Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 79Posts from Ron, SalemRon, Salem Next 25 Reply Ron, Salem 2/15/11 re: Francois Pierre Guizot quote 1Corin 7:21 Art thou called being a sevant ? Care not for it; but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. The Rock. 1 Reply Ron, Salem 2/5/11 re: Ronald Reagan quote Remember the Rock upon which the republic rest. 44th bk, KJB, ch 4:11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Psalm 27:5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. Romans 9:33, nine being the number of the covenant. As it is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. As for justification of our nations stand of liberty and freedom look on Romans ch 10:4, ten being the number of the gentiles in a King James Bible, For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Righteousness which is of faith is where we stand, not of the law of works which brings death to a nation and makes slaves of its children. We are a free nation under God which gives me the freedom of speach to preach to all men salvation of nation and soul from the law of works by which men and nations are made slaves.Make no mistake, God has set this nation up as those that were afar off, and we do rest upon the arm of the Lord. He has set me in a large place ! Where man seeks to go and know, we in the Lord are already there ! This world is about to give birth, don't you know ? For the whole creation groneth and travaileth for the manifistation of the sons of God. The Lord Jesus Christ was the first born among many brethren. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Romans 10:15 glad tidings of good things ! They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. By the way the eagle carries thirteen arrows in its claw. Do you get the picture, you that think you know the law ? do you seek to justify youselfs by the law of works, if so you are fallen from grace ! Praise be to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13. And that is from the wrath to come ! Reply Ron, Salem 1/29/11 re: Albert Einstein quote The carnal mind is emnity against God and is not subject to the law of God. A man who thinketh himself to be something when he is nothing decieveth himself. Those that compare themselves among themselves are not wise. It is a fool that says in his heart there is no God.KJB. The face of the deep is frozen and is hid as with a stone. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ being the head of the corner. These are sad days for our country now, but for those that were there when the foundation was laid, be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Reply Ron, Salem 1/27/11 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Returning to that from which you have been freed makes oneself a slave to childish behavour, standing in fear. In God we trust. Who do you trust in Mr President. Fear is your tool. Hold fast that form of sound words in Romans thru Philemon, KJB. Thirteen books by the thirteenth apostle. Who by the way teaches the doctrines of liberty and freedom and the education to go with it. It is a good thing our founding fathers got the picture. Check out the nineth book KJB, N.T. nine 9 is the number of the COVENANT ! DEAL ! PROMISE ! Reply Ron, Salem 1/27/11 re: John F. Kennedy quote 2 Tim 2:15 Aman must learn from Amen to understand a freeman and his standing of liberty and freedom from, that which he is freed from. But for most they are ever learning and never able to come unto the knowledge of the truth. Just as the number 2 is the number of separation, so must things be separated to know ones state and standing. Honesty to stand with the , charity to walk with the. The ground is level around our tree of liberty. Reply Ron, Salem 1/7/11 re: Frederick the Great quote Honesty to stand as a leader, Charity to walk as a leader.ref (R.V.Pittman). All though Frederick the Great would not grant a social contract to the common man because it would limit his power. His French enfluance and observed execution of his best friend by his father did mold him with compassion. Truth with discretion will keep a polititions head on his sholders. 1Reply Ron, Salem 1/4/11 re: Ayn Rand quote By removing the common man from the farm with the lure of an easer life industrialist new the worker would eventually starve for lack of work. That coupled with oppressive taxsation on person and property will send some generations to their death homeless and starving. 1 Reply Ron, Salem 12/29/10 re: Patrick Henry quote A faithful statesman 3 Reply Ron, Salem 12/3/10 re: Paul Craig Roberts quote It is easy to consider our well being when you remove the robber. But how to restore our economic liberty to the common man ? Meanwhile the stage behind the curtain is almost set for the final act. Reply Ron, Salem 12/1/10 re: Ron Paul quote Mr Paul is doing what he is supose to do. He should be elected to the highest office. Perhaps he would revoke the central banks charter. Rein in the military and start firing cling on waisted labor. But then he might windup dead to. Fear of death seems to keep most presidents from doing the right thing for the common man now days. But most don't have the heart or courage for the task. Mr Paul is a humble man right for the job. 5 Reply Ron, Salem 11/12/10 re: Mario Palmieri quote It is the opposite of our nations spiritual roots and fundamental principals. The individual citizen being raised up in a spiritually sound life first, then be appointed to a position of authority to guide the nation in protecting our liberty. Individual first, then the state. Study long and look deep to our liberty and its roots then one will find the governor though very simple, which is not in practice. There is a rock spiritual and phisical upon which the republic rest. In it you will find six hundred and thirty five laws, with in theses sacred laws of conduct and commerce we,and our founding fathers took and take our stand of liberty and freedom being ordained of God for the individual and nation. And because there is no respect of persons with God nor the Constitution the common man should get a square deal. The threads of socialism run through our country so thick, sense there instituting, most think that every one should get there cake and eat it to. But especially government workers. Remember our nation was founded upon grace for all by way of being set at liberty with secured freedom. Not oppression as we have today. Freedom is fragile , ask any addict. This country is addicted to socialism, but asked what of our parents did it not save them ? No it did not ! Their hard work did. In the end the hospital got it all. And because liberty is oppressed in this country heritage was lost also. Reply Ron, Salem 11/7/10 re: Sigmund Freud quote In our nation of liberty and freedom it has been the responsibility of parents to teach there children what the tools are and how to use them. As with first Americans and seconds. We hold this tradition sacred. Maturity and responsibility go hand in hand when providing needs and securities for our home and families. This right is found in the rock upon which the republic rest. KJB. Most people growing up in the city and living in the city are out of touch with the real world, trusting their security and well being to another. Liberty and freedom, common sense and maturity. This quote sure struck a cord with the fearful and those lacking maturity. 