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Posts from Ronw13, Yachats OR

Ronw13, Yachats ORRonw13, Yachats OR
Ronw13, Yachats Or

Makes it easy on the writers ! Why work so hard to educate when they can manipulate !

Ronw13, Yachats Or

For those that would banter about right, The Trinity and the Blood declare the Law. Standings of state as God is well understood !! This is gravity in the fullest ! Liberty Comes by way of God's grace. period. Never at the dictates of man. 5 is the number of death ! A miss leading adventure are those that would follow man, when course changed. But the law remains the same. God Governs man's destiny of caring for one another. There is no remission for sins without the shedding of Blood ! What God has set free, whose right is it to enslave ? Light shines in the darkness of disobedience, God's will is, that all should be Free ! at this time. Tell a lie you die !! that is the difference. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that not at the point of a gun. God does not need the gun !

Ronw13, Yachats Or

The helping hand of sovereign individualism, grace. This by way of our God's natural laws. There is no other way, this even today. Waffler chews about meat to no profit, for confusion sake, but does always serve a purpose. Grinding the ax, actually sharpens the edge of logical reasoning. Biblically, Waffler an unaware brought in to spy out our Liberty. This we were warned of, watch. Liberty stands by faith, and is saved by Hope. A secular neutral naturalistic view point is always in the dark ! But they sure want what the Liberties of others provide !

Ronw13, Yachats Or

" The simplest of things, bring the greatest of Joy. God Bless, ALL, this season of Harvest. Please set strife aside , feed each other. Look and listen ! God Bless each and everyone ! Hot fires blow, on the coldest of nights !! Semper FI

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Some can't tell their left from their right ! Whose liberality and what type. Foundational Doctrine, Nadiyb vs Brakah liberality and its many shadings. misrepresentation by Dick, Fort Worth. Nadiyb, liberal, ( grandee, sometimes a tyrant ) always want's another's glory ! You can hear the wheels turning. Whose fishing ? and where is the bait ? No better way, than our founding Fathers and their application of Natural Law. Children must learn to read, write and apply mathematics. Just as there are 360 degrees in a circle, there are 12 houses in the heavens. All co-inside to declare absolute truth of doctrine and knowledge applied. The rule with which it is measured eludes most all. But some knowing it exist. There are no bad notes in the scale. Every eight note is a new beginning. Deep and hidden things to dig out of the Rock. The " Headstone " with those " Seven Eyes ". For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it. Isaiah 28:20 KJB. If one wishes to find sound doctrine, look in the Rock upon which the Republic rest. Dust the foundation off, then you see where to stand. There are other things made to play in the deep, swimmer beware. Wisdom, she hath hewn out her seven pillars. just as there are seven abominations in the heart. She has also mingled her wine ! Very old game , numbers and stripes, but sure helps to see in the night. The very relationship of nations when applying time and event with individuals, is clearly seen. Isaiah 51:5 That which is in the reveling of such a Mighty thing, our Founders were not ignorant of. Nor was king James.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

How most powerful is the written word. Shaped through time are the minds and lives of the living beings. Glittering, are words spoken in due season. " As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race, I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place. Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall, and the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, out last them all." Rudyard Kipling, " The Gods of the Copybook Headings "

Ronw13, Yachats Or

The quote is spot on ! In order to take the helm you must first be held accountable for previous actions. Experience is our guide to understanding. Though the mass have might, it only has one head. Truth can approach and subdue. Wounding the head of the house. Jung saw much deeper in relation to time and event, personal experience. But noted down through time. Understanding ones roll in-relationship, a gift. Through Desire a man having separated himself, seeks and intermeddles with all wisdom. A fool has no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. Prov 18:1,2.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Spoken by a man, Who openly supported Britain's " New Liberalism. " Emerging from the wigs, ( Socialism ) in the form of the labour Party, to become the Progressives , then merging with the Social Democratic party, to become the Liberal Democrats. a main member of the Liberal Democratic and Reform party. And the " Liberal international " . National Democratic Institute. Ties to the Democratic Party of the United States. Sponsored b the National Endowment for Democracy. Justice Charles Evans Hughes from 1921-1925 Judge on the " Court of International Justice " The " Gulf " between values of our form of Republicanism and their democracy is night and day. You can smell the stench from across the pond, as it has permeated every fiber in our society.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

