Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1001-1025] of 2040Posts from Waffler, smithWaffler, smith Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Waffler, Smith 1/25/10 re: William Blake quote A person should be moderate when it appaears no one else knows what they are talking about. It may be very appealing for you to moderate yourself on this climate change thingy. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/25/10 re: Stanley Fish quote Half truths are 100% more truth than what you ever bring to the discussion Mike. When you start as you do being or at least stating that you are a hater of police and firemen, and detest laws telling you on which side of the road to drive where can you ever go intellectually or as a man. Nowhere I suppose and that is exactly where your arguments and lies lead, Nowhere! 5Reply Waffler, Smith 1/25/10 re: Thomas I. Emerson quote B Fingers you should read The Constitution again and again. It was written and the Nation under it was created "In Oder to Form a more perfect Union" and to provide for the General Welfare. The Feds have been involved in Health Care for a long time. I guess you have never heard of "Center For Disease Control", Federal Drug Administration, Drug Enforcement Administration, USDA inspection of meat packing etc. These entities were creaed for a reason, that being drug makers, meat packers etc were trying to kill us with bad products. Your lack of knowledge of these things makes you a slave to ignorance. I am gald you did not reiterate Ken's digression into climate change denial as further evidence of a sprialing down into the debts of lack of knowledge or ignorance. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/25/10 re: Woodrow Wilson quote Ken you should read the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son.He was somebody because his father was somebody, and he returned home to his father and to his fathers wealth. Well we are a RICH country and if government and society ran things equitably, fairly there is sufficient for all to have a good life. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/25/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote A gobbledegook paragraph like most of what Ronnie wrote and said. He did however nail it in his second to last sentence, "All of us together must bear the burdern." But if he is here insinuating that those who have all the wealth should not help more than they who have none he is and I suggest he did set in motion bad public policy. As Brad Pitt, who gave a million, and others recently proved in the Haiti effort the rich should help more and the Cell Phoners give $10.00. If we can do that for others why can we not do it for ourselves in reference to out national debt. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/23/10 re: Stanley Fish quote Mike's posts are mincemeat. You are so correct RBESRQ. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/22/10 re: Woodrow Wilson quote What you are really saying Carlton is "Screw the founding fathers and their principals." I am not shocked but you are finally showing your true colors Reply Waffler, Smith 1/22/10 re: Woodrow Wilson quote Carlton you are for rights for yourself I take and don't give a damn about others having rights. The differerence I think between us is you are for individual freedom (your freedom) but don't give a damn about the freedom of the brotherhood, human kind. Well as Martin said if anyone is denied freedom it affects us all, if that is globalims so be it. I am sure you know the whole story about the tyrants coming for your neighbor and you say nothing until they come for you, well then it is to late. If you are not for globalism in reference to liberty you or your decedents will not have freedom. You might as well go help Talibanized the world. 11Reply Waffler, Smith 1/22/10 re: Thomas I. Emerson quote Yeah Mr. Scott Brown voted for Universal Health Care in Massachusetts and so now they have it, Strangely enough he is against it for the rest of the US. Queer and strange is it not this thing we call politics. Deniers are those who disrespect facts. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/22/10 re: Henry David Thoreau quote I agree but feel that it is shallow and incomplete and not fully thought out. You see thinks in black and white Warren that way you do not have to bother thinking or adding to the conversation. 13Reply Waffler, Smith 1/22/10 re: H. L. Mencken quote No one knows more than Al Gore. You are hubristic if you think so. Abigail why should I believe you when it is Al Gore that got the Nobel Prize and 90% of scientists and governments disagree with you. There are truths that are inconvient, sorry. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/22/10 re: Woodrow Wilson quote If liberty has to do with the rights of man then it is A Globalist Undertaking. The USA is the biggest globalist power on the planet trying as we should to advance our princiles and freedoms worldwide. If they are not true for the globe then they are not true for us. Now if the globe fights back with their values then so be it that is the hand we have been dealt by the founding fathers. I think the actions WW is talking about is more in the nature of legal actions like Civil Rights Laws, Voting Rights Laws, National Guardsmen as high school student escorts, etcetera. 22Reply Waffler, Smith 1/22/10 re: Thomas I. Emerson quote I don't know what i worry about more free speech or the freedom to lie and misinform. The liars, deniers, deceivers have free speech also and that is scary. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/21/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote RBESRQ - a Prez is not a dictator. Obama is trying. For those who don't think "we" control our government then what is all the bruhaha about Massachusetts? Reply Waffler, Smith 1/21/10 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote If knowing what is good for us defines "dangerous class" then ipso facto is it not Parents that are the real dangerous class. Blowing smoke into someones face or filling a room with it is not an act of freedom but terror and actual, if but slow murder. PS: So is the insensitivity to global warming, forest destruction etcetera. We have killed off species and have saved some by reform, now wake people to our inhumnity to the non-human world. Oh! the hubris (wanton arrogance, recklessly inconsiderate) of that class who think they know more than everyone else and ignore people like Galileo, smoking and cancer researchers, weather and environmental sceince, and Al Gore. 14Reply Waffler, Smith 1/21/10 re: H. L. Mencken quote To deny truth (the truth of global warming) is the same thing that society and the Pope did to Galileo. Oh! will they ever learn, WILL PEOPLE EVER LEARN! Gore speaks the truth, you folks are forever being purely political. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 1/21/10 re: Octave Mirbeau quote Dr J an Ken never forget (if you believe in the Golden Rule) that each one of the sniveling, whining populace have the same right to look upon you in the same way that you or we look upon them, ie. as a part of the snivleing whining populace. Looking upon people that way is a sin called the "pride of life" I believe. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/20/10 re: Robert Briffault quote Cal Ayn Rand loved skyscrapers and the men who built them, Her philosophy has been debunked many times but the young and inexperienced still on occasion flock to her temple just like many Star Trek trekkies. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/20/10 re: E. B. White quote J you read into what ever you want to read into it.I think it is the word "machinery" that triggers your strange reaction. People like to be secure in their person, property and rights it this is provided for by police, laws, and courts. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/20/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote Jim K you are partly correct, people control government because we are the government. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/20/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote BS: If this is true why does not places like Afghanistan, Somalia and drug lord countries like Mexico and Colombia revel in the lack of government and government ineffectiveness. While, as in everything, there is a optimal balance an overly limited government may give rise to an overly aggresive thug and despotic class. As far as balance Reagan never had any. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/20/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote Sounds good but this guy was the mater of sound good but a disaster for economic and governmental policy in this country causing the deficit and debt problems we have today. What "Top Down" meant to him was cutting taxes on the wealthest and hoping it would drip down to the neediest while at the same time running deficts and financing it with borrowing from China and Japan from whom we were to buy are cars and everything else while we laid off the working man here. The guy was thre greatest master deceit we have ever had. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/19/10 re: Robert Briffault quote Oh! how Solomonic. Moderation in all things, be prepared to be tentative, listen, and balance your views. A great quote. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/19/10 re: Henry David Thoreau quote And the corollary is also very true: if there seems to be to much government it is because of the people being incapable of self government. Miles of trash from little eyesores grow, people rob, steal and murder. Solve these and similar problems my friends and government will fanish into thin air. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/19/10 re: E. B. White quote What an idiotic statement! Tell this to the Haitians or the Iraqi's in Baghdad after the fall of Saddam. Or tell this to inner city dwellers who cry out for police presence. Every one knows that without police and law enforcement the world goes to hell. Why or why do you think such things exist? Peope who resent a little personal actual or psychological (what ever that is) discomfort due to obeying rules and regulations for the common good will have neither comfort or good. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print