Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [226-250] of 375Posts from Ronw13, ORRonw13, OR Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/29/18 re: Mikhail A. Bakunin quote MAGA, A project and agenda of Restoration, headed by President Donald J.Trump, backed by the majority of True Patriots of Liberty and Freedom. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/29/18 re: Mikhail A. Bakunin quote The quote is a statement in the obvious. A freewill association for that which is the "duty" of man. Or Plato's form of the "good".But, Mikhail Alexsandrovich Bakunn's philosophical foundation siding with German Idealism, Nationalism, of Johann Fichte with Hegelianism, lends itself to the globalist movement of today. Falling short of the Individual sovereignty Plato expounds upon. Bakunn, opposed Marx, and the use of the state to promote socialism. rather, through the International Working Mens Association, a federation of trade unions and workers organizations world wide, promoted Collectivist Anarchism. Fichte was found to be a secular humanist. Hegel, promoting the higher goal of humanity as to Nationalism and patriotism to the state outweighing the individual sovereigns inalienable rights for so-called betterment of the state and society as a whole. As far as Christian doctrines concerning liberty, there are collectivist and Individualist at odds within the church at large, Considering our stance on Independence and the individual, it is easy to see and understand our founding fathers and where they stood and we Stand as a nation of individual sovereigns. The Core of our Nation reacts to the socialist intent, now in the open air of conversation and debate. Yet our Constitutional Republican Form of Free Government is not open for debate. Our 3 key Liberties with its 13 attributes are clearly defined and found to be at odds with the collectivist state called socialism. Semper Fi 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/28/18 re: L. Lionel Kendrick quote The "shading" of the word applied is "honesty" Upright.Integrity should be the core of our character, yet I have met many such characters who have a compromised hull. Reply Ronw13, OR 5/28/18 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote Gandhi preached that that he lived. "Nought nobler, than to be free:The stars of heaven are free becauseIn amplitude of LibertyTheir joy is to obey the laws.From servitude to freedom's nameFree thou thy mind in bondage pent;Depose the fetich, and proclaim The things that are more excellent."William Watson. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/28/18 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote Afflictions and adversity, well endured, strengthen character and resolve. "Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce,Or a trouble is what you make it.And it isn't the fact you're hurt that counts,But only how did you take it ? "Edmund Vance Cooke, 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/25/18 re: Albert Einstein quote It took an Einstein to make the statement. Openly. :) 3 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/25/18 re: Alexander Hamilton quote Without shooting the messenger ! The quote stands alone.Jimi Bigbear, Libertyville, IA, You destroy Your message of hope, through bias hatred for those you claim to know nothing about. As for the Tenth Amendment Center, you blacken their reputation with vile sentiment, speaking as a Nadiyb tyrant. Showing yourself to be Churl siding with the likes of Hamas. You hi-jack the treasure of liberty, while denying its true source of power. Your evil communications corrupt your good manners, if there are any. Your ignorance outways your knowledge. By far. For those of us, we Hebrews, who are lovers of Liberty and Freedom, it is the likes of your kind, worldwide, that some Hebrews sought refuge in America pursuing a wholesome life and peace from tyrannical oppression. And yes, Hamilton showed himself to be a Qadesh banker, receiving his just reward. Semper Fi and God Bless Reply Ronw13, OR 5/24/18 re: John C. Calhoun quote David, Bridge City, Tx, Anti Federalist, Who and What is That ? It would come from Texas to bring that point to light !Jefferson was a very smart old boy, the agrarian way of life, commonality of freedom to move about, rules of the road, to be voted about, as with commerce. Equal trade among States. Yet our Free Form of Republican government allows for Chophshiy liberty granted to the Individual. Hence the Democratic Republican Party. In opposition to the Federalist Party. PERIOD.Disruption of this Defined Party, into a subfaction, the Federalist Socialist welfare state, of old, Elitist Monarch rule, flexes its monetary muscle and hides. Conservative Patriots are of the Democratic Republican Party. First