We as a people, can never forget the war that divided this Nation. History before and after tells the story of today. God's natural Laws are magnified.
" The law becomes perverted when it punishes one's right to self-defence ( of his life, liberty and property ) in favor of another's right to " Legalized Plunder ". Bastiat. justice denied the individual.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

The fight for Independence reveled itself long ago. More to point were the Isles and their position concerning rebellion, the disestablishing of tyranny. A Freed Monarchy. Declared !! Giving way and the means to further the light of Liberty and Freedom of the sovereign noble individual. As was king James, he knowingly so, did ! Quite the position ! One would be foolish indeed not to think, it exist at all levels of society. Those that want to catch or harvest all the beast of the field and sea should rethink their position. More is not always better. It is easy to see who carries the biggest foot print.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

" At all times, sincere friends of freedom have been rare, and its triumphs have been due to minorities, that have prevailed by associating themselves with auxiliaries whose objects differed from their own; and this association, which is always dangerous, has been sometimes disastrous, by giving to opponents just grounds of opposition. The one pervading evil of democracy is tyranny of the majority, or rather of the party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections. "
Lord Acton

Ronw13, Yachats Or

There is an " epitome of Independence " measured and observed very closely in this nation. This comes by way of individuals who walk at liberty. The paragon of virtue is measurable. Hence the corralling of all to subdue that minority.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

True Patriots, sovereign individuals, whether knowing or not of this standing, are the very minority our Constitution was designed to protect ! " Avoid litigation " was Lincoln's message after the federalist socialist overthrow of the Republic. " There will be enough work to go around "

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Lord Acton was right, The fight comes down to " We the People " and the banks !!

Ronw13, Yachats Or

" To some the Oath is more than just words " General Mad Dog. USMC

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Being dupe growing up, within a religious sect however benevolent. Doubt and guilt, old school tactics of control. Constantly paying for sins and rededication. You feel good for a little while. Not until many years later, say 28 yrs old, I heard the whole truth of debt and Liberty. A rebel with a good cause, separated out from among the voting religious socialist. The weight was lifted and the light bulb came on. Study began of sound doctrine over the course of 4 yrs. Left the nest and traveled for many years sharing the truth of true liberty. Returning now and then to see the Dear Old Man. Keeping that you are entrusted with is a gift. Very few receive it. Many lay in wait never venturing far, wanting that mantle. Coming to the defense of the Dear Old Man in the latter years, seeing the corruption within the association, theologians like politicians are cut throat. Wanting control of the constituents minds and thus the pocket book. Voting they seem to think controls the calling of leadership. Boy, they were in for a surprise, as myself also. It is best to be faithful with a little, which is actually a lot, then, if and when needed more is given for the defense and edification of our type of Pure liberty. Let us hope someone is under the wings, and comes forth in our time of need concerning this Nation and the world at large.
Semper FI

Ronw13, Yachats Or

I'm with Mike on pro-peace, BUT. After last nights debates on Fox, it is easy to see who is not a lifer politician. Dr. Carson. Trump on the other hand has been a self representative of big business for a long time. A hard liner knowing the cost of mistakes in international business. Morally slipping and sliding from side to side. I am a proponent of " Walk softly and carry a Big stick " Detail oriented with high quality standards was my edge in competing with a fixed ceiling of ft price, concerning contracting. From a militarily defensive stand point, treason is never tolerated within the ranks of business or good governing. Whether family, business or government. There is a time and season for every thing under the sun. As king David said, " When I speak they are for war " He sought that which good is. Non-intervention was and has been sound policy concerning other nations and their internal and external affairs. Tariffs in place, usury applied to strangers, this in proper place assure the children of the nation remaining at Liberty and Freedom. The experiment of democratic process with our Republic would eventually become corrupt, as with monarchies and the passing of the ( Eugenes, generous, more noble king, also. history has shown this to be so. Ezra 6:11 gives a good example of what should be done to those that would alter or try to corrupt. A swing set built from the timber of their own house, and there be hung.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Power, The Money Changers making merchandise of the Independents Liberty and Freedom at the point of a gun ! Freedom to be immoral is a personal choice as Waffler. Disrespect for our Constitution is the way of democ rule and the regression of a nation that was once set at Liberty. So Waffler thinks the Greeks were the cradle of civilization. Siding with Rome should be a dead giveaway, as one source of socialism. Paying for one's sins is the dupe of weak minds, which our founding fathers pointed out. Leaving behind the trappings of a " State Church " bent on world domination through a democratic process allowed by week minded individuals placed in a position of influence. Some prefer slavery to individual responsibility. I was informed lately by an Independent Corporate executive,( this business based on individual excellence ), they must cut the work force, he went through the parking lot and found all the cars with Obama stickers, and started there ! What a great quote ! History does repeat itself. Over and over and over again ! God's Natural laws do not tolerate immorality for very long. !

