Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-50] of 79Posts from Ron, SalemRon, Salem Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Ron, Salem 10/7/10 re: Thomas Paine quote Let experience be our guide. Power with out a right is no power at all to the just. The (rock) upon which the republic rest is the source of power and authority of our founding fathers. Prov 1:3. and 1 Corinthians 7:21 sums up the stand to be free.KJB. To afford ourselves the opportunity to tell the truth of wisdom, justice, judgment and equity for all men and women to see. Our constitution is designed to set the children at liberty, financial and personal liberty with moral guidance from the rock. Quite an experiment of and in the grace of God. It did not take to long for the corrupt to take advantage of our big heart did it ? As the current administration expects us to turn the cheek as they feast upon our garden. Our rule is a gift from God. He has laid Judgment to the line and righteousness to the plummet. Some of our founding fathers were fully persuaded. Knowing they had the right to revolt in the name of God before the world. Reply Ron, Salem 10/4/10 re: John Adams quote Luke 22 : 36 KJB Reply Ron, Salem 10/2/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Government is to fight for our liberty of economic and personal freedom. The government has shown there corruption openly to all that they take it away. Safety nets are for those that put them up and not for strangers. Welfare states work well with closed borders don't you think ! limiting but for a few at the time. Considering the social nature of the socialism, once started, corruption conceived . Unawares brought in to take advantage of our liberty at a time of weakness. To not only spy out our liberty but also to steal it. 5 Reply Ron, Salem 10/2/10 re: James Fenimore Cooper quote Within fifty years of the birth of our nation greed took hold threw the abundance of food and timber. And the selling off of our nation and the treasures of our children began threw corperate greed and the challenges by them presented to the court. becoming agents of the wrong. Reply Ron, Salem 10/2/10 re: Doctor Who quote The fear goes deeper, to death. 6 Reply Ron, Salem 10/2/10 re: Calvin Coolidge quote Responsibility For ones actions, moral guidance coupled with liberty is the exspeirement of administration under grace ordained of God. The law serves for the ungodly and corrupt . The wrath of God is reveled from heaven against all ungodlyness. KJB. But corrupt laws are never just and it the individuals responsibility to stand against such laws gracefully. If the individual takes the stance as a freeman under the grace of God he takes upon the responsibility of moderation in all his life for conscience sake not only for himself but for those without moral guidance. There is no respect of persons with God. Self-reliance on each person to God and the Constitution under his grace. Those that expect the government to sort it out are not free. 3 Reply Ron, Salem 10/1/10 re: Ayn Rand quote Yea perhaps if they worked in a brewery in a green state and were on break with the boss it would be ok. Get the picture there are those that drink, dance, smoke and play cards. Discretion and moderation has always been and will always be the mode of the code of consumption. Compassion for the ignorant of natural law, and show some tact for your students sir. In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. If you wish to quote the law then speak of mercy, faith and judgment which are the weightier matters of the law. KJB. Consider Noah and give every one a break, . There is no respect of persons with God or the Constitution. Knowledge, truth and rational conviction, to win the trust and the soul of people caught in ignorance. A sober mind founded in truth from a body of knowledge called the rock upon which the republic rest. AJ. Those workers pay taxes also, being able to stay sober is a problem for a lot of people these days, don't you think. Addictions are on the rise because of oppression and the lack of moral guidance in the home and work place. listen to the conversations of the common man and women to see they are losing hope, so give them some. the law of faith and grace. Reply Ron, Salem 9/23/10 re: Albert Wohlstetter quote The fact of the matter, thermonuclear war is thought about often. How to us it is there question. With tensions increasing it is not if but when will it be used again ? Private agendas of the corperate and military complex, one wishing to sway the other to achive there goals. Pre-emptive strike is fround upon, but when all else is exsausted and our enemies continuing to fuel discontent among neigbors wether at home or abroad the result will be a strike. Riches wether land or resourses or people will be won. People being renewable in some views are secound thought. Views of humanitarian betterment have always been overshadowed by corperate and government greed. The undercurrent that has always brought distruction and loss of life. Just as President Obama with good ententions is guided by the undercurrent. We will not go backwards but move forward through the dividing of our nation and the blending and domesticating of the world to fulfill there agendas of ruling the world. Their order brought wether through war or domesticating of a nations people, (the common man). Reply Ron, Salem 9/17/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Thru divine guidance with out respect of persons the constitution provides protection from a government appointed church. Such as the like that controlled the old world from which we departed. See those that preach the law for justification. Ref: Galatians 2:16. KJB assures us this freedom from oppression. Understand that these truths we hold to self evident were withheld from the common man, until King James took a stand against the catholic church. With this knowledge our forefathers were armed to have the right to establish a free country. One nation under God !! Reply Ron, Salem 9/14/10 re: Harlan F. Stone quote Unjust laws are always on trial, striking them down is another matter. Reply Ron, Salem 9/8/10 re: Doug Bandow quote Inflation is the biggest scam of all. Do you