1 Reply Ron, Salem 11/4/10 re: Marcus Tullius Cicero quote The sacred knowledge of liberty and freedom and the core fundimentals upon which we stand are oppressed because they are not conducive to a new world order led of the old world order. In the rock upon which our republic rest the first use of the word liberty has to do with the fifty year release granted to its children and citizens. this is to assure heritage. This line of knowledge and guiding thirteen points of lending practice between the lender and barrower of said people and nation oppress the greed that so rampantly rule the nation and world. that is why they oppress the knowledge ( the whole truth ) of our doctrines of liberty and freedom for our children ! Reply Ron, Salem 11/3/10 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote Being a baby boomer, my parents came from wood stoves and oil lanterns. Then gas lights, radios, and TVs. They, my parents were never for social security or the federal insurance contributions act. Though I have paid into many so called social security withholdings, state and federal. I have never drawn nor do I ever intend to. My independance and liberty mean to much to me seeing I value my freedom above servitude. Reply Ron, Salem 11/3/10 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote Stating the obvious is PJ'S job and making fun of the government is his responsibility. Waking up is one thing uprooting socialism is another. Riding the horse of socialism shouting democracy and labor concerns for the little people won't get the job done. We voted people out of office not the banks or the current power base which control the economics of the world at large. And have this nation in a strangle hold. Why ? They want it all ! Dick your prejudice is showing. It is not the color that matters but the mans political philosophy. 3 Reply Ron, Salem 11/2/10 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote Socialist leviathan. Rings true for the time, like due season ! 1 Reply Ron, Salem 10/30/10 re: Judge Whitman Knapp quote Pass laws tailored to local needs. Returning the states and their citizens there liberty and freedom to moderate use in their given culture. The highway laws of the road do a good job in curbing DUI's as in the state of Oregon along with strict perdestrian laws to adhere to safe movement of walkers and bikers, which some states have no regard for ! Bad habit ! These types of policings for the perdestrians, walkers and bikers sakes curb well the road rage seen so rampant in states like Florida, It forces people to consider their neighbor, who are at a disadvantage. Makes people think of something other than themselves, especially when driving ! 1 Reply Ron, Salem 10/28/10 re: William F. Buckley, Jr. quote Each to there own with in moderation as with all fruit in the garden. Point well made Joy. But the tax only lines the governments pockets who seem to always have a war to pay for, as in the taxing of spirits in the first place to pay back the loan made with the bank to fund the revolution 1776. Bad habit. If we started enslaved then where is liberty ? At what point do we the people become free of the depth ? Is liberty just a loan from which bank ? 1 Reply Ron, Salem 10/28/10 re: Robert Higgs quote Puritanical zealots. Posturing politicians. They must not dance, drink, smoke or play cards is there club. But they are hypocrites one and all. Their prejudice is uncalled for ! Reply Ron, Salem 10/26/10 re: William Tecumseh Sherman quote Nor how could he seeing he had burned out and destroyed so many of his fellow countrymen lives. The most religiously motivated civil war yet in this country. Between the largest denomination of the old world and the grace believing southerners wanting only there freedom and liberty to live on there land so fertile. Not even one star is deserved for a man on the wrong side. Remember now the party that took control in 1864 which has brought us to this time of economic slavery and soon to be personal entrapment. Even those new comers now think a little liberty must be all there is ? As long they have democ vote and rule they must be right ? Reply Ron, Salem 10/21/10 re: James Bovard quote The threads of trade and commerce with which we live and operate in. At the till is where the burden lies. Control your patronage , fight back with creativity, which we as Americans are known for. Hydrogen generators, let the cat out of the bag ! the ability to get the current power base and over weight government off our back. Enough is enough ! Reply Ron, Salem 10/21/10 re: Raoul Berger quote Here in lies the demise of the common man. It remains in the hands of the states to challenge the unjust usurpation. Draw the line ! With in thyself and with your neighbors. Take a stand ! Reply Ron, Salem 10/20/10 re: Jason Gardner quote It is an easy quote to see when we look back at the old ways which were not to long ago. As the great generation of our heritage passes they leave us with the knowledge of the old ways and the new age of mechanized understanding. Much good has come from our new start in 1776, but for me, to see the trap laid by the greedy administrators, banks, and rulers of these generations not to many, is the gift of knowledge left to us by our true teachers of liberty and freedom, to be able to take my stand. Archer's well chosen word ( yoked } is a holy word and bears with it insight to its roots. well done. RBESRQ your insight to violence is to be expected. Move to the country. 2 Reply Ron, Salem 10/18/10 re: C. S. Lewis quote Psalm 14, vrs 1 2 Reply Ron, Salem 10/15/10 re: Karl Marx quote If socialism were a consideration then our forefathers would have sided with it. But liberty being ordained of God is freedom secured from an oppressive government. But freedom and liberty, personal and financial, were sold under the lie called security or socialism. The great generation knows very well the theft committed against the American people under FDRs administration. With other lies perpetrated by such a godless group of people seeking to further their new world order. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print