[201-225] of 1302


warren, olathe

good time to post this quote

warren, olathe

Waffler it is too bad you can never come up with a rational point. You want to bring up the debate of republic and democracy again? Why would anyone want to debate that when there is simply no way to argue what is plainly established in the constitution. Of course that would need some one to have read, understood, and/or respect it.

warren, olathe

Yes Waffler, forget everything about Hitler. We need to do that so we do not have any apprehension about your guys in office. This is a very accurate and insightful statement that painfully applies to the USA here and now. Fortunately the population is getting wise and is starting to think. If it is not to late already. Hitler is one of the most important people to get to know well. His politics came from this country's progressive party. That is where the "big lie" philosophy came from. That is where he got the politics of hate and envy of corporations, banks, and wealth.

warren, olathe

As usual some have no concept of what equal rights are. To say that people have a right to equal stuff is to say that they have a right to take other peoples stuff. This obvious fact is way over the head of some.

warren, olathe

Takes a real small mind to give this thumbs down.

warren, olathe

Perfectly said Mike. Good explanation on abortion rights. I consider Ayn Rand a personal hero but that does not mean that I agree with every one of her opinions. She based her philosophy totally on reason and not emotion or morality. She lived her life that way also. Morality can not be excluded from the law or society for obvious reasons. That is the one big flaw in her reasoning and she suffered for it.

warren, olathe

Teddy, our press is free to excoriate conservatives and Christians. When Obama doesn't like how a press member is handling something he complains and the press capitulates. This has happened on numerous occasions. Quite frankly the press is both enamored with and afraid of Obama. This is not a free press any longer. The opposing views found on the air and on the internet are under scrutiny and ways of eliminating that opposition are being advanced constantly in congress. The press it's self is trying to silence opposing views in order to promote the left. I fear it will be soon too late if it is not already. Even if you agree with Obama and love socialism, or "economic justice" as he puts it, you should be concerned at giving the government total control over your life. It is inevitable that with unchecked power it will fall into the hands of someone you do not like. Then where will you be?

warren, olathe

No difference between the Hitler organization's tactics and the American progressives. Of course that is where the German socialists got that from in the first place. The only difference is it is a religion here so it taking a hundred years to accomplish is ok with them. It was personal to Hitler so it had to happen instantly. Our method is more likely to be permanent since we are now in unison with the rest of the world. With what has happened in the last 10 to 20 years in election fraud, and what is going on now, it may be too late for the voter to stop this. Future elections are likely to become as big sham as in the Soviet Union. The counting of people in the census can't possibly be any more fair and accurate than vote counting. We may have the ballot box stuffed for us before we even go to the polls. It may be that the left will have many more representatives per voter than the conservatives. Adolph was just a piker. He learned it from us, not the other way around. The masterminds of the socialist propaganda machine in Hitler's Germany studied the progressive's tactics in this country and recreated it in their country. You can study both till blue in the face and you will never find a bit of difference in the tactics. This is getting very frightening. I have relatives that are progressives (I was brought up as one) and they see nothing wrong with lies, cheating, exaggeration or any other tactic if done for 'the greater good'. They totally miss the point that if it is for the greater good then to lie is unnecessary plus the fact that you can't trust anyone that consistently lies to get what they want.

warren, olathe

At least Hitler was honest about his lies. He learned that political philosophy from the American left. Goebbles studied the political tactics of Woodrow Wilson. The difference is that he rushed to the conclusion of the progressive's goals while in this country we just slide there very slowly. That is till now.

warren, olathe

Perfect. We now are in a situation that the Fascist in the White house is systematically removing our ability to feed ourselves while telling us that he is the anointed one that will see to it that we will never go hungry.

warren, olathe

The Republican Party did not appear until Abe Lincoln. Just in case you did not know that rbesrq. Of course the idiotic crap you spew is even more ignorant than your knowledge of history.

warren, olathe

The health care debacle is just a means to an end; succeeding in getting everyone to in some way depend on government for something. Then the only argument will be on how much more of an increase in what ever handout or subsidy. The left will always win that argument because there is no limit to the amount of other people’s money they are willing to spend. The inability to oppose this administration is what is sought. With the census coming up I fear that a fair election may be no longer possible. I would not be surprised if the illegitimate votes out number the legitimate ones in the future in addition to gerrymandering and over counting to such an extent that the left will be grossly over represented in congress. What is happening now is an insult to everyone that fought and sacrificed for the making and preservation of this country.

warren, olathe

Lack of virtue is what is removing our liberty. If one does not take responsibility for his conduct then others will have to do it for him. Freedom and liberty is a big responsibility. The irresponsible person robs us all.

warren, olathe

The last two lines are the operative conditions that are under attack by Obama and company.

warren, olathe

That is why Obama has to rip the heart out of everyone.

warren, olathe

Hard to believe he was a Dem when looking at his party today

warren, olathe

Seems all quotes today are about Obama.

warren, olathe

Great quote! Unfortunately reason is in such short supply that force is all too often necessary/

warren, olathe

If everyone in this world were divided up into families of 4, put in an average home built for an average family in the US, with an average US yard, everyone in the world would fit in Texas. The problem is totalitarian governments. We produce enough food to feed the world but even when we give it away it does not go to where it is needed because the places that need it are run by tyrants. Our aid just props them up.

warren, olathe

Biggest problem we have is gullible stooges that believe any propaganda the fascist left has put out. Global warming comes screaming to mind. Even after the hoax has been proven and the perps have admitted that the data was false and made up for purely political reasons, people still choose to believe in it. Fortunately we are not all stupid.

warren, olathe

True Waffler. That does not make it a good idea to be a "moderate" however.

warren, olathe

Not once have liberals ever rescued any state. They have only enslaved them. Freedom is clearly against their religion. Looking at our country just look at what happens when liberals get control of a city or a state. Look at California. As soon as liberals can do as they please disaster will soon follow.

warren, olathe

At least this guy gets it right. This is the basis for the liberal hatred for reason. It contradicts the emotional investment they have in socialism. That is why the "progressives" loved Hitler before he attacked Russia. That is why they support fascism now. No reason just emotion. Obama is their god. Dare not oppose him. Fortunately the halo has fallen off for many of the ones that were just duped and not true believers. The results in the Senate race in Massachusetts election results gives hope that the fascists/Marxist/liberal control is faltering.

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