Party Of and For Liberty and Freedom. Hence Dems for Trump. Reply Ronw13, OR 5/24/18 re: Roger Levian quote "O" is gone, but still his/their gang are making lots of trouble, that mob of tyranny, in league with greedy lending houses, bent on usury, perpetuating the welfare state. NOW there is a New sheriff Called President Donald J.Trump, in town. Willing to Stand, for the Sovereignty of this Nation and its Citizens. Each Nation deserves its Rightful Sovereignty and the ability to control its monetary system. Peace through Strength, with humain intent/ treatment, should apply to all nations. Regardless of their type of, or philosophy of government. There will be peace ,when, the strongest of Nations agree to the disruption of hateful forces bent on slavery, greed and usury. Knowing the British Empire back the wrong horse in the race, called the Middle East, now Commonsense returns in recognizing Who the Moderates truly are Among the aristocratic tribes. And that said Moderate does have a wild child, best controlled by its true parent. The Balfour Declaration stands true. though Israel was/is a nation long before the declaration was made. On another note, America with Sound Leadership moves to Restore its Commonsense, in action and relationship to its individual citizens and Private businesses. The economic model will morph again, the Fed-coin replacing paper over time. Digital currency, we are already there, gold and silver hold their ground, as savings/of and precious metals do. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/24/18 re: John C. Calhoun quote " The Truth shall make you Free " Indeed." is a statement to be taken literally. If a nations True sovereign children are not Set at Chophshiy Liberty, then all are slaves equally. Money then becomes the only freeing factor to afford somewhat secured property. The king is served by the field, let you children be Freed and they will be most prosperous and loyal. Then through Freewill association happiness is achieved for the individual and nation. Chains of bondage and welfare create a week society, and those of low estate, bearing the greatest burden upon necessity, and destruction of personal character. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/24/18 re: John C. Calhoun quote Sovereignty projected upon individuals is very rare. State Sovereignty, such as a nation state, not so rare. In order to decentralize power, State Sovereignty within America was/is paramount to combat the pervading evil of democracy, that being tyranny of the majority through centralized power. Envy and greed are the driving forces of corruption. Yet it is the separation of citizens from aliens/strangers, that allow for the opportunity of being Set at Liberty within your own Nation. Of the most cherished liberties, Eleutheria, and Apeleutheros liberties allow for the, Manumission and religious freedoms among polytheist, such as Greek, Roman, history teach. Perhaps the most rare of all, Chophshiy liberty, Freedom from bondage and tax, at your pleasure. This creates within a nations society those separated from, bondage and tax, being Set at Chophshiy liberty. This no doubt, if in a democracy, would create an envious body politic with those At Liberty. Yet the origins of this Chophshiy Liberty come from a Monarchy, not allowing for tyranny of a majority. This experiment of our Hybrid Republic, Setting natural free born citizens At Chophshiy liberty, sovereignty projected, allowing for Sovereign individuals to establish Sovereign States was/is a monumental task, to establish, As now to Restore, being currently under siege. Yes we can still walk down the road and set up camp and consider ourselves freed to a degree, having to move every two weeks, as many do now. That which was a way of life, became recreational, now recreational becomes a way of life for so many citizens and families who lost everything in the market crash of 2008. When greed ceases to rule the realty market, through inflationary tactics, hearth and home become slightly more secure. When Chophshiy liberty is returned to the sovereign free born citizen, then their Property will be secured from tyranny of the democ, Mob. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/23/18 re: Justice Louis D. Brandeis quote As to the current power base, switching from coal to oil, the British Empire found itself at odds with a changing world. Backing the wrong horse in the race has been to their and Europe's demise. Moderates and Minorities ignored, have now come to the forefront for Peace through and by the Trump Administration's policies of Peace through Strength, tempered with Commonsense, that which is common to all peoples. Inherent Resolve moves forward, the true Aristocracy within the Middle East comes to light slowly. "Sadag"" Whether that we have to teach them will add to the sum of their happiness, or whether the learning or inevitable lessons will bring them the proverbial attitude of wisdom, that schooling must, if it is to be valuable, be long and slow."Gertrude Bell. Brandeis, was found to be un-corruptible, and for that, feared on the Bench. one of my favorites. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/23/18 re: Justice Hugo L. Black quote Black was/is a two headed snake, obviously there was opposition on the bench, for him to make such a statement contrary to his actions. The man is not worth one star, nor his bringing to point private interpretation. Language understood well, lends itself to the literal translation. Our Constitution in Defence of our Declaration Stands Strong upon the Rock, That, which the Republic Rest. Written in Stone indeed ! FDR did show remorse later, and knew exactly what he was doing. People just waking up to, What and When it happened, should look at the broader scope and long term effects of the then, "boots on the ground" and the Great Generation. It has in a way afforded compassion for/to fellow conservatives in this time of need. Bias within Patriots disappears as understanding comes to light. Many a democratic Patriot voted for President Trump. Bridging the gap of misunderstanding. Reprobates and thieves would be found to side with the wafflers of the world. Thinking they can legislate away the Natural law of moral responsibility, which in harmony, mirrors and effects our licentious liberty. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/23/18 re: John Adams quote "As the importance of the position increases." due to lawlessness through/by a corrupting social experiment, an equal and just reaction has/is taking place in American society. Commonsense and defence of America's core values and security are in the forefront once again. Sound Leadership elected against a stacked deck, rigged system, corrupt through designing neglect, is being called out openly for the public to see and hear. America is Not a free-for-all to be given away at the whims of global socialist within the ranks of our government servants. Remembering that both ends are played against the middle by a third party, be careful as to apply hatred. Hatred is an emotional response and eats one up from the inside out. The restorative Righting of our Ship of State is well under way, whether one trades paper or gold, grows a garden, hunts and fishes, or just lazy, we still must exercise ourselves in this thing called Life. When chains of the regulatory state are taken away, Prosperity turns to a happier people. MAGA is an agenda and a well deserved phrase applied to the Trump Era. Never before have such Master Craftsmen been assembled in American history for this monumental undertaken, to Restore our Free Popular form of Republican government. That which our nation was founded upon. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/22/18 re: Edmund Burke quote Hear, Hear, E Archer :) Reply Ronw13, OR 5/21/18 re: James Monroe quote "If these rights are well defined."Dusting off a set of plans, thrown in the corner, Restoration began with the election of President Trump, and continues through enlightenment of the public, by way of defining doctrines pertaining to these rights. Education rather than indoctrination. Tyranny always seeks to muddy the water of understanding, clouding these issues so dear, to our Republican form of Free Popular government. MAGA 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/21/18 re: John Adams quote The injection of hope is like sweet water, it helps the bad taste of medicine go down. Interestingly enough, these post from years ago shed light on the years of Rebellion against tyranny in government. This effort, through/by Divine Providence has resulted in the election of President Donald J. Trump, answering many prayers, in their request for Restoration of our Republican form of government. As can be seen now, the enemy within the ranks have/are being called out, the battle is hot across bureaus and departments. The awakening is in full swing. State by State, the conservative Patriots rise in opinion and opposition to corrupt liberal leadership. This constituency of commonsense,is a force to be recognised. Governors and the judiciaries know well, their lively hoods are on the line. Semper Fi and God Bless 2 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/14/18 re: Mark Twain quote " Promote Then, as an object of primary importance, institution for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened." President George Washington. Reply Ronw13, OR 5/14/18 re: Alan W. Scheflin quote Divining of the law, through the Natural law/process of a convicting conscience. Disruption of the rural environment, strips man of his ( liberty) property, Disruption of the Wholesome family unit, strips a person of a "good" conscience. Knowing children are led by example through experience, they become sheep for the slaughter, as the Net is laid before their feet, ripe for economic plunder. Now, one finds, as conscience, our Constitution becomes a net of entanglement disrupting/corrupting tyranny within our government, When brought to Light. Much can be said about A certain Corrupting Active Agent, translated clearly, understanding Circumspectly, Akribos, Akribestatos, Most exact and more perfect. