Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [51-75] of 1302Posts from WARREN, OLATHEWARREN, OLATHE Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 1/18/15 re: Albert Camus quote This makes no sense to me. Perhaps if he had explained his definition of intellectual I might have given it a higher rating. Most of the "intellectuals” today have a mutual admiration society that promotes and glorifies the stupidest ideas ever thought up. Reply warren, olathe 1/18/15 re: Henrik Ibsen quote Yes we are in a sink hole made by socialists and crony capitalists. Interesting that when a Marxist gets to Washington he quickly learns that crony capitalism pays better. Waffler is not always wrong. He at least spelled America with a c. Reply warren, olathe 9/16/14 re: Walter E. Williams quote Only an idiot would believe in man made climate change. Reply warren, olathe 9/16/14 re: Walter E. Williams quote Anyone that would listen or read what Walter has to say on any political, social, or economic philosophy would realize that it is only a matter of right and wrong with all the gray disappearing. When it gets down to it everything is very simple. 1 Reply warren, olathe 9/16/14 re: Walter E. Williams quote To fully understand the quote you need to understand where Williams is coming from. The quote when taken in its entirety is indisputable. Waffler just makes crap up. Libs can do that because they can redefine anything to mean anything they want it to. As you may remember it depends on what your definition of what is is. Therefore all they say is true. Whatever supports their position is therefore true. Facts are arbitrary. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/18/14 re: Benito Mussolini quote Mussolini was not religious in the traditional sense. Fascism has the state as it's religion as all leftist do. All leftist or statists see the state as God. That is why when the state and religion have an impasse the left always takes the side of the state. When a leftist individual claims to be "religious" it is held secondary to his politics. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/13/14 re: Albert Shanker quote The worst thing that this government has done to its citizens is to allow unions to organize government workers. This was done to try to make the Democrat party a permanent place in power. Schools would teach and government workers would not feel safe in stuffing ballot boxes or to use their positions to shut down the free speech of those they did not like. We are in a very precarious position. I fear that things are so screwed up that we would sit back and allow any thing to happen. The constitution only has the power to protect us if we are informed enough to elect people that will follow it. Presidents like BHO can just ignore it. It seems that the press is the only thing that really runs this country by making sure that most people are in the dark and misinformed. The press has now begun working to elect Hillary. That way we can see 8 more years of an Obama equivalency in government and be unable to undo any of the horrific damage he has done. Reply warren, olathe 8/13/14 re: Albert Shanker quote Maybe then the Democrats will think about improving the education system instead of destroying it. Reply warren, olathe 7/5/14 re: Dan Baum quote Leftist "I wana smoke dope" logic. Racists would want to destroy minorities not help them. Reply warren, olathe 7/5/14 re: Jimmy Hoffa quote I think they have it too good. Reply warren, olathe 7/5/14 re: Justice Warren E. Burger quote huh? 1 Reply WARREN, OLATHE 5/4/14 re: Norm Franz quote yep. Haven't owed anything in 25 years. Not on Cars or houses. You would not believe how much you can afford to do when you pay no interest on anything. Just made an offer on a house yesterday and if accepted, will pay cash. Great feeling until I think about what our government is trying to do to all of us. We just need a responsible person to vote for. Reply WARREN, OLATHE 5/4/14 re: Karl Marx quote I do not know who makes less sense. Marx or some of the comments above. It takes a twisted mind to find everything a spring board to how demented or corrupt our founders were. I am sure I would find it disturbing to find out what kind of government would be founded by these "intellectuals". Reply Warren, olathe 2/18/14 re: Soren Kierkegaard quote He is right about the majority and those that have an opinion but the truth is the truth it does not change. The Right has no opposition to immigration. The right opposes breaking of the law. Nor does the right hate or have ill will towards any one. The left loves illegal immigrants because they expect to get their votes. (Yes the illegals vote. Why do you thing we can't have voter ID?) Reply warren, olathe 9/21/13 re: George Orwell quote This is how the whole idea of political correctness works. With out debate the brain is never challenged with opposing ideas so as to learn and grow from them. This empowers the left to use endless propaganda and protect