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Posts from Waffler, smith

Waffler, smithWaffler, smith
Waffler, Smith

You are right J. We don't pay enough and we are stiffing our kids and grandkids. But you twist his silly quote. He said "revenue drives spending" so the assumption is that if we would cut taxes we would cut spending. Well Bush cut taxes fought a war and never paid for. The cuts were temporary and now that they are due to expire we are accused of raising taxes. The old axiom applies give some body and inch and they take a mile, the conservatives want to claim a permanent right to a temporary (and ill conceived) tax cut which put our nation in jeopardy.

Waffler, Smith

I understand that the nation is now less in debt than we were at the end of WWII. So what is this guy talking about. Look around you we are very very wealthy. The wealth simply needs to be properly allocated to pay off that national debt then taxes should be cut.

Waffler, Smith

Revenues don't matter. They spend any way. This guy obviously never heard of deficit spending. It is true of course that most people spend or invest it and lose very dime they get.

Waffler, Smith

I think you Mike are the last person on earth to know anything. Liberty-tree being disingenous my goodness between Mike knowing everything and having an inside track on problems of the whole world and now liberty-tree being disingenous oh what is person to do or think? (Yeah Editor why don't clear and clean this up! or at least answer the charge of disenguousness.)

Waffler, Smith

How about dropping ideology Archer and embracing pragmatism. China also now has wage laws in some of the coastal provinces and some jobs are moving further in land where cheaper labor can be had. I would assume that you subscribe to the Malthus theory that people should be kept at starvation wages in order to keep them from over populating the planet. The best way to boots wages would be to have less babies. Well I am for that also but studies show that wealth and education also tend to cause folk to have less babies. And goodness knows the most pressing need in today's world is less babies, a shriking population and evironmental integrity.

Waffler, Smith

Tyranny J is a riged vote or election. If elections are fraudulent then I assent to violence to ensure a free and fair election.

Waffler, Smith

Being against progress and change is a disease. The "establishment" was against Jesus, Martin Luther, abolition, electricity, internet, flouride in water, global warming etcetera need I go on. Folk against progress are a diseased bunch. I asked the local leader of the Teas where were they six months before Obama was elected. She said that is a good question. The fact is Mike they are just a reaction to the Obama election. As an acquaintance said they are simply the resurrected KKK.

Waffler, Smith

There are no unlawful government agents. If there are then take them to court. If you lose and keep your opinion etceter turn yourself in to the asylum. That guy that shot at and killed government agents at Ruby Ridge and then lost his wife in the resulting shoot out is sorry for the attitude that he had which is just like yours Archer. Guys like him and you Archer and Mike are nothing more than just petty dictators who see no reason to agree with anyone about anything and only wish to be a law unto yourselfs. The way I see it y'all have all ready gotten your rewards which are petty, trifling sad lives. You are always entitled to use your gun Archer, but be prepared to answer for yourself and justify your actions in court. You however being a superior person and above everyone else (like a dictator) feel uncompelled to answer to anyone, just like little Mikey.

Waffler, Smith

You misread me Archer. I said that the guns and their owners, active military, organized militia, and the unorganized militia (able body men under the age of 45) come under and report to the Commander In Chief. None of them have the right to take up arms against a foreign power or a domestic power without the order of and leadership of the Commander In Chief. That leaves all women and men over the age of 45 I guess available to do what ever they wish to. If the last group takes up arms in foreign or domestic cases I guess they would be fighting the active military, the organized militia, and the unorganized militia all under The President of the USA.

Waffler, Smith

Mike do your own research. You won't believe anyone else and certainly not me.

Waffler, Smith

He is joined by many others including the Mayors of Arizona cities, the Republican Governor of Texas etcetera, etecetera, etcetera that wish that Arizona would not take this action. I like you J am for the Arizona law. I do not understand all the arguments or legalities. The difference between us is I understand a little bit about nuance, respect for others opinons etcetera and acknowledge the fact that I am not a know it all.Obama's enemies will always lose agaisnt him because they operate out of anger and irrationality while he is cool, rational, and intelligent.

Waffler, Smith

GunnyCee is so full of himself he fails to read. I SAID and if you know anything about business you should know that costs get passed on to consumers. If a person cannot stay in business without being paying a decent wage taking care of his taxes etcetera then he should be out of buiness. I met a home builder who hired illegals, if he hired real Americans he said he would have to increase his home price by $20,000. Farmers hire illegals because "real people ask for wages and benefits" a farmer told me. I know more about business GunnyCee than you do so there! Starbucks claims it's success is due to a very happy and satisfied work force, it gives health care to anyone working 20 hours a week. The best employers with the best products have the best wages and benefit packages, why do you think that is Gunny! Why do you think that is Gunny, huh, huh, lhuh?

