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warren, olathe

Very good E Archer. Exactly right.

warren, olathe

I might also add that this could be used as evidence that increasing taxes do not reduce the debt.

warren, olathe

The average tax payer pays more than that because his figures include many that pay no federal taxes. If you throw them out of the mix it goes up a lot. Soon the people that pay no federal tax will exceed 50%. Then there will be no political will to cut taxes ever. Then it will be beyond hope, if it is not already.

warren, olathe

Sieg Heil Obama and the new world order. Prepare for the Fascists. We have declared that the thought that wealth is no longer wise to be left in private hands. The production of wealth is the responsibility of the state.

warren, olathe

A load of bull. The CIA is nothing anymore. Probably said to confuse or mislead someone.

warren, olathe

The obedience is to the likes of Saul Alinsky and his political philosophy.

warren, olathe

This is the modus operandi of the Democrat party. Only one more thing needs to be added. Blame everything on the Republicans with the help of the press.

warren, olathe

A.WOODS waffler can not be any thing but obtuse. He is a leftist.

warren, olathe

That is why G. Soros is a Democrat. He makes big money when the market takes a down turn. Bad times=big bucks for him.

warren, olathe

Only a misanthrope would support liberal politics. You would have to hate the poor and disadvantaged to agree with the policies designed with the intent to keep them that way.

warren, olathe

Feudalism is what we will be lucky to get with Obama, Pelosi and Reed.

warren, olathe

Dead on. Obvious truth.

warren, olathe

Sounds like a contrived quote to me. As bad as the bogus Bush Cheney quotes

warren, olathe

We only hear the line "quit pointing fingers" when there is no conservative can be found to blame. We need a lot of finger pointing and fast. We are being sold a bill of goods. The people that are responsible for the present mess are patting themselves on the back and saying how good of a job they did saving us. They hope to keep us in the dark long enough to get re-elected. Short memory well then be counted on next time.

warren, olathe

Like the sentiment but those bozo's in congress continue to get paid their salary for the rest of their life after they leave. We need to get good ones and then keep them.

warren, olathe

Slavery came before our government did. Our government got rid of it Waffler. Global warming is the kind of nonsense that the government is trying to make the creed of the vast majority via endless propaganda. The deficit can only be reduced by fiscal responsibility. No matter how much taxes are collected or raised spending will always increase by a bigger percentage. That was proven over and over again. 1980's were a prime example of how a massive increase in tax revenue actually ended up with higher deficit numbers.

warren, olathe

Ken you got it right when comparing our press to Europe’s. At least here if you hunt long enough you might find the other side of a story somewhere. The problem in much of Europe is that the people swallow it whole with out any questioning of accuracy. People in Europe will often say, when the press is challenged, "they wouldn't be allowed to say that if it were not true".

warren, olathe

Waffler you do not know what the definition of truth is. You probably are also confused about what the definition of is is.

warren, olathe

Time magazine is a propaganda rag, Waffler.

warren, olathe

The Student Philosopher, Utah sorry you are dead wrong when it comes to politics. Their purpose is to elect the left. That requires them to mislead. If their goal were to say what the readers want to hear they would not be losing readership at such an astonishing rate and lay off so much of their staff seemingly every day.

warren, olathe

That is it in a nutshell Jim. That is the perfect description of what kind of rebel we are.

warren, olathe

A way too nice a way of saying that liberals have no standards or morals.

warren, olathe

You never cease to amaze me Waffler. This has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard from you. Bureaucrats are typically people who can't function in the real world. Bureaucracy is the problem not the solution. They flock to those positions because they can screw things up to their hearts content without having to suffer the consequences. Government bureaucracy is the hiding place of the inept.

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