Ronw13, Yachats Or

" Inequality with Freedom " assures the opportunity to excel by way of Independent Contract. An Education within any trade allows for advancement of the individual. The apprentice seeks to graduate. " You get out what you put in ", " Do the time will make you shine " Lazy People need not apply !! I won't equal pay whether I've earned it or not is the mob rule way. This nation was founded by DOERS for DOERS. Duped by Elitist is the lazy soul thinking they need not work so hard to make as much. They come by the job all the time throughout all trades. Male and Female, competent, smart, hard workers stay the course. Waffler is a legend in his own mind. But will never make the cut. Just a broom pusher who found job security by working for the BIG TIT. And probably not very good at that !! His rhetoric is that of a contrary who would be laughed off a real job as an Independent. If he ran his mouth to much, some one would shut it up. No Doubt ! As Independents become older, they tolerate insolence very little. As True Authority sees clearly who the lazy ass is !!

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Democ, MOB RULE ! State Sovereignty vs Individual Sovereignty. Knowing mob rule can vote away the Individual Sovereigns ( Inalienable Rights. ) Simple. Socialism has entered through the democratic process. Our Constitution Thrown aside by the federalist party which came into power after the civil war. Radical republicans, Catholic base religion of the north, corporatist in bed with the bank of England ! Knowing well they would institutionalize " Legalized Plunder " Notice well, the avoiding of mention, the ( Declaration of Independence ) which contains our ( Inalienable Rights ) by any of the current politicians. It is hard to, if not impossible to privately interpret or Declaration. Only one candidate in the GOP has even mentioned the words. The Constitution on the other hand is privately interpreted all the time. " Majority Tyranny " ( Democ , Mob Rule ) within the Supreme Court ! As also every court throughout the nation. Intruding into every aspect of the citizens life. Intervention were it is none of their business, Unconstitutional !!

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Cease ALL "Legalized Plunder " would deal well with the socialist and corporatist. on all levels, fed, state and local !

Ronw13, Yachats Or

So true E Archer, NYC. Thank you for the reassurance, while seeming to be so poor for some in America, we have so much more than most in other countries. Our labor is not in vain !

Ronw13, Yachats Or

It seems Anonymous still wishes to divide the common goal of that which " Good Is ". Yes we do Mike, Pleasant Hill. thank you.
" Precise limits on government " to defend the sovereign individuals right ( justice ) defense of ( one's life, liberty and property ).
" If government powers extend further into philanthropic endeavors, government becomes so limitless that it can grow endlessly " Bastiat.
As far as Legislators are concerned, " I do not dispute their right to invent social combinations, to advertise them, to advocate them, and to try them on themselves, AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE and RISK. But I do dispute their right to impose these plans upon us by law - by force- and to compel us to pay for them with our taxes." Bastiat.
The collective conscience of that which " Good Is " grows whether current socialistic powers in place like it or not ! The Spirit of Truth is not bound by the slight or fancy of egotistical man. The seas do calm and the rough wind is stayed in the day of the east wind. " Who is wise, and he shall understand these things ? prudent , and he shall know them ? for the ways of the Lord are ( Right ), and the Just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein." ( Hosea 14:9 ) He that leads into captivity shall go into captivity. Socialism is the dupe and miss direction of patriotism by corrupt legislators !

Ronw13, Yachats Or

" A hungry man thinks about food "

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Mike, Norwalk, strikes a great cord of interest. Pre-earth. There is always a set of plans before the house is built. Why, not only for containment of certain unruly elements, but also the saving of, those chosen before the foundation of the world. A great mystery pertaining to why this nation was formed. The mystery of the gospel. That is of course, Paul's gospel of Liberty and Freedom.

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