statement verifies the fulfillment of biblical prophecy to me.We are in the End Days now people.

Me Again

Eerie. I think of "The Patriot Act" when I read this quote.

Me Again

Hmmm...maybe so but it is the seer,the "man of wisdom" who "sees" what is in the wind (often before the wind blows) and aligns his actions accordingly through the wise counsel of his impecability.

Me Again

I used to believe this also.Now,I would say,the strongest "person" in the world is he/she who has learned to harness the good advice of his allies while maintaining a neutral invisibility with "undesirables."

Me Again

Hmmm.....To this quote,I would say Yes and No.

Me Again

"When you change the way you look at things,the things you look at change".Dr. Wayne Dwyer

Me Again

And let's pray that it will always be that way.Amen

Me Again

We must remember that this qote was written in the 18th century.Alot has happened since then.Not haveing the liberty to speakfreely or publish writings was experienced by the Jews of Nazi Germany and yes,they also pretty much became slaves.

Me Again

That is "Big Brother" talking. Only He knows what's best for US. hahahahahahahahahahaha. A joke but a sad joke at that. Hmmmmm......

Me Again

Such s the truth about propaganda. Some things never change. A good quote to put on a T shirt.

Me Again

Some people would say that this statement is true. I pray for them also, that their vision may clear and that they awaken from their cerebral slumber.

Me Again

If a people can not differentiate between "Truth" and "propoganda",they will be subject to the lies of the latter.I pray for them.

Me Again

War is Raw spelled backward and forward.

Me Again

The Truth shall set you free....is the proper ending for this statement. To say that a truth will make you mad is likely in some instances BUT the Truth should ALWAYS set you free.....weather it makes you mad or not.

Me Again

When you change the way you look at things,the things you look at change.

Me Again

Good words from a great and courageous man.

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