Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-50] of 1302Posts from WARREN, OLATHEWARREN, OLATHE Previous 25 Next 25 3 Reply Warren, olathe 9/7/16 re: Edgar Wallace Robinson quote Socialism would leave everyone poor except the people in charge. Of course poor and rich are relative. Under socialism there would be no productivity. No one out of power would have much of anything unless they dealt in the black market. Reply Warren, olathe 9/7/16 re: Dr. John Joseph Ray quote Hitler was also did not drink alcohol. He demonstrated quite well the axiom that the aggressor sets the rules. 1 Reply warren, olathe 4/22/16 re: Alfredo Rocco quote Liberal, progressive, fascist, socialist, communist, not a damn bit of difference between them. All believe that the end justifies the means. All disregard individual liberty. What we call a liberalism today is a perversion of the classic liberalism of Jefferson and Monroe. The damage that has been done to our culture and is probably permanent. For over 100 years these "progressives" motivated by their hate for our constitution have destroyed the education system, legal system, and have succeeded in making our government a government run by unelected "experts" that make our laws and regulations while answering to no one. All of it has to stop now or we will have no liberty left at all. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/9/16 re: Eric Hoffer quote E Archer has it. I can't seem to think of one. Sierra Club? Nah. How about United Way? No way. The only one that might not fit the statement is the right to life movement, I would not be surprised to find out that there is some people out there running some scams under that pretence but I can't hold that against the movement. I suppose the idea that life is precious is entirely to radical, wacky, and founded on hate to be successfully turned into a business. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/9/16 re: Charles Koch quote The most hated man by the left. Truth and honesty cuts them to the bone and they squeel for it. 2 Reply warren, olathe 2/9/16 re: Charles Koch quote Yes the evil Koch brothers. The left protest the building of hospital wings that are paid for with money from an evil (conservative) source while they praise George Soros who brags about all the billions he has made causing currencies to be devalued or brags about triggering the housing and banking crisis of 2008 netting him a large profit from selling short. George is one that profits from the financial woes of others. Like Mr. Potter in "It's a wonderful life". They love Warren Buffet who buys a railroad and immediately starts cutting benefits and pay to increase his profit and wants Government health care so he can cut even more. He (Buffet) hired thousands of new employees for BNSF to get a government favor and immediately put them on furlough. This leaves them with a job but without pay, benefits or unemployment checks. They sit at home thinking they may be called to work but in reality they most likely never will. 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/31/15 re: T. S. Eliot quote The Democrats never loose. They just postpone till a better opportunity comes along then it is back to the same old thing. They used to own most blacks on their plantations, now they own most of them in their heads. They still consider the black man their property. Pay attention to how they act when one of their "property" strays and speaks out against them. Or becomes an important person for the other party. 7 Reply warren, olathe 12/31/15 re: Walter E. Williams quote Walter is the no 1 economics teacher in the world as far as I am concerned. He simplifies everything down to common sense. That is very uncommon indeed. 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/8/15 re: Janet Reno quote We are coming to the point that we will have to make sure that there is concealed weapons at all gatherings to feel like we have a chance if attacked. We are importing high risk people from a high risk area and calling for our citizens to disarm. When the attacks come they happen in places that are unlikely to resist because more often than not it will be in a gun free zone. More than ever we need to arm ourselves because we have a government that thinks that political correctness is more important than protecting the citizen or the constitution. The idea that we can get Islam to like us is absurd. Any one that is not Muslim Is an infidel and can be lied to, cheated, robbed, or killed with out any "sin" being committed.leaves us with the question that either our government is promoting the ensuing chaos or are total idiots. I can not believe that they are idiots. 2 Reply warren, olathe 10/10/15 re: Mark Steyn quote The single biggest threat to this country is progressivism. It is destroying minds in our universities and schools. It rots all reason from its human victims. When some one sells socialism reason will reject it. When he sells Marxism reason will reject it. The progressive will not reject socialism, he dreams of it. He believes that he can bring this country to Marxism incrementally. He believes that communism has failed, not because of its incompatibility with human nature, but that humans are not yet socially evolved enough to see its beauty. He believes that he is ahead of the rest of us. to him we are social Neanderthals. What he does not understand is that socialism is destructive to the human soul. Socialism is only fit for ants and bees and fools. It is freedom that creates wealth and happiness. Liberty and progressivism are incompatible. When one legitimately does what is best for himself he also does what is best for his fellow man. Man creates wealth when he satisfies the needs of others. To tell him he needs to give back when he has stolen nothing is insulting. He has already given and has been rewarded for doing so. Reply warren, olathe 10/7/15 re: Ronald Reagan quote He had a way about him. We need another. 