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warren, olathe

Nietzsche was not the father of the Nazi state. He was the creator of the idea that God is dead. The superman concept came from Darwin as much as from Nietzsche. The "cleansing" of society was to create what was Hitler's vision of a "Superman" by helping evolution along a bit. His idea of a superman was not just a perfect physical specimen but an individual that had no morals to inhibit him from being ruthless and cruel. With out a conscience (Hitler believed) a man could accomplish anything

warren, olathe

It does sometimes put sources with the quote, often when the quote is obviously manufactured by a propagandist.

warren, olathe

Did he just write that? He was clairvoyant. Did he know Obama? Waffler as always you know nothing of history. Janice has the facts. Why in the world do you only worry about deficits when we have a Republican in the White House but do not give a crap about the outlandish waste of money that goes on when one is not? I guess when the money is targeted to buy votes or to pay off organizations that stuff the ballot box for Dems that is OK. Ignorance is too damn expensive. Learn something.

warren, olathe

Hopefully we can disappoint Obama. Unfortunately even if we do get rid of him he is likely to already to have succeeded in destroying this county in only 2 weeks. He is only just getting started. Easily proving to be the worst congress and president in history.

warren, olathe

Do not worry Bryan, Waffler is never completely accurate. Hitlerâ– s power came from the fact that he was wildly popular in Germany. How could any one deny that? He was the hero that stood up against the oppressive treaty of Versailles that was hated by the German population. He was seen as the hero that brought prosperity to his country while the entire world was in a depression. He also offered a scape goat for the peoples problems. The Jews (read the rich) were singled out as having control of the money supply and therefore responsible for the economic woes of the time. Taking all of the wealth and property of the Jews for the state was thought to be a good idea since the belief was that the Jew got it off the backs of the poor anyway. Hitler himself said that money acquired from capital was from the labor of others which made it immoral and therefore should not be allowed.

warren, olathe

-- David L. Rosenthal and Me Again I guess I will do it. When the government comes to you with goodies it expects some thing in return. That some thing is your freedom. Every handout has strings attached. One obvious one is your vote purchased with other peoples money. He who takes a handout is nothing more than a prostitute. Liberal politicians are nothing more than poverty pimps. Obama is in the process of an attempt to create as much poverty as he so as to entrench the Dems in power for a very long time. His Pelosi written bill has provisions for rewarding governors for increasing the welfare roles. He will no doubt be the biggest poverty pimp in history.

warren, olathe

John Hancock was the wealthiest I do believe at the time of the declaration. He spent a great amount of his wealth securing our freedom. The British tried to put him out of business (prompted the Boston tea party) and the common folk understood that if the Crown could do that to the most powerful and wealthy it could and would do it to them as well. Today that common sense seems to be lost in most people. The incredibly selfish and arrogant left has cultivated a fertile ground to sew their seeds of hatred. It is incredible to look at comments and see thumbs down to our constitution and the freedom it once protected.

warren, olathe

D.M., Bozeman, MT huge corporations move the jobs out of this country because our government and the unions have made it unprofitable to operate here. We have (depending on which state you are in) either the highest or the next to highest corporate tax in the world. This is due largely to wasteful spending by the government, class envy, and to the fact that most do not care how much the "big guy" gets screwed. You can not screw the big guy with out screwing the little guy. You chase out an "evil" corporation then cry about how the jobs are going out of the country. This is the height of ignorance.

warren, olathe

Karl Marx believed that a strong free enterprise system was necessary to build the infrastructure in order to make socialism possible. Once a society was prosperous it would be able to bring in socialism and then survive off of the infrastructure capitalism had built. He had no foresight of how technology would boom and infrastructures would always need updated. It was a common belief at that time that everything that could be invented already was. In the late 19th century the person in charge of the U.S. patent office wanted it shut down because he felt that there was no further need for it. Soon after Obama has his way we can shut down the patent office because no one will have a reason to invent or try to profit from a new technology. The state would just confiscate it anyway.

warren, olathe

WJ the only supernatural powers needed is a population that is truly free. To be free is not just political. It has to include religious freedom as well. The state can not be a theocracy within a democracy. That type of government has no liberty. Poverty and oppression is caused by a lack of liberty not a lack of socialism or liberal policies.

warren, olathe

Hit the nail on the head. Too bad we can't seem to find another like him. Our press now will make certain that any one that even comes close will be smothered in so much negative propaganda that the people will never have a chance to recognize the worth of the victim. The press is about to have its power become absolute as soon as the congress and Obama decide how they are going to snuff out all opposing opinions. In New Zealand they already have laws that are in place that have caused the removal of all opposing opinion and the dems are looking at the example as a possible "solution" here. In New Zealand a "complaint" will shutdown the radio/TV/internet provider until it is resolved. This has resulted in all media sources running scared of anything not approved by the left. IT"S COMMING..

warren, olathe

There is only one place that the poor gets its' money and that is from the wealthy or at least from those who are richer than themselves. Just like the surfs of yore, money flows down. A healthy and prosperous upper class insures a more prosperous lower class. Mexico had land reform. (So what) Russia only improved the lives of the ruling class. The group action of the poor to rob the rich though government intervention is the current modus aperandi. The current state is captive of the elitist blue bloods that think that wealth is acquired not earned.

warren, olathe

The dems have been marching towards fascism for a long time. We were very close to a fascist regime during the FDR years. It was very close to dictatorship. Glad to see someone besides me referring to the dems as fascists.

warren, olathe

What far right. I never knew anyone from the far right. The only far right I have heard of is anyone that does not agree with the far left. As far as setting down to talk, you would need to have people that are rational to get any results. When you talk of limited government you are attacking the religion of the left. There is no way to reason with someone while attacking their religion. A rating less than 5 stars denotes ignorance.

warren, olathe

Makes me want to read it again.

warren, olathe

Jim, liberals do understand this. That is why they are so against it. The power they have comes from ignorance and class hatred. The stickituous bill is for creating even more of the same. As was said by a drunken governor some 15 years ago "it does no good to get em off welfare. They just turn into republicans." We have a group of people that are so into class envy that a recent poll came up with these results: The majority of those polled would rather loose income than have their pay doubled knowing that the wealthy would get even more increase than they did. It defies logic that anyone thinks like that but they do. We are looking at a possible end to economic freedom with this bill, and we voted for it. The very people most responsible for the economic mess gained power in the last election and are just going to create a much bigger one.

warren, olathe

A spending bill is not a stimulus bill. Dolt. How stupid can anyone be? Spending has never stimulated an economy because it has as much negative effect as positive. It does nothing but buy the votes of the intended recipients.

warren, olathe

To play it safe by following consensus of opinion is to say you have no brain. This is the kind of thinking that brings in the fascists like Obama and fascist propaganda like global warming.

warren, olathe

No cool-aid left Mike. Waffler drank it all.

warren, olathe

Sure is. We voted for it. Put our stamp of aproval on the Obamanation.

warren, olathe

Mike, Waffler agrees with you. Rethink your position!!

warren, olathe

Mike, reading your answer is confusing. You indicate you find fault with it but then restate the better made quote in different words. You are saying the same thing as the quote. Ken nails the truth of it but it would seem that Ken would have given it 5 stars for agreeing with it.

warren, olathe

Waffler is one that has been permanently fooled all of the time. Can any one with a brain actually believe that whatever the majority of people think is then automatically the truth?

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