Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [851-875] of 1302Posts from WARREN, OLATHEWARREN, OLATHE Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 2/25/08 re: Leon Uris quote Terrorist will gladly use wmd's as soon as a country gives them some. You’re a fool if you think they won't. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/25/08 re: George Washington quote Washington was no. 1 in more ways than one. The fact that he refused to be made King not only made our country possible, it showed the incredible intellect and wisdom of our first president. Reply warren, olathe 2/25/08 re: George Washington quote It seems to be happening in Iraq now too. 13Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild quote True but so what. Money runs the world. Every idea that has been tried to change that has gone to ruin. Get over it. Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Woodrow Wilson quote Waffler - John McCain is trying to get a hold on the right wing and fool it into thinking he is one of them. Wilson was proof the college professors have no business being president. Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: G. Edward Griffin quote Inflation helps the government by putting you in a higher tax bracket when you're income is just keeping even with the cost of living. Man has a problem with logic. 1Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Buckminster Fuller quote Waffler why don't we just get rid of all the rich people that we so rely on for our jobs. We wouldn't be abused by the pay checks or other benefits we get from them. Take all the wealth from them just to make it fair. We can all then be poor and wishing for welfare with no one to give us a hand out because the wealth is gone. 1Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Buckminster Fuller quote If it weren’t for investors there wouldn't be any generation of wealth. With out that there would be nothing for the horrible, evil corporations to rip off. As a matter of fact there would be no evil corporations to create any wealth to be ripped off either. 2 Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Frederick Soddy quote Wealth does not come from the government. Unless you are a Communist. Keynesian economics is rubbish and has been proved to be so every time it is tried. This man was a fool. Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. quote Just another socialist/communist fool. Great hero but a political dunce. Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Aristotle quote If you don't like it don't borrow it. Go find a good communist country and move there. Oops, guess that doesn't work. All the wealth there will be in the hands of the government and who ever the government sees fit to give it to. Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Murray N. Rothbard quote Don't forget Mexico. Soudi Arabia is at no 5, Canada 1, Mexico 2, Venezuela 3, Great Britan 4, Then Saudi Arabia at 5. We have all the oil we need but instead of drilling it ourselves and helping our economy we let Mexico, Cuba, and Venezuela suck it out of the Gulf. It would be bad for the environment if we do it but if they do it it doesn't count. Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Murray N. Rothbard quote Good work Ken. It takes an absolute nut job to think that the war was for Iraq's oil. If that were true it would not still belong to Iraq. The people who profited from the war are the people of Iraq and Afganastan. The people who hoped to gain by it are all in deep trouble or dead. Reply warren, olathe 2/21/08 re: Adam Weishaupt quote Irrelevant people. Reply warren, olathe 2/13/08 re: Wendell Phillips quote Gee Waffler. There you go again. This republic/democracy debate is silly. We have a republic that has leaders democratically elected. Who should care if we call it a democracy or a republic? It is a technicality not worth all the angst that people in here seem to have over it. Reply warren, olathe 2/13/08 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote I have picked on Waffler at times but I don't see the beef here. His reasoning in this case seems pretty good to me. Personally I think we are getting a little too technical with the definitions of things. A democracy may be capable of tyranny but a democratically elected governing body such as ours gives us the power to remove those that get out of line. This gives us a check against any mistakes we make in the electoral process. Granted we haven't had much to choose from in 20 years, but the way our leaders are treated, and the lack of respect we give them even when they are honestly trying to do what they think is best, who would want the job. Reply warren, olathe 2/13/08 re: Harry Browne quote Waffler has a point for a change. Bill of rights are ok but the purist would have to note that the fact that we have the bill of rights imply that our rights must be listed by the government. The fact is it should be the opposite. The list should be of what we must be denied for our own good. All else the government keeps its hands off. 3 Reply warren, olathe 2/12/08 re: Albert Jay Nock quote The founding fathers maintained that the government was a necessary evil. They put as much checks on that evil as they could think of. It is up to the people of this country to see that all the checks are not removed. We are the final check that was intended for our system by the founders. This country was not founded with criminal intent. Reply warren, olathe 2/12/08 re: J. Edgar Hoover quote If the companies leave then she can no longer punish them Mike. Just a bunch of socialist crap. Hillary and her husband got plenty of cash from the corporations during their campaigns. They knew what was good for them. If they didn't donate the Clintons beat them up. 14Reply warren, olathe 2/12/08 re: Harry S. Truman quote Go to his library and read the kind of stuff he said. I was not at all impressed. A lot of socialist clap trap. 2 Reply warren, olathe 2/12/08 re: Franklin D. Roosevelt quote It sounds like his thoughts. Whether he would have had the lack of intellect to have said for public consumption is questionable. However he did direct Hollywood to make Communist friendly movies. I saw one of them. It was starring Lawrence Olivier. It was about a Russian engineer that was trying to make a better propeller for icebreaker ships. It really made out that Communism was a wonderful thing and that everyone was fascinated to hear how great it was in the workers paradise. Some of the lines could make you puke. The Demi-Paradise (1943) was the film. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/8/08 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote I believe the point is that to plead for liberty you must plead the case for all, regardless of the fact that some seem to be too ignorant to put it to good use. 2 Reply warren, olathe 2/8/08 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote Socialism will give us equality in slavery. All except the rulers of course. 111Reply warren, olathe 2/8/08 re: Mayer Amschel Rothschild quote Gonna have to dig him up first Herman. Reply warren, olathe 2/8/08 re: Justice Hugo L. Black quote Congress does have the power to impeach them. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print