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Posts from Waffler, smith

Waffler, smithWaffler, smith
Waffler, Smith

Dr Ruwart is an active Libertarian Party member, hardly an unbiased observer.

Waffler, Smith

I am with th Revrend from Northern Ireland on this. I have met many Canadians while RVing in the Southern US. They love the warmth but must spend 6 months up there in order to keep their Health Care insurance. Canadian after Canadian have told me that they like their system of health care.

Waffler, Smith

who can argue with what is "natural". It apparently is our destiny to falter like every one else. We should accept our fate with graciousness.

Waffler, Smith

yes and opposing deceit in the public arena is just as important. We should all oppose the slogan "America is a republic not a democracy" for example. Deceit in the public arena is treason.

Waffler, Smith


Waffler, Smith

Okay Carol after you aswer my question about how you claim that the Stock Market is down this year when it is actually up.

Waffler, Smith

Krista think for a moment think was there not a large divide or difference between Republican and Democrats in Congress and the White House on this Health Care thing for example. How can you say they are all the same?

Waffler, Smith

What the #@$% is he saying. I guess this means he is against the death penalty.

Waffler, Smith

A new or modified power system occurs each and every election. "When in the course of human events" etcetera and down thru history people have adjsted the so called "power system" to fit their needs. Why should we stop now. That is democracy! Byron and Jim are right about the empowerment coming from taking control of self and this includes being awake to public issues and voting. Self empowerment also must include that each are allowed the same empowerment and thus the majority of empowered people in a democracy have a right to win the election. Thus there will neer be a control freak left standing.

Waffler, Smith

It ain't funny. If it is true why is it not true of all alliances. Why are alliances between "nations" any more evil than alliances between any thing else (cities, counties, states, people).

Waffler, Smith

Carol you fail to see the news. The STOCK MARKET HAS BEEN UP ALL YEAR. It is now entering its historic summer slide. IF YOU CANNOT GRASP THE FACT THAT THE MARKET HAS BEEN UP, I DUNNO HOW WE CAN REALLY COMMUNICATE. The other fact is that it is reported that American Corps are flush with cash, while they still fail to hire and people like you blame no jobs on Obama. I really do not get it. And Carol you can redeem yourself with me if you can inform me exactly where Obama increased federal jobs in his first TWO AND A HALF years as President. I really woudl appreciate it and I will keep an open mind.

Waffler, Smith

As some know Mike political liberty often comes from people with no or little money uniting together. We saw it in the American Revolution and we see it now in the Middle East. It is amazing how poorly financed movements can grow. Right doing and justice is beyond mere filthy lucre. My reading of Spooner says he is a cheap skate, self centered ninconpoop. But I always keep an open mind.

Waffler, Smith

Read the news. Corporate profits are up. the stock market was up all year. But the right wing, the Repubs. blame Obama for not creating jobs while at the same time calling for government to cut jobs. Think guys think, the reason profits are up is because they have laid so many off.

Waffler, Smith

It is BS. We have more billionaires, more initiators and inventors, entrepreneurs than any country in the world. The Great Communicator created his fictions out of thin air for political reasons of his own. He created non existent issues, then fix them while running our nation into its current debt crisis.

Waffler, Smith

There has to be more to political liberty than this doesn't it? If you take a broad definition of "money", that is,all that you have and hold dear including life itself, the founders knew that you had to invest it for liberties sake. Thus we had Patrick Henry and so many others willing to sacrifice self and possessions for either liberty or the gallows. The notion that American liberty is about only money is a sick one indeed. The more Lysander quotes I read the less I like him.

Waffler, Smith

Yes robken Archer is good at his false projections, ie, 45% of our money goes to government employees, what hogwash. Anyone who views the USA the way the above guys do just have their heads somewhere else. Did not the Soviet Union and now Communist China follow are precepts for a free market driven economy. Is not the free market that we espouse driving our jobs and our dollars to the cheap labor house of China. Free markets and capitalism are rampant in the world today. Capitalism however cannot solve all of our problems. It fails to maintain highways, fight wars build infrastructure etcetera. It does provide Mercedes Benz and Rolls for its owners but that is about it.

Waffler, Smith

Not all lovers of money work for it. Ayn as usual overstates her case. The inheriters of wealth do not work for it. For them it is just a pure welfare system. Byron is on to the fact that Ayn is a simple one dimensional person. Her books made for simple easy reading for adolescents, and her sloganeering is repeated many non thinkers. I give her one star because the slogan has a nice ring to it.

Waffler, Smith

I am with Reston on this one. As long as my money must be accepted as payment I am happy. And (sic) it is a lot easier than walking around town with a wheel barrow full of the heavy stuff.

Waffler, Smith

War requires extensive cooperation among the populace which is waging it. If this cooperation is termed "big government", so be it. That the war and the required cooperative effort may be instituted solely to increase the power of government is a sad state of affairs indeed. I suggest that Mr. Porter prove his statement. As far as the United States is concerned I do not recall how it has been financially enriched by war.

Waffler, Smith

"You've got to know when to hold'em and know when to fold'em and when to keep'em close to your chest."

Waffler, Smith

Cooperation is a unique attribute of many animals but is highest among human beings. Those who seek only individuality miss this point.

Waffler, Smith

George Washington knew something about attacking a sleeping or at least a drunken enemey. Remember the Delaware Crossing and the attack on Trenton at Christmas time. Someone has said, "All is fair in love and war."

Waffler, Smith

Thinking and then choosing is what freedom is all about. In some southern cities it was illegal (I mean really it was on the books) for a salve to think.The more education there is the more thinking and choosing people can do.

Waffler, Smith

I think of the global warming nay sayers and the earth is flat crowd.

Waffler, Smith

I like associating with educated people. I could choose to live in a land of uneducated persons where no one could read or write. The Bible says "one man sharpeneth another". In our interactions and education we become "better".

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