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/11/18 re: Theophilus Parsons quote Simply apply this Train of Thought in dealing with Congress and the IRS, committing constructive fraud against sovereign citizens, then, Gravity with results is achieved. The house of corruption is cold, Time to Turn Up the Heat while cleaning the houses nationwide. MAGA, on the move with Authority and the backing to do so. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/11/18 re: Daniel Pilla quote The elements of SIEGE Must be Broken, Dismantled, and Destroyed. Congress and the IRS feel the heat in the kitchen, called the U.S.A. The exodus from the beltway has begun as heads are rolling and feet are running for the door. Constructive Fraud committed by congress and the irs, with other Bureaus of investigations, in concert, will be rooted up and thrown out with the rest of the garbage called socialism. Now Awakened, the We the People, Patriots of Liberty, embrace President Trump Commander and Chief, in the fight of our lifetime, to Restore Commonsense at Liberty for the sake of the Individual sovereign's Economic Liberty with Freedom to Defend said Liberties. Semper Fi and God Bless the Movement, called the Trump Era. 2 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/11/18 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Lincoln found himself at odds with many State Supreme Courts. No doubt, Lincoln did not care for Constitutionally Conservative judges on the bench. There is a New Sheriff in town, rolling back the regulatory state, lowering taxes, exposing corruption across the board of bureaus. Down sizing and cleaning house. The Trump Era is on the quick, unpredictable, as it should be. For those that love/work in/for the socialistic bleeding heart plundering of current centralized government, look for another job soon. MAGA happening nation wide. Waking Up to a good day of hard dirty work, how refreshing to have a President Trump, in touch with the Patriotic Backbone of the Nation. Knowing what we see and willing to correct the problems of corruption within the ranks of government. Local, state, and federal levels. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 5/9/18 re: Brannon P. Denning quote "Ingenious rationalizations for ignoring the Constitution's words."Resulting in the first " war of northern aggression." However, skillfully designed, Our Constitution Stands in Defence of Our Declaration of Independence, in harmony, one with the other. Every amendment after the 13th, stands on sandy ground. Interestingly enough, the term "penumbra" became popular After the so-called "civil war." Being thereafter embraced to marginalize our Constitution's Literal Intention of Defence, of the Inalienable rights, of the Sovereign Individual Set At Liberty. A literal understanding sets precedence nullifying private opinion, which is bent upon exercise of a Bias force through Oppressive tactics of socialism. Cleaning house is sometimes Very Dirty work, But The Work has begun, MAGA and Semper Fi, THE OATH, IS MORE THAN JUST WORDS. so much so, ' The Kingdom of God is not in word, But in Power." "Be strong and of a good courage", when waking up to Reality. With a great degree of probability, Archer is right. Reply Ronw13, OR 5/3/18 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote Through/by the laws of nature our Creator provides, with/when Common law is observed, very little "private interpretation" is needed. Foundational doctrines supply the "underpinning" in passing any judgement concerning, "understanding" of original intent, that of our Declaration and its Constitutional Defence to act. The Trump Era restoration has begun, nationwide. and that with a very good start. MAGA, not said lightly. Grass roots. Semper Fi Reply Ronw13, OR 5/3/18 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Well said E Archer, NYC. Yet with any restorative project, there must needs be, Sound Leadership. Our Ship of State and current domestic affairs/issues demand a firm reliance upon Divine Providence and Commonsense concerning original intent. The Trump Era moves forward, where master builders are required. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print