2 Reply warren, olathe 8/30/15 re: John Maynard Keynes quote Add to that the destruction of religion, morality, and the family. Then make constitutions "living". Write massive laws that only a few lawyers could possibly understand. Make laws that give the leader the power to add to or change at his whim. Put judges in positions to interpret the constitution that openly despise the constitution and intend to change its meaning. Make as many people and corporations dependent on government for their survival. Then tell every one that that is just being "progressive". Reply warren, olathe 8/30/15 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote Typical leftist. Mix truth and believable lies together and get a lie that can misguide many. Reply warren, olathe 8/30/15 re: Ayn Rand quote Such clear and intelligent description of where wealth actually comes from is not heard much anymore. Reply warren, olathe 8/30/15 re: Bernard Berenson quote The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. That is why so many cozy up to Washington and why the Dems get so much big contributions from Industry. They like to raise taxes on corporate America while doing favors for their contributors. Crony capitalism. We used to call it Fascism when it was done in Europe but here it is just business as usual. Reply warren, olathe 8/30/15 re: Bernard Berenson quote That is why the government constantly raises the bottom end of the income tax bracket and increases taxes at the top. We are at a point that talk of tax cuts do no good politically because the majority pay no income tax and many look at tax cuts as a threat to their hand outs. The only defense the top earners have is to lobby Washington and to do that you have to be extremely wealthy. The majority of the "rich" only can dream of such wealth. In the end all this will mean is the death of any kind of middle class because it will be taxed out of existence. Reply warren, olathe 8/22/15 re: Barry Goldwater quote Calm down Barry. If you were a Marxist you would get the same crap from fellow Marxists. A few people that have a burr under their saddle can make themselves seem like they are a majority. Most people can appreciate an honest committed man in spite of the fact that they may not agree with every position he takes. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/22/15 re: Alan Bloom quote Anonymous, Reston, VA US statement is a perfect example of what Alan was warning against. Reply warren, olathe 8/22/15 re: Roger Bacon quote I like this one. Reply warren, olathe 8/22/15 re: Benito Mussolini quote He is right up to the point of calling America a democracy. A democracy is a form of a socialist/fascist system. No attempt at democracy has ever worked. Fascism would actually be better. At least you would have a chance at having a benevolent dictator. At least for a little while. Reply warren, olathe 8/22/15 re: Benito Mussolini quote He is talking about the real liberal. The ones that we call liberal are progressives. They hijacked the term liberal when the public wised up to what they were and progressive became a dirty word. Now they are going back to progressive for the same reason. They think that coming up with words or names that sound good will somehow fool the dunderheads that tend to vote for them. Like all socialists he became a crony capitalist after he came to power. Obama did the same. Reply warren, olathe 8/22/15 re: Fisher Ames quote Thank god they did not make us a democracy. The more changes made drifting us toward democracy enable the theft of our liberty while the masses see it as an improvement. Reply warren, olathe 5/4/15 re: Friedrich Nietzsche quote The quote deciphered - freedom is without responsibility. Reply warren, olathe 5/1/15 re: Edmund Burke quote Could there not be a more fitting statement to describe our times? We can sit and morn about the abomination that is in the White House and wonder how we will ever survive all the despicable damage that has been done to our nation, but we can think of nothing personally we can do but type opinions on a website and hope we are not made to suffer for it later. I fear it is already too late and we can do nothing but watch the collapse of liberty. The constitution was the most perfect idea of how to have self government ever devised by man but it had a weakness. It required a population that was moral and held its leaders to be the same. All they had to do to destroy it was ignore it. Bastardization of our educational system and corruption of our moral character has made it possible for the Constitution to become a "living document" which leaves it meaningless. Reply warren, olathe 1/18/15 re: Edward R. Murrow quote If he is speaking of the press I agree. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print