it with constant hate mongering for anyone that would even question the lies they spew. We are left with the fear of making enemies if our opinions are known so if we want to talk honestly we have to hide behind the anonymity of websites like this one. This way people that are not ideologs, as many of us on this site are, are stuck without any challenge to what they hear from the media. They are told that only racist bigots would watch, listen, or read an opposing view. This is very effective with casual media consumers and is how a population that is 20% liberal has liberal politicians often dominating our government. I love how reformed communists brains work. The left hates anyone that knows what they (the left) are up to. Reply warren, olathe 9/21/13 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote It sounds more like he is talking about the religion of progressivism to me. 1 Reply warren, olathe 9/21/13 re: Will Durant quote Nice thought, only problem is that the network of complex laws would result in only exacerbating the problem (Democrats would see to that). This only works when it is a belief of the people at large and is considered immoral to violate, which of course it is. This would not be a problem if we still understood and believed in the original intent of the founders. Waffler’s insistence on the inane Democracy vs Republic crap is because Democracy is but a form of tyranny. The left can only install what they want through tyranny so a Democracy is what they want us to think it is. This way we can have our rights erode and our states rights (view the 17th amendment) erode so as to blame the resulting mess on Democracy instead of Progressivism. 2 Reply warren, olathe 5/20/13 re: Thomas Jefferson quote It has to be awful bad when the IRS reveals an internal scandal in order to take the nations eye off of a worse scandal. Makes you think that there could be some possibilities of revealing criminal activity. To think that letting us know that the last election was not legit (like it was not obvious to informed citizens) is politically less damaging than Benghazi makes you wonder what else there is in that story (Benghazi) that we should know. 3 Reply warren, olathe 5/20/13 re: Ludwig von Mises quote Mathew you are right to an extent. However, our government as founded protected all of those things created as much as possible. Civilization can not exist in the real world with out government. Socialism can not exist in a free society. It can only destroy it. Reply warren, olathe 4/20/13 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Same old idiot crap I see. Reagan/ Bush did it. I can not see how any one can be so stupid as to think anyone would believe that. Any attempt at reason and the left goes crazy. Reduce the rate of growth a minute amount and it is called draconian cuts by the press. No doubt 50% of government spending is wasted for the purposes of entrenching the Democrat party in power. The left is a cancer on society and it needs to be removed any way possible. It is to the point that our survival depends on it. Reply warren, olathe 4/6/13 re: Kenneth D. Wald quote hey jim, for your information the bible refers to the earth in Isaiah as being round. That is a hell of a long time before men ever figured it out and other that god Isaiah had no source for that information. Sorry for your ignorance but many have been trying for long time to use the sciences to disprove the bible all unsuccessful. Many have started out to disprove and became converts in the process. You may not be able to prove the bible 100% accurate but you can not disprove it either. Reply warren, olathe 4/6/13 re: Kenneth D. Wald quote The deist crap is over sold. I doubt that the founding fathers had any idea what a deist was. Jefferson and the other founders with perhaps the exception of Franklin, were Christians. People try to pervert history for their own purposes and the rest of us get sucked up in it through ignorance. The founding fathers believed that religion was a personal choice not a choice to be made by the government. The use of a generic god in the documents and writings pertaining to government philosophy were an indication of this fact and not of their religious convictions. Reply warren, olathe 4/6/13 re: Kenneth D. Wald quote This quote is ambiguous. 2 Reply WARREN, OLATHE 4/5/13 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I am fascinated by dems constant berating of inheritance since most of the dems elected to federal office got their wealth by inheritance. Part of the reason they feel that wealth is not earned. Most of the Republicans that are wealthy at the time of their election to office earned it. Those two facts say a lot about the attitudes the two parties have about wealth and private enterprise. Reply WARREN, OLATHE 4/5/13 re: Thomas Jefferson quote We need an Obama quote on this. He has some good ones. Waffler would give them 5 stars. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print