Waffler, Smith

Of course this is correct. He is talking about self-defence.

Waffler, Smith

Only the self defence part is correct. All guns and "men" come under the Commnader In Chief as far as defending the nation. As far as fighting tyranny that is what the vote if for.

Waffler, Smith

WELCOME POPEYE! We certainly need more realists on this site. Hornberger and all the throwers of red meat to a waiting and ravenuously hungry throng of non-thinking, knee jerking people is the greatest danger to America. The ravenuous throng and those who wish for a real theocracy should pause for at least a nano second and consider why the so called alphabet soup exists. It exists out of real fears of the American people that (1) a fear that people will not pay their correct tax (after all the IRS is only an audit agency and hell every thing needs to be audit or held accountable) 2) a fear that the children will fall prey to drugs 3) fear that people will smuggle tobacco and booze 4) fear that the Madoff's of the world will rob us blind 5) fear that drug makers will kill us as the German Thalidimide folk killed all over the world. That is enough to simply state that Hornberger and his ilk should just keep their heads in the sand until they suffocate themselves. Then the greatest fear to America will be eliminated.

Waffler, Smith

How it is that Mike considers the idea of "one man one vote" to be rule by the Stong, I will never understand. Traditionally wars were waged by nobles who were offended by other nobles, then by eogcentri dictators. It can be argued that Bushes fight was primarily with Saddam Hussein (who had tried to kill his father Bush the first) thus the Strong man idea may even gain sway in a democracy at times but we at least have term limits on the Presidency,.

Waffler, Smith

Without the minimum wage we would have more of both, the super rich, and the working poor. I am sure guys like cal, jim also never heard of slavery, sweat shops, etcetera. Cal if you would read the news you would know that coastal Chineese provinces have increased their minimum wage and jobs in China are moving further inland to the find more slaves. So what is new about that?

Waffler, Smith

J the UN Obama thing is BS. As far as human rights if Americans care about folk having things like "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is it not fair play or turn about that folk care about us having things like that also. The UNCHR is generally known to be a dog and pony show with no authority whatsoever.. The way we act, behave and do thngs in the USA has a profound effect on all other nations. Of course they are aware of our immigration problems and policies as we are interested in theirs.

Waffler, Smith

I think the quote is generally correct but I wonder how the clause that reads "A republican form of government is guaranteed to the states" would fit in here. I could see the Feds moving in if a state gave up "a republican form of government".

Waffler, Smith

The quote should read "dictatorships". Strong men (dictators) must keep appearing to be strong or they will fall. Democracy is the best way to have peaceful nations living in harmony.

Waffler, Smith

How can guys this stupid appear on a "syndicated" web site. It is not a tax on companies but a tax on consumers. We will pay higher costs for the items produced. It is a small inconvenience compared to having folks working yet starving. A shoe mfg. and a shirt mfg. who pay decent wages will have employees who are able to buy each others shoes and shirts. Everybody wins!

Waffler, Smith

Mike I think it is fair to assume that if you know something everybody knows it.

Waffler, Smith

I like it but I understand Renegade's reaction. I have read that from the Indian or Asian subcontinent point of view and from the colonists point of view the Brits were just about the same as Nazi soldiers in thier brutality. Winston was a bit of an Anglofile but there is something also good about our English heritage. But just don't ask the Irish, Scots or Welsh what they think about it.

Waffler, Smith

I doubt that few know of it while on the other hand Judges and lawyers do take an oath to obey all laws. The fact that this happens very, very rarely is evidence that we have few offending statutes on the books in our democratic, jury of our peers society. Some people are just plain silly when it comes to such matters as Judges and courts etcetera, take Roger Clemens for example.

Waffler, Smith

A juror can ask questions of the Judge, he does not have to accept the Judges "absolute authority". If he feels he has not gotten the right answers you can have a hung jury. After a verdict is reached the case can be appealed based on the argument that the Judge erred in explaining the law. Government employees have no absolute authority. An administrative law judge was on CSPAN the other day discussing the number of threats they get from nuts demanding Social Security disability etcetera and threatening him and all doctors who would deny him. The problem is folk who only wish to be a law unto themselves. Finally I can agree with Jim K on this one.

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