think that greed sleeps ? Lording over labor is a very old job perfected by the best of industry. Very few employers care for their employees. Such as promises made of continued work through the holidays, raises to keep up with inflation. To be one up on labor is comfort of position. Education opens a door and closes a door. Only when one needs skill of labor will he or she seek it out. The standard of living for blue collar and white collar has never been the same and never will be. Content with one's position brings happiness. Only when greed pushes out the blue collar workers from enjoying simple things in life do they find them, the blue collars in the wealthy's face. Honor among the trades has been pushed out in this country by the degrading of position among the trades in this country. Scale of wage squander by greediness of the deal. You pay for what you get. Unless you think white collar is better than blue collar. What do you think ? For those with a high degree of education you pay to have the work done, then when older you wish to learn of the trades. A life time to become a master carpenter or mason. Do they come cheap ? There are those that would have them become cheap by degrading their worth. Such as industry seeking to replace our quality with another nation's labor and substandard quality. Banks overinflating the worth of home and property, greediness of fed and state to raise unjust property taxes, push one out to make way for another because they don't care about the common man !! Do you ? It is obvious America has been sold out for the blue collar worker because once scale rose across the country greed was there to relieve him of his increase every step of the way. Government in bed with management allowing labor to be raped by the wealthy. Honesty taught to the simple so as to take advantage of the simple in the long run. while big banking and their families live on through time. There is no fair deal anymore. For most lie and cheat to suit themselves. Credit based economics is garbage. Greed drives people out of their homes, jobs and transportation. Too many paper pushers making cuff money off the back of the laborer. that is the truth !!! Have you worked hard labor ? By the sweat of your brow to put food on the table. Or take the family camping. With all the wealthy driving motor homes costing hundreds of thousands of dollars now, the blue collar worker can't afford a camp site now or even a fishing license. Big business and big government are pissing us off in a bad way. Get the picture now. We don't need immigrants unchecked, the government does. Wealthy liberals with bleeding hearts who would not open their door to their neighbor but bring a stranger in to give him that which he has just stolen from you. 3 Reply Ron, Salem 8/28/10 re: Noel Coward quote Honesty to stand with thee, charity to walk with thee. Charity faunteth not itself, does not behave itself unseemly. Esteems others better than themselves. Humility before honor. KJB. If all we have is hope we are of most men most miserable. 1 Reply Ron, Salem 8/26/10 re: Bill Ayers quote In a country whose foundational liberty was chipped away with property taxes after the civil war, by and for the greedy corporate north. As the industrialist grew over forty years then came the time to feed the factories with labor, hence remove the children from the farm. Then their next move was to bring a crash thirty years later ushering in socialised care 1939. They the government did not ask if they can take your money, the employers were told to by force, making them withholding agents of the government. Along with a few more slick moves by the board of education to phase out certain lines of knowledge and history, voila you have socialism in practice. Overtaking the people thru passive aggression and scare tactics by the federal government over time being guided by a certain debominational religion. People have grown fat and lazy thru materialism riding a easy way to feed, house and clothe themselves. That is for everyone that qualifies. Minorities first in line. Politics and religion were always topics in the congregations from the pulpits where the seeds of freedom were planted in the first place, keeping the people informed. 1645 to 1776 were good years for many new beginnings. These years were when liberty and freedom meant something to an oppressed people. Think about what they were under, the lack of freedom of speech and person and property. Freedom and liberty being you could not tax away these rights as they do today, RIGHT ? As long as one has their money to pay them, then you say you are free, today, wrong ! To take by force from one to give to another is robbery. What are your roots in this country ? Who are your forefathers ? What is your heritage ? What homestead do you originate from ? When did you come to this country ? You need to think long and hard about the two main denominations that have been at odds since the beginning of this country, and make no mistake about it. There are those that know the whole truth about the blood that has been spilt on this soil which is called America. I do not care who is the host of this site or the quotes given for comment. But don't trifle with the fire that burns in this country. It might be your house that burns down. This has gone far beyond what anyone could imagine with the state of affairs of this country. The heart of the faith of this country and the rock upon which the republic rests shook the world in the beginning of this country Think no less of the fight that is to come upon this soil you walk on now ! In God we trust. That is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone and a rock of offence to all the unbelieving. Your learned speech becomes contemptible at times when people argue over specifics not seeing the broader scope of things. Strong delusion is coming. Reply Ron, Salem 8/20/10 re: Edmund Burke quote Only through humility can one be brought to the door of repentance and acknowledgement. Once humbled then they are removed. Actions speak louder than words. Reply Ron, Salem 8/19/10 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote When men or women refuse to be withholding agents for the government, fed