Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [876-900] of 1302Posts from Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 2/8/08 re: Justice Hugo L. Black quote Your right Joe. I wonder who we are. I think we need to be the jurists and judge a few of them incompetent. Reply warren, olathe 2/8/08 re: John C. Calhoun quote Iwould have a hard time calling him a statesman. He supported slavery and called it a positive good. He was instrumental in getting the debate heated up to the point that violence actually broke out on the senate floor. He maintained that the states had the right to nullify any federal law that they disagreed with. His arguments for slavery were centered on "states rights". He got his way on legislation regarding slavery often with the threat of secession. His inspiration led to the secession of many of the slave states from the union after his death. A rabble rouser yes statesman no. I would want to know what the full text of what this man was talking about before I would want to rate this quote. 6 Reply warren, olathe 2/8/08 re: George W. Malone quote The only reason that we are being steered towards a one world government is that those doing the steering think that they will be in charge when it finally happens. They may be surprised to find out that they will be the first against the wall when the leadership inevitably comes in to the hands of someone that will take all the power to himself. Reply warren, olathe 2/8/08 re: Sarah Gertrude Millin quote Bill Clinton=Rhodes Scholar. We are almost there. This election will be a big step towards a one world government. Its gona get ugly. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/7/08 re: Edward Bernays quote The right to free speech pertains to political speech more importantly that any other type of speech. It is an infringement on free speech to tell anyone when he can or can't run a political ad regardless of how much money he has. We may not like rich people having an advantage in this area but to get away with telling them they do not have a right to free speech just because they are wealthy is the first step towards loosing that right ourselves. Reply warren, olathe 2/7/08 re: Abraham Lincoln quote The "Liberals" that wrote the constitution would be labeled as right wing radical nut jobs today. "Neocon" happens to commonly used instead of 'Jew" today and when I see or hear it it makes me a little offended. I may not be a Jew but I certainly hope that no one here is trying to denigrate anyone just because of his religion. I hope that the use of this codeword is accidental but it keeps showing up with regularity so I fear it may not be. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/7/08 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Populism is a socialist/fascist propaganda tool. Always has been and always will be regardless whether a Democrat or Republican or an Adolph Hitler is using it. The Mexican war happened before the Republican Party got to power Waffler. Still always one card short of a full deck. What in the world was all that crap about Palo Alto Battlefield has to do with anything? I wish I could just get myself to quit trying to make sense out of any thing that you put on this site. I keep thinking I missed something but after several attempts at rereading it I still am baffled because of the lack of cognitive thought in these statements... Reply warren, olathe 2/7/08 re: Ralph Nader quote Sunday is not celebrated as being the Sabbath Waffler. It is celebrated as being the day Christ rose from the dead. The mark of the beast is 666 according to the bible not the 4th commandment. That is also clear in the bible. It was code for Nero not the Sabbath. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/7/08 re: Dr. Kurt E. Koch quote A religious one world government that Christians seek would be installed by god not man. You always miss the most important part in all of your comments Mr. Waffler. A one world government under the control of man would result in the most heinous tyranny the world has ever seen. The slaughter of "undesirables" that would eventually result would be in the billions. Reply warren, olathe 2/7/08 re: Ralph Nader quote The man is a kook. Has always been a kook. I have no doubt that the mark either is coming or is already hear and we don't yet recognize it for what it is. I also have no doubt that the man did not see any such machine and that he is also a nut. I rate it a great quote because it is a great example of the idiocy of Nader. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/7/08 re: Dr. Kurt E. Koch quote There can be now doubt that that statement is an accurate description of what the occult/left wants the world to become. I am sure many on this site have read comments on this site advocating the very same thing. Of course the people advocating one world government maintain that it would solve so many problems. One look at the UN and you could see the error of that logic. Reply warren, olathe 2/7/08 re: Daily Telegraph quote This was in England not the U.S. Don't think much came of it since this is the first I heard of it. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Arthur S. Miller quote Forgot one other valuable piece of poll fact. The pollster often decides after taking the poll to exclude certain groups of people to enhance the results he was fishing for when he designed the questions. Often the entire poll is thrown out if it cannot be used for the purpose of the pollster. Get a politician that follows the polls and you have a puppet of the press. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Arthur S. Miller quote Sorry the purpose of a poll is to express the opinion of the pollster. To understand a poll result you have to know what the pollster was up to and find out the exact questions that were asked. Till then all the poll is is propaganda. 1Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Edward Bernays quote Wow coming to agreement or disagreement is called socialism! That’s a first for me. I never heard that before. I missed it if it were on this site. If some one advocates socialism its socialism. It doesn't make it socialism because someone disagrees of agrees with it. What was your point any way? Lincoln is great. You should read up on him. He never jumped in front of a poll. He certainly knew when it was best to wait before making public an opinion but it was always his opinion. He often went way out of the mainstream with an opinion and it cost him his position in congress when he did so on the Mexican war. Perhaps that is why he was a bit more cautious as president. He backed his people in his cabinet to the point that he willingly took the blame for many of their screw ups. Not the antics of a poll watcher I assure you. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Edward Bernays quote II like that Waffler. Find a stampede and get in front of it. Sounds like allot of politicians we have. McCain will soon find out if he gets the nomination that he will be trampled by it. The press will be the one steering the cattle. Our country is in for a rough 4 years if we end up with nothing but poll watchers in charge. We need leaders that can articulate well and be convincing with fact and not propaganda. With out them the country will be nothing more than a flock of chickens with their heads chopped off. It seems that the trend is if you want to be elected say nothing but noncommittal platitudes and the ignorant will fill in the blanks with what they wanted to hear. I am the person for change! Change to what? I will change welfare as we know it! To what? We will get America back on track! To where? I have listened to an entire speech by a few of the present candidates and did not hear one idea or one solution articulated. Then the people interviewed after were inserting all kinds of things into the speech that they think they heard that in fact were not there. 8Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Mayer Amschel Rothschild quote E Archer, NYC yea I do know about the Rothschild’s. So what. What the hell is your point? You don't think that having control of the money is more power than making laws? If you control all the money do you not have the maker of laws at your disposal? The only thing you would fear is a socialist in power. Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Woody Allen quote I think Woody Allen was just making a funny here. Nothing sinister going on. Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Margaret Atwood quote The oppression of "religion" is the biggest repression of freedom and excuse for denial of human rights in any country at any time. Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Lord Acton quote It is perhaps more dismal to be an oppressed minority. At leased if you’re an oppressed majority you have more of a chance to correct the situation. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: James Baldwin quote You can not give freedom unless you have managed to first take it away. I assure you if it is taken from you you can only get it back if you take it back. Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Woody Allen quote funny. That was the whole point to it. None other. Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Mayor Marion Barry quote And a crack whore in the back seat....with Barry. True baffoon. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Henry David Aiken quote Right on Ken. I get tired of the hate America crowd. Reply warren, olathe 2/6/08 re: Communist Rules for Revolution quote Roger Baldwin of the ACLU could have written it. He certainly advocated the implementation of it. Through the ACLU he has done a good job of getting much of it done. 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