and state then you begin to get the picture. Gold and silver will get the job done. Barter is now the deal among the poor. Each community will face different opsticals. military based communities will thrive with oppression, and traders. Aleigance will be demanded. The most rural will have to fend for themselves. The cost of fuel will sore and travel between states will grined to a slow pace for boarder checks. Hydrogen generaters will be the norm for cars and trucks. Loyalty to the Constitution or current administration will be demanded in the ranks. The fight will be on and lines will be drawn. Just as in WW II marshall law will be declared nation wide as was in Europe and other countries. Where there is the most resistance will be penched the hardest. Are you ready to take a stand ? Are you ready for the fight ? Or will you be passive and luled into the cattle car when they come ? Just some food for thought. Reply Ron, Salem 8/16/10 re: Dwight D. Eisenhower quote No comments Mr President Obama or any of your friends ? Reply Ron, Salem 8/16/10 re: Heywood Broun quote Censoring in our country for the purpose of protecting our children from the unmoderated use of vices. Dancing, drinking, smoking and gambling and so on. Lets list some more, fornication, unnatural affection, prostitution. In our beginning as a nation the ungodly behavior we left behind in the old world, we with liberty to teach moderation of behavior to our children based upon the word of God KJB my forfathers held so dear and taught as rule of thought and behavior is taught today.Stating the obvious will not fix the problem but to draw attention to that that needs to be reined in is a good step. Let your moderation be known to all men.KJB. Says my apostle Paul who preaches liberty and freedom through the gospel of Christ to all those that will believe in salvation by grace through faith. He is the thirteenth apostle who preaches rebelion, which is the meaning of the number thirteen. Upon which my forfathers new so well and took a stand upon our Declaration of Independance. Having a readyness of mind to recieve said truth, and the responsibility of liberty, and not to use it for fulfilling the lust of the flesh. Moral responsibility and restrant of vises while being set at liberty. The degrading and regression of our society due to the lack of moral guidance of polititions, judges, lawers through the sway of greed and speacial entrest makes me sick. Our separation in the beginning of The United States of America was to insure an oportunity of exsperiment with the liberty of devine rights to grow in decent good behavior to one another not promoting excess of vises and ungodly behavior. We battle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against spiritual wickedness in high places. Get the picture! Censorship to protect my children from ungodly behavior is good. Manipulation by a monopilizing power base wether medical, or otherwise is backed by the courts and adminisrations through the corupt members of said institutions. Tar and feather them all, that are in our country. Bleeding hearts and unstabile emotional leaders must be rooted out. The toolbox and the medicine cabnet have always been around in the garden, the tv has not. Manipulating the youth and weekminded in this country for sake of greediness of gain has gone on long enough. Just say no means just that. Take control of your life and family while they are young. don't leave there education in the hands of the enemy. Let your moderation be made known. The movie industry unchecked has brought about some of the worst behavior in youth and adults ever. Idolitry. Get the picture? 3 Reply Ron, Salem 8/12/10 re: M. Robin D'Antan quote The natural ways are old ways. Good ways. Loose the education and you create lost people not knowing how to return to their own farm or natural way of life. But for some it is too much work. Addiction to an unsustainable way of life. But who cares about posterity. Remove the ability to feed oneself from the land. Read again Washington's farewell address. And the warnings he made. Don't go to work for the government, they make a living off of the laborers back. We need another Jackson as president and a military to back him. Tar and feathers for special interest and the current administration. 4 Reply Ron, Salem 8/12/10 re: Booker T. Washington quote A man who knows his people well. 1 Reply Ron, Salem 8/12/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Industry and just labor relations guided by moral obligation to treat fairly ones neighbor. Not guided by greed for domination. But to spur new growth in a new nation. Liberty with out moral restraint promotes oppression by industry and government. So see to the rock upon which the republic rest for instruction and guidance at home and in industry and government. But thats old school is'nt it. Old ways are good ways. Reply Ron, Salem 8/12/10 re: Daniel Webster quote Mr Webster was pro big government. Federalist. An elitest. The current administration would like him. I on the other hand think more of who he lost to in the presidencial race. Andrew Jackson. A man for the people and against the central bank. 1 Reply Ron, Salem 8/11/10 re: William Cowper quote Mr Cowper gets it right ! The truth shall make you free. KJB Reply Ron, Salem 8/6/10 re: Buddha quote One star for stating the obvious. Truth, the whole truth which is rairly spoken in any council. Let alone in the public arena. Reply Ron, Salem 8/6/10 re: Buddha quote Psalm 119:130 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. KJB. There again Gautama claims wisdom that was written down a thousand years before his birth. Claiming he is his own light. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehendeth it not. 1 Reply Ron, Salem 8/6/10 re: Buddha quote Perfect love casteth out all fear. KJB. Considering the time period of Gautama's life being the time of the philosipher kings wisdom was growing out of much pain. Tribe after tribe was being over thrown by oppression and robery. A wise man knowing he must control his own spirit. But just a man. By the way this truth was written down a thousand years before Gautama's birth. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print